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Archangel3371 (7m)
Isn't mostly Wii exclusives that devs/ pubs bitch about failure?
It really was special. The music made all the difference, but the graphics were also some of the nicest to be seen in the 6th generation. The writing and voice acting was above average too. Ahh...
On Natal: "We're treating this like the launch of a new console," he told Develop." If ever there was a use for a sound out-take of Led Zeppelin's "Dream On" this is it. If I worked at Microsoft on the Natal project, either in a marketing or developing capacity, all I am doing is saving the hell out of every check I make (as well as moving to basic cable and canceling my newspaper).
Yes, and it's often their fault IMO.
And yes in regards to Crimson Skys. Great game.
No, it is always there fault. FACT
The job of a company is to do market research and make a product that the customer wants. If the product does not sell, you the producer made a mistake. Maybe your market research was wrong, maybe it is marketing or perhaps your product just plain sucks. You never blame a competitor and you certainly never blame the customers.
Third parties are, they are blaming their competitors, they are blaming the customer. Third parties are acting like babies. Grown up and shut the fuck up. Nintendo does not own you anything, the customers do not own you anything.
I would take it as a joke, if it weren't for the thin layer of blood now covering my eyes.
You really like your Japanese games eh?
If it has a cheap launch price in Europe I would try it out. But I'm not into the world it looks like they are trying to present. If it was Star wars like or Crimson skies, sure.
That's from a couple of months back. Marvelous already said its because making a wii game costs a lot more than making a PSP game (hence profitability varies). Also note that portables are more popular in Japan, with PSP regularly outselling all home systems including Wii.
So this is no suprise. Marvelous is also the very definition of a niche developer. It's games like Muramasa would fare no better as a PS3 exclusive on disc. No More Heroes sold like 330'000 copies worldwide, yet its Suda's best selling game ever and seen as a success by Marvelous, enough to warrant a sequel and a port of the first game too. Success is measured differently across expectations, but anyone expecting games like Arc Rise Fantasia or Valhalla Knights to sell because they are on Wii or Wii exclusive are kidding themselves.
Yeah and they still don't promote them as much. I see adverts on TV all the time for games like Assasins Creed 2, or Darksiders, or even Uncharted 2. The only adverts for Wii games I see are Nintendo advertising their own games. If publishers really want to test things they need to put the same marketing budget behind a similar quality and budgeted game and see where it leads. Slipping a game through the back door onto the back shelf of a game shop with no advertising is like the worst way of doing things ever.
Look at Activision with Modern Warfare 2 vs MW REFLEX on Wii. Both released on the same day, the Wii game had 5 assey looking screens released from announcement to release. Not one proper hands on preview, no video, no interviews, no new screens, no adverts, nothing. They buried it.
Sounds harsh but the root of what you are saying is true. It's not the responsibility of consumers to buy your game, publishers have to (make you want) their game either by making a game of astounding quality or by using savvy marketing to make you want it.
If you compare gaming to the movie market, essentially it would be like Paramount and Universal putting out indie films and expecting them to sell as many tickets as Transformers 2, or Avatar.
Here's another great example of 3rd parties and wii
Wondering what branches of Ubisoft are working on the multiple versions of Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands? The information below is just what you were looking for!
Quebec City - Wii, PSP
Casablanca - DS
Singapore/Montreal - PS3, 360, PC
So Ubi Montreal the good team (Assasins Creed/Prince of Persia makers) are making the proper game with a game so big Singapore has to do asset and art backup work.
Meanwhile Quebec have only made portable games, terribles ones too. List here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubisoft_Quebec
Games Developed
Their only home console games so far being Cranium Kabooki on Wii and Rainbow 6 Critical Hour on Xbox.
I was just reading a sales thread, it turns out that Conduit has sold more than:
Chronicles of Riddick Dark Athena on 360
Clive Barkers Jericho on 360
Prey on 360
Timeshift on PS3
Call of Juarez on 360
Wolfenstein on 360
So why is there this double standard? Why is everyone lamenting the sales of the Conduit, a mediocre FPS? Why is it that this game is expected to sell millions to be a success while these games go under the radar and no one complains about their sales or blames the platforms?
I'll tell you one thing, considering the cost of developing the Conduit on Wii to these games with HD assets, Conduit would have been a lot more profitable.
More info for you bitches.
Wii sales of Call of Duty games:
Call of Duty 3 1.3 million
Call of Duty World at War 1.39 million
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 570'000
Add this to Red Steel sales over a million you can clearly see there is a market for FPS on Wii.
To put things in perspective 1.3 million is level pegging or beating games like Dead Rising and Lost Planet which are considered big success stories and whose budgets ran over $10 million each. Lost Planet had a combined marketing and development budget reportedly $30 million. There is no doubt that these Wii versions were vastly more profitable. I've talked with Treyarch devs on GAF and COD3 was ported by 5 people or less, WaW done with 25 people and REFLEX had a similar team.
Modern Warfare REFLEX has only been out for a few months, a 2 year old port, with no advertising and still has sold 570'000 so far compared to Dead Space Extractions 180'000 sales. So why are people using Extraction as a measuring stick and ignoring REFLEX sales? Reflex might even go to 800'000 or higher over the course of its lifetime. Imagine if it hadn't been 2 years late and had some form of decent advertising?
Yeah and so no one should be suprised when the Wii version ends up like a ripe turd and sells badly.
But this means that I dont want to be seeing analysts and idiotic marketing execs making retarded statements on industry websites. Nor do I want to see gaming website reporting the news of said poor sales overzealously.
I have a better question. Why the hell is Ubi still making Prince of Persia's? The last on sold badly, the trilogy before that did not sell well at all either. So why do they still keep making them?
that is really eye-opening. seriously, why does nobody ever say anything about the HD consoles or their owners when those games don't sell as well as expected, or at all? And most of those GG listed are relatively recognisable names as well not some shitty new IP from a new developer
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Hash but fair. If they can't deal with the pressure they can always clean toilets for a living.
Guys check this out
"Games Industry Death Watch 2009"
click the link
that is a big list
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Your face is a mess. Song of Healing FTW!
Song of healing WTF. What crap.