GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
Tribes Getting New Franchise Entry "Tribes: Ascend' news aspro
[] Korea's Rating Board Reveals SF4 Arcade Edition? It looks like it's coming to the con-Seoul. news aspro
[] Steam User Violates EULA, Loses $1,800 in Games Was seeking to sell account. news aspro
Even More Layoffs at Disney Interactive Another 80 team members are now looking for work. news aspro
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Coming to PSN/XBLA Great on the DS - Now Great In HD. news robio
[] Various Activision Studios Defend The Publisher Stockholm syndrome? news aspro
EA:NPD's are "Misrepresentation" They've got a point. news aspro
[] IGN Okamiden Review: 8.5 out of 10 "Okamiden has all the right ingredients for a spectacular adventure game" impressions robio
[] Jaffe Slams Media Praise for Artistic Games I am beginning to see where they got Kratos' temperament from. Twisted Metal news any day now I would bet! phantom_leo
[] Yakuza of the End Delayed Many games delayed or Cancelled Outright following Disaster. news phantom_leo
[] Pachter: Kinect is Outselling Move 5:1 Funny, I thought he'd LIKE holding the Wand! news phantom_leo
[] Prey 2 Announced for PS3, PC and 360 news phantom_leo
[] Crysis 2 8/10 Review from OPM "Excellent but with a bungled opening." impressions phantom_leo
[] (PAX) Off-Screen Deus Ex: Human Revolution Footage media phantom_leo
[] EA -- Mass Effect 3 Info Incoming this Week! news phantom_leo
[] Parasite Eve hits US PSN tomorrow! Get Ready for the Third Birthday! news phantom_leo
[] Irem Cancels Disaster Report 4 Popular disaster survival game close to release is pulled out of respect. news aspro
Angry Birds Maker Says Consoles Are "Dying" And the king of casual isn't talking about red ringing. news aspro
Miyamoto Discusses Zelda and Starfox 3DS Remakes In the latest Iwata Asks. news aspro
Mortal Kombat Appeal Fail Not Classified, Not Banned. STILL. darthhomer
Carmack: "Nothing Beats PS3 - Except 360" No he didn't! news aspro
[] LA Noire Preview "we weren't really struck by the sleuthing" impressions aspro
[] News of Marvelous' New 3DS Game Imagine their hand-drawn paralax scrolling in 3D! news aspro
[] If Not For Id's Support There Would Be No Valve Says Gabe Newell. Must-read. news aspro
Dissidia 012 Review from 1UP "A-" "as original and entertaining as ever" impressions news aspro
3DS Unboxing Gallery Also shows strange publicity choice by Nintendo. media aspro
[] FEAR 3 Preview Sounds pretty good. impressions news aspro
[] Mixed Homefront Scores Causes THQ Stock Drop Stock drops 20%. Current MC is 74%. news aspro
Bioware Employee Boosting Metacritic for Dragon Age 2 Bioware staffer caught giving his game 10/10. news aspro
ESRB Breaks Down Games By Rating 2010 Only 5% were M rated. news aspro
[] First Marvel v Capcom 3 DLC Is Available Today Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath if you still don't know news robio
[] Hackers Who Released 1st Jailbreak Say PS3 Is Resecured "but it doesn’t mean it can’t be broken again from scratch" news robio
[] Homefront Review Scores 9/10, 8.5/10, 6.4/10, 8.6/10, 7/10. 8.7/10. impressions news aspro
[] Castlevania: LOS Getting DLC on March 30 PSN and XBLA. news aspro
[] Ubisoft Announces "Rocksmith" "Guitar Hero is a party game. Rocksmith is a music experience." news aspro
[] PSN January Sales Numbers The PlayStation 3's digital service saw only seven new releases for January. news aspro
[] Interview with LA Noire Creative Lead They go into the facial technology. news aspro
[] 1 in 8 Homes in the US Has a Copy of Black Ops 13.7 million units sold. news aspro
[] First 3DS TV Spot for North America Shows off Street Fighter and submarine game. media aspro
[] Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Preview "competent action game" impressions news aspro
[] de Blob 2 Struggling at Retail Selling well below 75,000 copies in the US and failing to make the UK top 40. news aspro
[] Star Wars: The Old Republic Gameplay Footage Eight minutes of it. media aspro
Infamous 2 Beta Availability They want user generated content for launch. news aspro
[] SquareEnix Setting Up Studio in Canada Will employ "at least 100". news aspro
NGP Price Speculation $250 for wi-fi, $350 for 3G. news aspro
[] Dragon Age Facebook Now Available If you like Dragon Age, and use Facebook, what's to lose? news aspro
EA Outlines Digital Strategy Ten franchises, each making $40 million each. news aspro
[] Molyneux Teases His E3 Announcment A game that can be "played in a second". Now *that's* casual. news aspro
Bungie Takes First Step Toward Setting Up Charity Bungie Foundation will provide grants etc... editorial news aspro
[] Taiwan Gets Colors Exclusive 3DS Taiwahhhn! I guess, they probably make them, so they get their own colors. news aspro
[] Homefront Sells 375,000 in US on Day One THQ's FPS in North Korea. news aspro
[] Sony:"Doesn't Make Sense" To Drop Controllers Eyetoy inventor says hands-on is way to go. news aspro
Japanese Sales March 7-13 2010 Dynasty Warriors 7 debuts at #1. news aspro
[] Legend of Mana Heading to PSN and Parasite Eve 2 if you missed the announcement news robio
[] NPD Looking at Collecting Download Information "We are expanding the number of digital retailers" news aspro
[] Dragon Quest Rocket Slime Getting Sequel on 3DS So far only in Japan. news aspro
[] Crytek Considering Free SDK For CryEngine Similar to Unreal, would enable easier modding/ development. news aspro
[] You Don't Know Jack Demo Hits XBLA Pop culture quiz game. news aspro
EA Hints at Wii 2 Calls Wii a "legacy" system. news aspro
[] Molyneux Picks His Game of the Decade Most don't consider it a "game". news aspro
Famitsu Review of Dead or Alive 3DS In English. impressions aspro
Dragon Age 2 Patch Available Does it make it an RPG again? news aspro
[] Pilotwings Resort Review - 3DS 4/5 "difficulty curve seems harsh" impressions aspro
[] Blizzard: Starcraft Marketplace Still Coming No timeline for release. news aspro
[] "Metacritic Should Cover Critics" Developer Speaks David Braben has clarified a suggestion he made earlier this year. news aspro
Grand Theft Auto 5 Rumor Wrap-Up All the recent rumors in one spot. news aspro
[] Preview: Shoot Many Robots Satisyfying and "great" mechanics. DL later this year. impressions aspro
[] Rumor: New Fallout New Vegas DLC THIS WEEK? Something happening in gaming that isn't hyped for 11 months?! news aspro
[] 11 Minutes of Direct Screen Play of SF4 3DS Amazon has it for $10 off right now. media aspro
WB Commits to Using Unreal Engine 3 Through 2014 So what heppens if a better engine turns up? news aspro
[] Heavy Rain Sequel Ruled Out Cage says games was a one-and-done. news aspro
[] Beyond Good and Evil HD Hits PS3 in May Free avatars for early buyers. news aspro
Silicon Knights Talks About X-Men Destiny Aimi will be a playable character. news aspro
More on Angry Birds CEO's Dying Console Comment Very good editorial response editorial news robio
[] Nintendo 3DS Garners Most Console Preorders Ever On AmazonUK And a nation of cross-eyed children was born news robio
Sony Wins Subpoena of GeoHot's Paypal, YouTube, Twitter Now you're all going to die! news robio
Yakuza 4 Review from 1UP "B+" "Do yourself a favor and try something different." impressions aspro
[] EA: Old Republic MMO Will Have Story Also, a whole bunch of other details on the Star Wars game. news aspro
[] Activision Announces First Kinect Game A sign of Kinect's legitimacy. news aspro
[] Molyneux Admits Fable 3 Shortcomings Says next Fable will be a big leap. news aspro
[] Final Fantasy 6 Finally Released in EU It only took 17 years. news aspro
Insomniac: The Core Audience is Not Expanding news aspro
[] Reggie Interview Tips price cut of Wii. news aspro
[] In-Depth Description of 3DS 3D Slider Ars Technica details how effective it is. impressions aspro
[] Japanese Hardware Numbers From Last Week 3DS continues to lead the way. news aspro
Level-5's California Office Will Be Production Site Not just marketing. news aspro
NGP Games Will Get Simultaneous Digital Release No more waiting or wondering. news aspro
Multiplayer Would Have "Compromised" Arkham City Say the developers, RockSteady. news aspro
River City Ransom Sequel Coming To PC and consoles. news aspro
Crysis 2 Demo on PS3 Getting Pulled Download it while you can. news aspro
Okamiden Review from 1UP "B+" Not without fault, but still great. impressions aspro
[] Pressure Builds on Aussie Govt Over R18+ "We're becoming the laughing stock of the developed world" news aspro
[] Rumor: Multiplayer Silent Hill on XBLA? So says a Konami art dude. news aspro
[] Crysis 2 PC vs. PS3 vs. 360 95 Pictures. Lots of Videos. Don't count this game out! media phantom_leo
[] Rodea: The Sky Soldier Preview A New Hit in the Making from Yuji Naka. Coming to Wii and 3DS? impressions media phantom_leo
[] 3DS Demo Location Tool Find the closest demo station to you. news aspro
[] EA Sports Games Will No Longer Have Manual Giving you one less reason to buy a physical copy. news aspro
[] Second MadWorld Character in Anarchy Reigns The Black Baron, is coming to Platinum Games and Sega's latest collaboration. news aspro
[] Jaffe Details What's Left on Twisted Metal In great detail. news aspro
Duke Nukem Forever Multiplayer Detailed There will be persistent stats and leveling. news aspro
[] Pilotwings Resort 3DS Review 8/10 Great for completionists impressions Ravenprose
[] IGN reviews the 3DS 7.5 impressions Dvader
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Country: US
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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:20:21

Okay this is amusing. I just read Jaffe's blog - about why artsy games need to go away. It's not the easiest thing to read, but if you're able to follow any of Charlie Sheen's rants you can make it through this. They both have the same level of coherancy.

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:21:03

I'm thinking The End's plot may involve some kind of natural disaster somehow, or maybe start/end with a nuclear explosion or something. Yeah, a game involving the last days of Japan is --NOT-- something the world wants to think about right now.

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:02:47
robio said:

No I've got to disagree with you on this. Sure people need distraction and that's all well and good, but no one needs distraction like that. A disaster game is just reminding them of the tragedy of what happened. Besides it's just bad PR to release a game like that following an event like this.  Maybe nothing would happen, but it's not worth facing any potential reprocussions when delaying the game for a few months can essentially eliminate the problem all together.

i can understand that if the game has a earthquake or a tsunami in it then thats fine but thats unlikely and its not only sega that is doing this a lot of companies are and everyone loves killing zombies

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 17:00:22
Taking the dark view of things with regard to the delays, it would likely cost them a lot of sales release games right now.  Sure, maybe people could use a distraction, but that doesn't mean they're going to be willing to head out to the store to pick up a new release.  Given that the first week for most titles is where the vast majority of sales are, it's a risky proposition to go ahead with it.

Also, how about shipping?  If a game isn't shipped yet, I don't know how the damage is going to affect getting the games to stores.

Then there are the retailers, who have to buy copies from the publisher to sell.  They may not be so willing to buy titles right away.  The stores lose money if they have to sell games at much of a discount, so if they don't think they'll sell enough first week, they're going to be sheepish.

I'm sure there are plenty of other factors.  I don't know whether or not it necessarily would be the best business decision to delay, but I wouldn't have a justifiable position to call it stupid.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 17:06:55
eggmiester said:

i can understand that if the game has a earthquake or a tsunami in it then thats fine but thats unlikely and its not only sega that is doing this a lot of companies are and everyone loves killing zombies

Once somebody released an animated film called something along the lines of "The Zombies of Hiroshima".  It didn't go down that well despite how much everyone loves zombies.  Read again what Leo said


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 19:10:59
phantom_leo said:

Anyone that likes adventures and/or puzzles and has access to a DS --MUST-- go out and get 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors NOW!

Started it last night and it is VERY unique and VERY well-down!

I almost started that one last night.  But I started Pokemon Rescue Ranger Red or whatever it's called.

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 19:12:42
phantom_leo said:

I'm thinking The End's plot may involve some kind of natural disaster somehow, or maybe start/end with a nuclear explosion or something. Yeah, a game involving the last days of Japan is --NOT-- something the world wants to think about right now.

Yeah, the main prefecture that has been featured in all the games is destroyed and the dead people become zombies.  No spoilers there, it's in all the trailers.

It would have been tasteless to release it.

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 19:32:32
Agreed. No matter how much I may be looking forward to a game I can certainly live with it being delayed in the event of the tragic circumstances like what recently happened in Japan. Things like that far outweigh any immediate gratification I may get from a simple entertainment product.


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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 20:31:45

Sega did the right thing with Yakuza End. No need for it right now.

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 22:06:17

whats weird is that lately i have been getting bored of movies its so hard for me to set thou a movie or more but yet i can play 10+ hours of game i like

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 23:13:06
Oh sweet. I sure hope Capcom releases Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. From the sound of it it seems pretty certain.


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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 23:59:20

I started Okamiden, its Okami. It starts off just as slow, for an hour you are just watching cutscenes and doing exactly what the game wants you to do. FInally I am nearly 2 hours in and I am finally in control of my journey and have some good basic skills to start. The combat seems easy, I hope the game isnt an easy version of Okami. I also got a glipse of the new gameplay mechanic which is that you have a partner and you can guide him by drawing, this is used for puzzles. Its kind of weird that you still have to pause the game to use the brush, I would have put the game on the bottom screen and made everything real time.

Its Okami 2, fans of the original will love it.

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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:00:36

I saw The King's Speech on the plane today. Such Oscar bait, its an ok movie but nothing special. Great acting but thats about it. The plot is very simple with no real highs or lows.

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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:09:19
I'm a big fan of Okami so Okamiden is certainly on my "to get" list.


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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:11:52
Dvader said:

I started Okamiden, its Okami. It starts off just as slow, for an hour you are just watching cutscenes and doing exactly what the game wants you to do. FInally I am nearly 2 hours in and I am finally in control of my journey and have some good basic skills to start. The combat seems easy, I hope the game isnt an easy version of Okami. I also got a glipse of the new gameplay mechanic which is that you have a partner and you can guide him by drawing, this is used for puzzles. Its kind of weird that you still have to pause the game to use the brush, I would have put the game on the bottom screen and made everything real time.

Its Okami 2, fans of the original will love it.

You make me want it for my trip in two weeks.  Glad to know it stays true to the original.

Edited: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:12:50
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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:31:02


Edited: Sat, 01 Jun 2013 18:28:20
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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:32:37
phantom_leo said:

I'm freaking out a little bit about getting back to work tomorrow...

So many emotions running through me right now, I feel like I'm losin' it a bit!


How long have you been out? Is it cause you have been out for so long or other reasons. Anyway, you say you are getting back so you have done it before, don't worry you will be great.

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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:33:44

My paycheck just got deposited. *Looks at bank account* OMG money?! I'm scared... must stay cool.

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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:37:29

Good luck, Leo.  I'm sure you'll do fine.

Dvader said:

My paycheck just got deposited. *Looks at bank account* OMG money?! I'm scared... must stay cool.

Very cool.  I remember my first school check.  It was like I won the lottery. Nyaa

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Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:41:23
travo said:

Good luck, Leo.  I'm sure you'll do fine.

Very cool.  I remember my first school check.  It was like I won the lottery. Nyaa

I owe so much that I dont even feel its mine. I am saving a few hundred for 3DS and  a game or two.
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