Gamebrit review Boom Blox Bash Party
'Buy Boom Blox, and let yourself have a lot of fun.'
Tiger Woods 10 Wii Crispygamer review
Improved far more than the other versions
Crispygamer reviews Staff of Kings
"Memorable moments, surprises & tons of unlockables"
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Adds Trophies and Gameplay Tweaks
More of LucasArts classics could be on their way.
More liek LucasFarts, amirite? Put down that shovel, GG. I was only joking. No! NO!
Wii being used to help doctors.
No, this has nothing to do with Trauma Series.
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Can they handle Activision pressure?
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Miyamoto enjoys working on two Mario games at once, as it allows him to share ideas between the two...and Nintendo loves making games for traditional gamers
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"Let's Tap is a compendium of pure mini-game joy."
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I checked the metacritic scores for Tiger Woods '10 and the Wii version is 87 and 360 is 82 so it seems pretty close although you have to give and take the standards of the two systems.
tiger will be interesting. i've played no other golf game besides mini golf in super monkey ball, and i have no interest in the sport but the reviews still make this tempting. don't understand archangel's decision to get the 360 version as i'd have never even considered this for a second had it not been for wmp controls though i do understand how achievements and live community can mean a lot.
boom blox 2 i think i'm going to hold firm and not buy this until it becomes a hobo bin game (i am the reason for the industry's ruin). i have the first one still in shrink wrap.
i'm almost certainly getting Let's Tap... nice price + awesome control scheme + Rez like visuals and music + boxes of hankies = game of the century
also very tempted to get jungle beat since my GC version along with my donkey kongas and bongo controller got stolen
more than any of these (except maybe Let's Tap) i'd want an arcade stick for street fighter but i don't know if i can ever justify spending that kind of money on a controller.
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Be sure to give a review to us for Let's Tap. I've been interested in the game for a long time, but I'm not completely sold on it, even at $30. I'm just not convinced there's enough gameplay there.
reading between the lines in the ign review i'm thinking it's probably a little light on the gameplay (especially for single player) but it provides good (even deep) multiplayer fun and competition and the presentation is a huge bonus. actually now thinking about it ... presentation is more than just a bonus in a game of this nature, it's an integral part of gameplay. Or am i just "style over substance". Help me out God of Trendy i'm getting all existentialist...
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Not this standard bullshit again. Stop looking at the score and read the reviews they all say that the Wii version is the best golf game ever. There is no way in hell a dual analog can be as immersive and precise as the WMP.
P.S. Wii Sport Resorts will also have a golf game included. You might want to skip Tiger Woods all together and wait for next year version!
Besides, isn't this a bit like saying "the best bass fishing game ever"?
I mean, golf....*snoooooooooooooooooore*.
Tiger Woods Golf looks like ass on Wii. I'm all for the Motion Plus controls improving the game, but why does EA use the same graphics engine year-after-year? Hell, it still looks like a PS2 game!
I'm waiting for the Natal version.
Anyway I read 1Up's review for both the Wii and 360's version and I've tried the 360 demo of the game and liked it very much. I like the better graphics, the achievements, the 360 online community, and voice chat so I'm quite happy to go with the 360 version of the game myself. About the metacritic scores I'm just saying that the reviews for the 360 version are fairing pretty good as well, I mean they're hardly saying it's horrible or anything. My mind is made up like a Hobo's death grip on a bottle of whiskey. Resort Sports has a very nice smattering of games included and I'll probably enjoy that golf game as well.
Seriously... GOLF talk, what is wrong with you Iga.
Oh yeah let me not play awesome action adventure games so I can play FAKE GOLF. Shut up.
The only thing centralized in Iga's pleasure center is the HapticMaster. Abused by all kinds of disturbing anal activities.
True, but the HD versions are also not pushing the envelope with graphical fidelity either. What's the chance that next years Wii version will have Grand Slam Tennis like graphics?
Actually I am curious about a Natal version, how accurate can it track you smallest motions? The WMP measures the linear acceleration and angular velocities, so the smallest twists can be easily measured. I don't think the same thing is possible with a single camera.
Don't worry about the sales of Tiger Woods, they always sell the best on the Wii. Hobo prefers food from the trash, while the rest of us eat in a restaurant.
About Tiger, I was planning to buy it, but I wasted my money on 7 games, so I am broke again. I brought Bully, de Blob, Eledeed (Elebits), MadWorld (NTSC verion), No More Heroes (NTSC version), Okami and Little King's Story!
this is true, at least not in 3D space. in fact a 3D camera is only pseudo 3D so i don't think it's possible with a single camera either.
another problem is force-feedback as robio and miyamoto have been saying. imagine swinging your arms and not feeling anything when the club supposedly makes contact with the ball.
edit: iga is your masters running full time through the summer? if not do something for a little bit of cash so you can buy tiger and other lush games. i think you were right to get 7 great slightly older games instead of 2 brand new ones for the same money.
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Will post a full review sometime soon. Also need to give you guys impressions on Grand Slam! I've not forgoten.
If you're looking for a game to show off motion plus at the moment, buy Tiger Woods. Grand slam is fiddly and takes some getting used to where as Tiger woods is something your Nan could play
why was i under the impression tiger woods was not released in the UK until 3rd july?
please give extended impressions on both games
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Well if you stopped rubbing his crotch it would return to normal.
Even though GSTennis is getting great reviews the one thing putting me off is talk of the difficulty. I have a feeling that has got loads to do with the grip.
I do actually love golf titles, but fun ones like Mario Golf or We Love Golf is more my thing. Tiger woods looks so dreadfully dull by comparison but golf and tennis games are just about the only sports games I play. And I dont even like playing or watching real world golf.