The D-Pad's Last Stand
A button-less handheld from Nintendo is in our near future. editorial
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robio (9m)
I cant get the videos to load, even the youtube versions.
^ Get a better browser.
Confirmation that Archiebold is a cat.
Confirmation that Steel is a cat
OMG this cat is two face from Batman
You aren't the only one to have said that, let me assure you. Then again, that's not a particularly great picture of me.
So yeah, the 360 is alright. Do need to get a few more things for it, as well as sort out some bullshit that happened to me...
Well either way you're a special young man with many special qualities. Hope you had a good one.
I I left the game at 20-ish stars, but my kids have been running rampant throughout the game, finishing it with various save files. Eventually, they reached my save file, and started playing in it, so when I got back to it, the game was at 30-something stars. I've been trying to find the stars they're missing on the galaxies they already started before moving onto new ones.
So..I dunno.
You look fine to me. Very handsome, and probably hung. Happy belated birthday.
You are a terrible liar.
Well that settles it, delete it all and start over. And don't stop until you have 121 stars. Go for it, your manhood is at stake.
Do you think I should? I think I should because I'm feeling a little clumsy with some stages right now.
Also, I finally updated the Wii's firmware. It took ages to download, and I was jumpy the whole time. Thank Crom, nothing happened.
I like to live footloose and fancy-free. Whenever there's an update for my consoles I throw caution to the wind and download it asap. Never had a problem yet and I'm not even going to knock on wood. That's just how I roll baby.
So I played a couple of hours of Another Code on Wii.
If you ever wanted to play as a 16 year old angst ridden girl and yell at your father for ruining your life... well buy it.
If you ever wanted to know what its like to play a DS game on Wii, buy it. Sit there pressing the A button to perilously slowly scroll through dialogue.
I got off a bus, walked into the camp and talked to dad. And this was 2 hrs of gameplay.
Old news is old but still awesome.
*Looks in wallet, finds $20 cash*
Hobo for the win.
thanks, i will keep the game shrink-wrapped ... and will sell it to some poor unsuspecting soul when it gains rarity and cult status
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You won't be disappointed. The game is a steal at that price.
It could get better, I guess. There is some merit. Though its quirks are interesting bordering on.... well between interesting, archaic and inventive. Hmmm.
I guess part of the problem is the platform. I play games like this on DS in bed, like reading a book, doing it on the big screen you expect a lot more, like voice acting godamnit. It has wonderful cel shaded visuals and yet the characters mime. You often have to press A to skip through one word, one line of dialogue even when other games like Zelda/animal Crossing let you read 6 lines at once. Even on the fastest text scroll setting it is slooooow.
I didn't play the original DS game so I dont have the backstory, its summarised here but not in a meaningful way.
It has a neat investigatory aspect, you get an over the shoulder RE4 viewpoint only you pivot on the spot. Unfortunately there is detail for the most mundane of items, not just the important stuff. So if you are like me and want to check out everything in the environment you get a line of text for every bin, window, flowerpot and blade of grass.
The side on viewpoint is again..... interesting. Cant tell if I like it. It's quite strange really watching someone jog from the side. Visually its lovely though.
It's hard to get a grip or get excited though when so far it feels like an episode of Dawsons Creek.
How can you not already own this?
I hate you. For this and for the Little King.