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robio (4m)
I really want it, I just can't bring myself to re-buy all those games.
Like amazing set pieces? Awesome bosses? Amazing story twists? Large lobsters with glowing red heads?
Except for Timeshift that's pretty amazing that The conduit outsold those other games. Going by print magazines The Conduit would have been the most heavily advertised of all those games, but still, yeah, I had the impression from the way everyone talks that Conduit only sold 10K or something like that.
If you guys want game another game with insane pacing and set pieces try Sin and Punishment 2.
Today I read the magazine Gamestm and both Bayonetta and Sin and Punishment 2 scored 9/10.
Well, actually, that's partly true. I love aviation stuff like WW2 planes, semi-fantasy aviation like Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge.
Which is why this game has got my interest. The Japanese anime influence is just a plus because that means this game has a story. Most aviation games are boring with a bland presentation that's mission based with no narrative to give it any purpose other than the fulfill objectives.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Isn't that just an on rails shooter. No matter what is going on onscreen aren't you just moving around shooting stuff on rails. Meh.
SEGA guy in a bot translated interview with Gamekult.
Seems though he understands why Madworld sold as it did.
G: With this type of volume for MadWorld, you feel you have reached all the target gamer for the Wii?
JR: With MadWorld, we believe we have struck a good portion of the target. Take into account that this is a good enough "type", and if you take the number of people interested in the action game gore or horror, it is in the absolute a small population, and this, beyond the issue of platform. It is not as unifying a party game or even a FPS, for example. Therefore, we believe we have made "full", even though the margin of increase is still possible.
Someone with sense.
I think part of the reason is that people always look at total sales, across PS3/360 and PC. If you look at individual platform sales, apart from a few high volume sellers, the single platform sales of games across the platforms are fairly similar. But instead of looking at the profit and loss, the risk vs reward of putting out a Wii game made by 20-40 devs on a fraction of the budget versus a RE5 with 300 team members, publishers are just picking out games and expecting them to do something instead of recognising the games that already have done something. Or the cost of making them.
Monster Hunter 3 is almost, we're talking a couple of thousand copies away from being a million seller in Japan, its the biggest selling home console Monster Hunter ever. It's as hardcore as it comes, falls nowhere near the casual wii market either. And still has two markets to launch in. Of course I dont expect it to do well in the west, but when has Monster Hunter ever done well in the west? Yet when it sells 200k or whatever we will inevitably hear the same old cry about 3rd party games.
Instead of publishers saying, whoa here is this big adventure game that has sold a million in just one territory we have people focusing on a 5hr lightgun shooter.
Damn, now i'll have to get it soon!
Ditto. I have no excuse to not get it, since I've never played any Metroid game before.
I've played all 3, but I still want to get it.
Agreed on the not wanting to re-buy them all. I paid $50 for all three individually, so playing another $50 for games I already own with slightly downgraded graphics but slightly upgraded controls just doesn't work for me at all.
Especially when, as in my case, I have not played any of the first 2 and only about 90 mins of the third.
Holy Cow! MW2 for PC was $60 through Steam? That's so lame of Activision. Console pricing for PC games and no box, manual or transportation costs, no fair.
Hey on Steam do they charge state sales tax in the US?
May as well stop the first now (you've played the good bits anyway
) and get right ontot he first one!
I've seen Modernwarfare 2 on Steam for $70 US... :/