Exclusive Rides For Gran Turismo PSP Preorders"The five preorder vehicles might already be in the game, but preordering means that you don't have to pay to unlock them ..."kotaku.com Ravenprose
A Boy and His Blob gets new voicework"WayForward has confirmed that they've re-recorded all of the voicework for the Boy, in order to make him sound less whiny."gonintendo.com Ravenprose
Dead Space: Extraction Story Trailer"More than four minutes of must-see new direct-feed footage that will have your jaw on the floor."ign.com Ravenprose
Still Sick. Very Cranky. Heading out to Madison Square Garden soon anyway. I HATE being sick in the Summertime, DAMMIT! I'll be playing some Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor on the way there, pretending to be a demon infecting Manhattan with Bubonic Plague.
Why is Uncharted 2 news not major, that is the new trailer to what maybe the GOTY. It is mindblowingly awesome, even in a different language.
New trailer is not major news. Neither are Endless Ocean scans, but GG is doing the updates. Would not make him angry!
What is GG going to do, get on a podcast and yell at me. Thats not going to happen.
I am quite busy lately, so GG does 80+ % of the news. Seeing as this site is made for news gathering and GG is currently the only one who does the news, I would advice you to not piss him off.
I have no idea why not, I just like saying stuff like that to see GG get angry.
Yeah, I do that sometimes too.
Dvader said:
Its not a game that will be on my radar to pick up when it hits, it will be one of those I will get it cheap games.
Same here. I'll probably rent it to see if I like it.
I was thinking of buying it day one, but then I read there's no waggle. Boo, Crapcom! Boo!
In all seriousness, I'd really would've preferred it to have Motion+ swordplay, at least as an option.
renting it won't help you though as you'll likely need a hunter's licence with it (if online is pay to play like it is in japan). same goes for getting it used i guess. seriously though, how is renting going to work? those that rent it during the first 20 days get to play online and everyone else from then on is screwed?
i think i will buy it and just play it for the first 20 days. i hate the idea of monthly fees
renting it won't help you though as you'll likely need a hunter's licence with it (if online is pay to play like it is in japan). same goes for getting it used i guess. seriously though, how is renting going to work? those that rent it during the first 20 days get to play online and everyone else from then on is screwed?
i think i will buy it and just play it for the first 20 days. i hate the idea of monthly fees
Whoa is it online play-only? I thought it could be played single player too?
renting it won't help you though as you'll likely need a hunter's licence with it (if online is pay to play like it is in japan). same goes for getting it used i guess. seriously though, how is renting going to work? those that rent it during the first 20 days get to play online and everyone else from then on is screwed?
i think i will buy it and just play it for the first 20 days. i hate the idea of monthly fees
Whoa is it online play-only? I thought it could be played single player too?
i think it does yeah, it's not online only but i guess it's at the very least multiplayer focused. and some quests are really hard for just a single player
I'm finally back from visiting some family, swimming, saunas, putting out a raft and boat launches for later on when more family come to visit. I haven't played anything for like a week and need to get my gaming fix in. Picked up some MS points to do some shopping. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Gears of War 2 downloads incoming soon.
Smaller install sizes for the 360's HDD is cool. Female character to play in a Gears of War game? Hmm interesting.
So anything amusing been going on here or at Gamespot's GGD board?
renting it won't help you though as you'll likely need a hunter's licence with it (if online is pay to play like it is in japan). same goes for getting it used i guess. seriously though, how is renting going to work? those that rent it during the first 20 days get to play online and everyone else from then on is screwed?
i think i will buy it and just play it for the first 20 days. i hate the idea of monthly fees
Whoa is it online play-only? I thought it could be played single player too?
i think it does yeah, it's not online only but i guess it's at the very least multiplayer focused. and some quests are really hard for just a single player
Oh, I thought it was single player focused with some optional online stuff.
I'm finally back from visiting some family, swimming, saunas, putting out a raft and boat launches for later on when more family come to visit. I haven't played anything for like a week and need to get my gaming fix in. Picked up some MS points to do some shopping. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Gears of War 2 downloads incoming soon.
Smaller install sizes for the 360's HDD is cool. Female character to play in a Gears of War game? Hmm interesting.
So anything amusing been going on here or at Gamespot's GGD board?
I've been doing very little gaming. I play the, disappointing, Street Fighter IV once in a while but that's it.
What? I played it and it seems very polished and fun, if slower. Why does it disappoint you?
Because it was just your classic Street Fighter with 3D graphics, flashy effects, new characters, and the revenge meter. I also far prefer the play-style and feel of Third Strike and Alpha 3.
gamingeek said:
SAN MATEO, Calif. — August 3, 2009 — Capcom® Entertainment, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced that Monster Hunter™ Tri will be released in both North America and Europe for Nintendo’s Wii™ system in early 2010.
Monster Hunter Tri will set a new bar in the action/adventure genre with the introduction of new features and game play elements as the multi-million unit selling franchise makes its debut on the Wii system.
One of the most strikingly beautiful titles ever developed for Wii, Monster Hunter Tri depicts a living, breathing ecosystem where man co-exists with fantastic beasts that roam both the land and the sea. Featuring both online and offline cooperative modes, players can join online hunting parties with up to four players or play with two players on a single TV for select quests. Players also have the option to face Monster Hunter Tri’s challenging quests as a single player experience accompanied by Cha-Cha, an AI hunting partner whose tracking and trapping skills will prove invaluable in the hunt. New items, weapons and armor sets will also be available to assist the hunters as they embark on the most incredible Monster Hunter adventure to date.
“Fans of Nintendo and Monster Hunter are eagerly anticipating the launch of this title in the US, which will be the first time the series is available on a Nintendo home console,” said Steve Singer, Nintendo of America’s Vice President of Licensing. “Having Capcom bring Monster Hunter Tri to the Wii console provides tremendous action, fun and entertainment to both veteran players and series newcomers alike.”
Visitors to this month’s GamesCom European gaming convention in Cologne, Germany August 19-23, will be the first to sample a localized version of the title on Capcom’s stand as it makes its English debut for a western audience. GamesCom attendees will have the opportunity to play the same game that took last year’s Tokyo Game Show by storm, with lines that stretched around Capcom’s stand as eager Japanese gamers waited in excess of five hours to play.
This desire to be one of the first to experience Monster Hunter Tri is indicative of the impact the Monster Hunter franchise has made on videogame culture in Japan. With sales of the series totaling well over 10 million units and 3.5 million sales of Monster Hunter Portable™ 2ndG alone, it’s no surprise to find that Monster Hunter has given rise to dedicated “training camps”, country-wide festivals and numerous licensed products. The franchise doesn’t just top the charts in Japan; it’s become a social phenomenon.
More information on Monster Hunter Tri will be revealed in the upcoming months. In the meantime, please visit the official Capcom press site at http://press.capcom.com
I'm finally back from visiting some family, swimming, saunas, putting out a raft and boat launches for later on when more family come to visit. I haven't played anything for like a week and need to get my gaming fix in. Picked up some MS points to do some shopping. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Gears of War 2 downloads incoming soon.
Smaller install sizes for the 360's HDD is cool. Female character to play in a Gears of War game? Hmm interesting.
So anything amusing been going on here or at Gamespot's GGD board?
What is GG going to do, get on a podcast and yell at me. Thats not going to happen.
Hey Darth, Can I borrow that when you are done with it?
Very Cranky.
Heading out to Madison Square Garden soon anyway.
I HATE being sick in the Summertime, DAMMIT!
I'll be playing some Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor on the way there, pretending to be a demon infecting Manhattan with Bubonic Plague.
Same here. I'll probably rent it to see if I like it when it comes out, though.
I was thinking of buying it day one, but then I read there's no waggle!
Boo, Crapcom! Boo! 
In all seriousness, I'd really would've preferred it to have Motion+ swordplay, at least as an option.
I am quite busy lately, so GG does 80+ % of the news. Seeing as this site is made for news gathering and GG is currently the only one who does the news, I would advice you to not piss him off.
renting it won't help you though as you'll likely need a hunter's licence with it (if online is pay to play like it is in japan). same goes for getting it used i guess. seriously though, how is renting going to work? those that rent it during the first 20 days get to play online and everyone else from then on is screwed?
i think i will buy it and just play it for the first 20 days. i hate the idea of monthly fees
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Whoa is it online play-only? I thought it could be played single player too?
i think it does yeah, it's not online only but i guess it's at the very least multiplayer focused. and some quests are really hard for just a single player
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm finally back from visiting some family, swimming, saunas, putting out a raft and boat launches for later on when more family come to visit. I haven't played anything for like a week and need to get my gaming fix in. Picked up some MS points to do some shopping. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Gears of War 2 downloads incoming soon.
Smaller install sizes for the 360's HDD is cool. Female character to play in a Gears of War game? Hmm interesting.
So anything amusing been going on here or at Gamespot's GGD board?
I did some updates.
Hamster Life 2
Oh, I thought it was single player focused with some optional online stuff.
We finally got GG on a podcast.
I haven't been to the GGD in yonks.
Because it was just your classic Street Fighter with 3D graphics, flashy effects, new characters, and the revenge meter. I also far prefer the play-style and feel of Third Strike and Alpha 3.
Can't wait!
One of the site's forefathers.
Ah, time to make some more PSP threads!
This just in.................RUMOR: Sega making Phantasy Star Portable 2
GT Portable box-art!
Strikers 1945 Plus downloadable game for PSP out now!!!
Since we here at VG Press talk about the PSP so much.....
(Goes back to my room to play Suikoden Tierkreis!)
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Lies! right?
For those that might be interested, Pete dorr is doing a live stream of Little Kings Story right now.
WTH? A demon cow boss?
EDIT: And . . . it's over.
That's great news!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileJapanese Voice Actress Getting Her First Trading Cards in September