Interview: 5TH CELL Talks ScribbleIGN talks shop with creator Jeremiah Slaczka, and chat about the Warner Bros. deal, the current state of the game, and Iga_Bobovic
Scribblenauts Gets a PublisherBalance your DS budget now. It's officially "on" for one of the most innovative and ambitious games on the Iga_Bobovic
"After seeing the reaction to the videogame in the United States and
hearing opinions sent through phone calls and e-mail, we decided
several days ago not to sell it" a Konami spokesperson told Japanese
news site Asahi.
Whether this means the game has been scrapped entirely, or whether developers Atomic Games can shop it around to another publisher that has the balls to release it, is unknown.
Started up Elder Scrolls IV. Much better paced than my brief stint with Morrowind, but it's losing steam fast given there seems no point in levelling up. Probably going to find a mod to fix that.
And what with Patrick Stewart being killled off in the first few seconds. I remeber sitting down with it (after not liking Morrowind) thinking, "okay clean slate... Oh shit! Patrick Stewart! This game is going to be AWESOME!" and then like 45 seconds later going, "Those CHEAP BASTARDS!!!" I stopped playing about 10 minutes later.
I'm playing Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword for DS. It has ridiculously high production values.
Thank god for that. I was sick of hearing about it on the podcasts. Funny thing is, if it was a movies first then no-one would blink and eye if it was released as a game of the movie.
Whoa, hideously compressed for the win. The IGN Developer video interview shows some good stuff. Good that the Fallujah game was canned. Common sense prevails?
aspro73 said:
Yodariquo said:
Started up Elder Scrolls IV. Much better paced than my brief stint with Morrowind, but it's losing steam fast given there seems no point in levelling up. Probably going to find a mod to fix that.
And what with Patrick Stewart being killled off in the first few seconds. I remeber sitting down with it (after not liking Morrowind) thinking, "okay clean slate... Oh shit! Patrick Stewart! This game is going to be AWESOME!" and then like 45 seconds later going, "Those CHEAP BASTARDS!!!" I stopped playing about 10 minutes later.
I'm playing Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword for DS. It has ridiculously high production values.
I didn't mind. Stick with it, I love Oblivion. Love it completely, apart from some open world quirks and repetition. What's worse was killing off Proffessor X in X-men the Last Stand. Whose great idea was that? That's like cutting the heart out of the movie.
I got an import of Excitebots seeing as we haven't had a release date for it over here in the UK yet. First import I've tried to get to load and it works a treat! I can even play online I'll grab my friend code tonight for ya'll.
Also still playing through Oracle of seasons, can't believe how much content that game's got!
I was watching a few videos for Monster Hunter Tri this weekend too, I think I'm more excited for that game than any other game this year (Please release it out of Japan!) I'm a big fan of Phantasy star online 1&2 and the game looks set to play very similar to those. At least we should be getting Phantasy star Zero for the DS. Any of you guys likely to pick that up when it comes out?
Pick which up PS0 or MH3? i'm really liking what i've seen so far of either one of these games so there is a good chance i will get at least one of them, i think MH3 is more likely as most people here play the Wii more than the DS so i would have a better chance of connecting even though it's much easier for me to play on the DS
Also how to you play imports? Do you use freeloader for the wii or a hard mod? is it hassle free? i'm interested.
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:
Been playing: Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars, World of Goo (trying OCD challenges), Animal Crossing and Rhythm Heaven
I also tried some OCD challenges. The second level was tough. Took me a while until I got the OCD. I am worried that the later and longer levels would be frustrating to try to OCD. Very annoying to work for 10 minute only to realize you made a mistake at the beginning. Been also playing Castlevania 3, still stuck at the same level, but I did reach the boss multiple times. So I am getting better.
Yes some of them can be quite frustrating, also I don't know if there is a way of knowing how many goo you need to get the OCD flag at a given level and sometimes i'm sure i keep working even after i've missed it only to find at the end i don't have enough goo left. did you mess with the world of goo corporation at all?
Been playing: Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars, World of Goo (trying OCD challenges), Animal Crossing and Rhythm Heaven
I also tried some OCD challenges. The second level was tough. Took me a while until I got the OCD. I am worried that the later and longer levels would be frustrating to try to OCD. Very annoying to work for 10 minute only to realize you made a mistake at the beginning. Been also playing Castlevania 3, still stuck at the same level, but I did reach the boss multiple times. So I am getting better.
Yes some of them can be quite frustrating, also I don't know if there is a way of knowing how many goo you need to get the OCD flag at a given level and sometimes i'm sure i keep working even after i've missed it only to find at the end i don't have enough goo left. did you mess with the world of goo corporation at all?
You can see the OCD requirement in the menu screens. It's under the OCD tab. Some OCD are time based and not Goo ball based.
I did only try the World of Goo tower building a few times, never anything seriously just yet. Maybe after I get more Goo I will try.
I'm afraid to say it's a mod chip. I wouldn't recomend it, they're a pain in the arse. I was told I'd be able to use the Wii as a DVD player with it, and could I? Could I bollocks! Now I have to worry everytime a system update comes out that I'm going to brick my Wii.
Btw, before someone asks, I'm not into pirating stuff (I even keep recipts for all my games lol, I'm anal as anything) so the whole thing was a waste of time. I'd look into free loaders if I were you.
Although I'm tempted to try and copy that Monster hunter tri demo lol
I'm afraid to say it's a mod chip. I wouldn't recomend it, they're a pain in the arse. I was told I'd be able to use the Wii as a DVD player with it, and could I? Could I bollocks! Now I have to worry everytime a system update comes out that I'm going to brick my Wii.
Btw, before someone asks, I'm not into pirating stuff (I even keep recipts for all my games lol, I'm anal as anything) so the whole thing was a waste of time. I'd look into free loaders if I were you.
Although I'm tempted to try and copy that Monster hunter tri demo lol
i heard that you can play DVDs on the wii using a softmod to get the homebrew channel. something about using the twilight princess hack. i read about it once but it sounded more trouble than it was worth
I'm afraid to say it's a mod chip. I wouldn't recomend it, they're a pain in the arse. I was told I'd be able to use the Wii as a DVD player with it, and could I? Could I bollocks! Now I have to worry everytime a system update comes out that I'm going to brick my Wii.
Btw, before someone asks, I'm not into pirating stuff (I even keep recipts for all my games lol, I'm anal as anything) so the whole thing was a waste of time. I'd look into free loaders if I were you.
Although I'm tempted to try and copy that Monster hunter tri demo lol
i heard that you can play DVDs on the wii using a softmod to get the homebrew channel. something about using the twilight princess hack. i read about it once but it sounded more trouble than it was worth
Yeah I've seen it done, seems to work well. I had the chip installed soon after the launch and the hombrew stuff hadn't kicked off by that point. It's not something that bothers me too much now as I've got the 360 HDDVD player which does an awsome job upscalling. I've also got a bluetooth dongle so can use the Wii mote as a novelty DVD remote on my PC when I want too lol
Do any of you know if it's possible to remove a mod chip very easily?
It's not something that bothers me too much now as I've got the 360 HDDVD player which does an awsome job upscalling. I've also got a bluetooth dongle so can use the Wii mote as a novelty DVD remote on my PC when I want too lol
Do any of you know if it's possible to remove a mod chip very easily?
Nice speak you gave their GG. Not much to add you kind of covered it all.
As for FPS, I get tired of them as well, the majority of them bore me after a few hours, I cant play them for an extended period of time. Sometimes I feel none of them try anything outside shooting things, just shooting things with no other gameplay elements doesn't make for an interesting game. But every once and a while a FPS comes along that has elements from action/adventure games, they have puzzles, boss fights, exploration aspects, they have evolving powers etc. Its those FPSs that I love, HL2 being the all time best I have played, to me that game just so happend to be in the first person view point, it has so much variety, it does everything.
Bioshock is like that, Rapture is not like most FPS worlds that are usually straight lines. It almost has a tiny bit of Metroid where you gain new powers that you use to open up new areas or find previously hidden ones. Combat isnt just shooting, you can do a variety of attacks so that is very welcome. The combat scenarios are no where near as varied as HL2, so its not in that league but like HL2 its more than just a FPS.
I think that FPS have a very hard time of because the viewpoint and gameplay is basically set by the genre, you point, you shoot. It's only when games like Chronicles of Riddick go out of their way to incoporate other genres than it works well. HL2 was cool, but the driving sections were far too long, I enjoyed it it just didn't live up to the hype for me, the gravity gun was just a weapon substitute. Bioshock too, good game, but it got repetitive for me. The plasmids seemed like weapon replacements to me. I guess the lack of variety in environments hurt after a bit. Such amazing art and yet after a while because its all in rapture it becomes monotonous sort of like Dead Space. In Metroid Prime for instance there is a big diference between snowy, firey, vegitation based, temple levels, space pirate worlds etc.
Like RE4 you get this variety of environments that makes you want to push forward to see what's next. I didn't feel that with Bioshock. I know I piss about and exagerrate but I actually think HL2 and Bioshock are very good games, that just dont click with me. I've only really ever liked a couple of FPS and its only recently and solely because of IR that I enjoy them now. I used to be a big arcade lightgun lover. And feeling that actual connection between my own aim and what's going on, in the game means a lot to me.
I'm just finishing off Mondays updates, wanted to get this in quickly. A guy who has played Spyborgs says:
There will be more information on the game next week once the embargo lifts. This will also include footage of the game, which is better than a generic trailer, no?
Personally, from what I played during the event this week, I think the doubters (even I was a doubter at first) will be somewhat impressed with the massive shake-up the devs have incorporated.
Multiplayer co-op for 3 players. Different story than single player. Zones/actions in the map requiered for 2/3 players. Mini bosses in each section. Players will revive after a few seconds (lees if the other players helkp to revive)
-Deathmatch. 4vs4 you can choose two skills. And you need to explore like in Uncharted 1 to find the strongest weapons.
-Capture the treasure, is like CTF. 4vs4 trying to steal treasures from the enemy base.
Although the Dante Alighieri of historical record was skilled with the quill and scroll, the Dante of EA's upcoming literary-adaptation video game, Dante's Inferno, prefers to get things done using the business end of a huge bone-and-metal scythe. That's bad news for the minions of Hell as Dante plunges headlong into the underworld, searching for the love of his life, Beatrice, in a third-person action game that owes as much to the God of War series as it does to the classic poem on which it's based. At EA's recent spring press event, we had a chance to take Dante a bit deeper into the bowels of eternal punishment to see how the game is coming along.
The demo level on display picked up in a familiar spot, on board Charon--the living ship that ferries doomed souls across the river Styx. We saw Charon in our previous look at the game, and the encounters on board still play much the same. First up was a group of minor enemies that we took out with a few swipes of the scythe. They were followed by another group of minions and a couple of demonic-looking bad guys, as well as some flying enemies that were vaguely reminiscent of the Mutalisk in Starcraft. After that, it was the biggest baddie of them all, a huge, lumbering beast that climbed over the side of Charon to stand on deck. The beast was being piloted by a humanoid riding atop the demon's neck and, to take him down, you first had to soften the demon up with some scythe strikes before climbing on top of it and engaging in a short quick-time event, a la God of War. Once you complete the quick-time sequence, Dante will defeat the demon's rider and take control of the beast himself.
From there, the demo took us through more familiar territory. After Dante ripped the head off of the living ship Charon, it crashed into the side of a mountain, and he scaled the sheer cliff and ran into the hellish castle that housed King Minos, the mythological judge of the dead. It's here that Dante once again ran into the infamous blade babies: tiny infants who, because they were unbaptized during their brief lives, were sent to hell upon their death, only to be reborn as hideous monstrosities with blades for arms. Individually, the blade babies are easy to defeat, but once they surround you with sheer numbers, you'll find that babies with swords for hands are a very big problem indeed.
With the blade babies dispatched, Dante continued his climb up the tower to his face-off with Minos. Once at the top, he was confronted by the menacing judge of the damned himself. In keeping with the gruesome tone of the surroundings, King Minos is a hideous beast: a huge, eyeless, serpentine creature with a long, forked tongue and a necklace made of humans corpses. The boss fight featured several stages, and the first part started with Minos trying to gouge Dante with his powerful tail. Simply running around in circles was enough for Dante to avoid those attacks and, soon enough, Minos brought his huge face in close enough for Dante to do some wet work on Minos' grill. Reeling in pain, the overlord then reared back, exposing his guts, which we immediately attacked with Dante's scythe.
After wearing Minos down enough, you'll move to another quick-time event that has Dante leaping and swinging around with his scythe. Perform it accurately, and you'll finally take Minos down once and for all by grabbing his forked tongue and yanking his head toward and onto a huge, spiked wheel. With Minos' head in place, Dante sets the spiked wheel in motion, essentially tearing the demon's head apart in the process. At that point, it was game over for the demo.
The gameplay in Dante's Inferno was similar to that found in our original look at the game, with moments of combat strewn between dungeon-crawling and even some light puzzle-solving. The combat animations are impressive in and of themselves, with Dante doing all sorts of fancy flips and tricks as he wields his deadly scythe. We'd like to see a bit more contextual animations on the enemy side as a result of Dante's amazing attacks. This is especially the case with larger bosses, who barely seem to react as you're slicing away. Considering that some of the development talent on Dante's Inferno came straight from the team responsible for Dead Space (a game that reveled in its contextual enemy damage), here's hoping some of that same philosophy carries over to this game.
Given that that the bloody King Minos fight occurs in Limbo, the first circle of hell, it stands to reason that things are bound to get a lot tougher and considerably more grim as Dante makes his way through the eight other circles. Having familiarized ourselves with Limbo, we're hoping that our next look at Dante's Inferno takes us deeper into the cavernous realms of the undead. The game is due for release in 2010 and we'll be following through to its completion.
Looks like EA is taking a cue from Sony - or more specifically from God of War. They're taking classic literature (or mythology if the case of GoW), throwing all accuracy to the source material out the window, and replacing it with a lot of uber violence. I suppose that's easier than coming up with an original story.
Ah I see! I saw the PSP news update and hadn't checked I won a PSP in a competition once, still got it but I never play it lol (mind you, I'm looking around at games at the moment).
Ah I see! I saw the PSP news update and hadn't checked I won a PSP in a competition once, still got it but I never play it lol (mind you, I'm looking around at games at the moment).
You had any more news with that secretary yet GG?
I found out that she only works there Saturday mornings and that for some reason she wasn't there this weekend. Probably avoiding me. I wrote her a card but didn't get to send it to her yet, I wanted to see her again first.
Now I really have run out of excuses to go there, I need to think something up fast for this weekend.
Right so I've been playing Broken Sword on Wii today.
I was hesistant to buy it given the price, thankfully I got it as a present and then realised, oh shoot, should not have hesistated. I love graphic adventures and playing them lazily on the sofa with a remote on a TV is like the way they are suppossed to be played. It feels so natural. Also, 2-D is king, screw the 3-D of Sam and Max. This feels like coming home.
So it starts with all the new stuff, you play as Nico and this is a huge step up. I only played the gba version before mind you, so all the voice acting is new to me. But this is the directors cut and there is something like 3-4 hours of new content I hear. I got to experience the first hour just now.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. High resolution art, great voice acting, animation so good it looked like rotoscoping (sort of like 2-D motion capture). But the biggest improvement has to be the close ups. When you talk to some characters you see fully animated faces and hear speech in a box in the corner. It draws you into the world more. Its almost like they animated a movie that plays in the corner while you play. Very cool.
And some news.
Konami pulls Six Days in Fallujah.
Well, that didn't take long. Following some heavy, initial criticism of their title "Six Days in Fallujah", Japanese publishers Konami have decided not to release it.
"After seeing the reaction to the videogame in the United States and hearing opinions sent through phone calls and e-mail, we decided several days ago not to sell it" a Konami spokesperson told Japanese news site Asahi.
Whether this means the game has been scrapped entirely, or whether developers Atomic Games can shop it around to another publisher that has the balls to release it, is unknown.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
And what with Patrick Stewart being killled off in the first few seconds. I remeber sitting down with it (after not liking Morrowind) thinking, "okay clean slate... Oh shit! Patrick Stewart! This game is going to be AWESOME!" and then like 45 seconds later going, "Those CHEAP BASTARDS!!!" I stopped playing about 10 minutes later.
I'm playing Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword for DS. It has ridiculously high production values.
Thank god for that. I was sick of hearing about it on the podcasts. Funny thing is, if it was a movies first then no-one would blink and eye if it was released as a game of the movie.
Whoa, hideously compressed for the win. The IGN Developer video interview shows some good stuff. Good that the Fallujah game was canned. Common sense prevails?
I didn't mind. Stick with it, I love Oblivion. Love it completely, apart from some open world quirks and repetition. What's worse was killing off Proffessor X in X-men the Last Stand. Whose great idea was that? That's like cutting the heart out of the movie.
Pick which up PS0 or MH3? i'm really liking what i've seen so far of either one of these games so there is a good chance i will get at least one of them, i think MH3 is more likely as most people here play the Wii more than the DS so i would have a better chance of connecting even though it's much easier for me to play on the DS
Also how to you play imports? Do you use freeloader for the wii or a hard mod? is it hassle free? i'm interested.
Yes some of them can be quite frustrating, also I don't know if there is a way of knowing how many goo you need to get the OCD flag at a given level and sometimes i'm sure i keep working even after i've missed it only to find at the end i don't have enough goo left. did you mess with the world of goo corporation at all?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You can see the OCD requirement in the menu screens. It's under the OCD tab. Some OCD are time based and not Goo ball based.
I did only try the World of Goo tower building a few times, never anything seriously just yet. Maybe after I get more Goo I will try.
Btw, before someone asks, I'm not into pirating stuff (I even keep recipts for all my games lol, I'm anal as anything) so the whole thing was a waste of time. I'd look into free loaders if I were you.
Although I'm tempted to try and copy that Monster hunter tri demo lol
i heard that you can play DVDs on the wii using a softmod to get the homebrew channel. something about using the twilight princess hack. i read about it once but it sounded more trouble than it was worth
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah I've seen it done, seems to work well. I had the chip installed soon after the launch and the hombrew stuff hadn't kicked off by that point. It's not something that bothers me too much now as I've got the 360 HDDVD player which does an awsome job upscalling. I've also got a bluetooth dongle so can use the Wii mote as a novelty DVD remote on my PC when I want too lol
Do any of you know if it's possible to remove a mod chip very easily?
Sweet, another 360 owner.
I think that FPS have a very hard time of because the viewpoint and gameplay is basically set by the genre, you point, you shoot. It's only when games like Chronicles of Riddick go out of their way to incoporate other genres than it works well. HL2 was cool, but the driving sections were far too long, I enjoyed it it just didn't live up to the hype for me, the gravity gun was just a weapon substitute. Bioshock too, good game, but it got repetitive for me. The plasmids seemed like weapon replacements to me. I guess the lack of variety in environments hurt after a bit. Such amazing art and yet after a while because its all in rapture it becomes monotonous sort of like Dead Space. In Metroid Prime for instance there is a big diference between snowy, firey, vegitation based, temple levels, space pirate worlds etc.
Like RE4 you get this variety of environments that makes you want to push forward to see what's next. I didn't feel that with Bioshock. I know I piss about and exagerrate but I actually think HL2 and Bioshock are very good games, that just dont click with me. I've only really ever liked a couple of FPS and its only recently and solely because of IR that I enjoy them now. I used to be a big arcade lightgun lover. And feeling that actual connection between my own aim and what's going on, in the game means a lot to me.
I'm just finishing off Mondays updates, wanted to get this in quickly. A guy who has played Spyborgs says:
There will be more information on the game next week once the embargo lifts. This will also include footage of the game, which is better than a generic trailer, no?
Personally, from what I played during the event this week, I think the doubters (even I was a doubter at first) will be somewhat impressed with the massive shake-up the devs have incorporated.
Death match
Multiplayer co-op for 3 players. Different story than single player. Zones/actions in the map requiered for 2/3 players. Mini bosses in each section. Players will revive after a few seconds (lees if the other players helkp to revive)
-Deathmatch. 4vs4 you can choose two skills. And you need to explore like in Uncharted 1 to find the strongest weapons.
-Capture the treasure, is like CTF. 4vs4 trying to steal treasures from the enemy base.

The demo level on display picked up in a familiar spot, on board Charon--the living ship that ferries doomed souls across the river Styx. We saw Charon in our previous look at the game, and the encounters on board still play much the same. First up was a group of minor enemies that we took out with a few swipes of the scythe. They were followed by another group of minions and a couple of demonic-looking bad guys, as well as some flying enemies that were vaguely reminiscent of the Mutalisk in Starcraft. After that, it was the biggest baddie of them all, a huge, lumbering beast that climbed over the side of Charon to stand on deck. The beast was being piloted by a humanoid riding atop the demon's neck and, to take him down, you first had to soften the demon up with some scythe strikes before climbing on top of it and engaging in a short quick-time event, a la God of War. Once you complete the quick-time sequence, Dante will defeat the demon's rider and take control of the beast himself.
From there, the demo took us through more familiar territory. After Dante ripped the head off of the living ship Charon, it crashed into the side of a mountain, and he scaled the sheer cliff and ran into the hellish castle that housed King Minos, the mythological judge of the dead. It's here that Dante once again ran into the infamous blade babies: tiny infants who, because they were unbaptized during their brief lives, were sent to hell upon their death, only to be reborn as hideous monstrosities with blades for arms. Individually, the blade babies are easy to defeat, but once they surround you with sheer numbers, you'll find that babies with swords for hands are a very big problem indeed.
With the blade babies dispatched, Dante continued his climb up the tower to his face-off with Minos. Once at the top, he was confronted by the menacing judge of the damned himself. In keeping with the gruesome tone of the surroundings, King Minos is a hideous beast: a huge, eyeless, serpentine creature with a long, forked tongue and a necklace made of humans corpses. The boss fight featured several stages, and the first part started with Minos trying to gouge Dante with his powerful tail. Simply running around in circles was enough for Dante to avoid those attacks and, soon enough, Minos brought his huge face in close enough for Dante to do some wet work on Minos' grill. Reeling in pain, the overlord then reared back, exposing his guts, which we immediately attacked with Dante's scythe.
After wearing Minos down enough, you'll move to another quick-time event that has Dante leaping and swinging around with his scythe. Perform it accurately, and you'll finally take Minos down once and for all by grabbing his forked tongue and yanking his head toward and onto a huge, spiked wheel. With Minos' head in place, Dante sets the spiked wheel in motion, essentially tearing the demon's head apart in the process. At that point, it was game over for the demo.
The gameplay in Dante's Inferno was similar to that found in our original look at the game, with moments of combat strewn between dungeon-crawling and even some light puzzle-solving. The combat animations are impressive in and of themselves, with Dante doing all sorts of fancy flips and tricks as he wields his deadly scythe. We'd like to see a bit more contextual animations on the enemy side as a result of Dante's amazing attacks. This is especially the case with larger bosses, who barely seem to react as you're slicing away. Considering that some of the development talent on Dante's Inferno came straight from the team responsible for Dead Space (a game that reveled in its contextual enemy damage), here's hoping some of that same philosophy carries over to this game.
Given that that the bloody King Minos fight occurs in Limbo, the first circle of hell, it stands to reason that things are bound to get a lot tougher and considerably more grim as Dante makes his way through the eight other circles. Having familiarized ourselves with Limbo, we're hoping that our next look at Dante's Inferno takes us deeper into the cavernous realms of the undead. The game is due for release in 2010 and we'll be following through to its completion.
No, those are PS3/360 pics.
But there is a PSP version.
You had any more news with that secretary yet GG?
I found out that she only works there Saturday mornings and that for some reason she wasn't there this weekend. Probably avoiding me.
I wrote her a card but didn't get to send it to her yet, I wanted to see her again first.
Now I really have run out of excuses to go there, I need to think something up fast for this weekend.
Right so I've been playing Broken Sword on Wii today.
I was hesistant to buy it given the price, thankfully I got it as a present and then realised, oh shoot, should not have hesistated. I love graphic adventures and playing them lazily on the sofa with a remote on a TV is like the way they are suppossed to be played. It feels so natural. Also, 2-D is king, screw the 3-D of Sam and Max. This feels like coming home.
So it starts with all the new stuff, you play as Nico and this is a huge step up. I only played the gba version before mind you, so all the voice acting is new to me. But this is the directors cut and there is something like 3-4 hours of new content I hear. I got to experience the first hour just now.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. High resolution art, great voice acting, animation so good it looked like rotoscoping (sort of like 2-D motion capture). But the biggest improvement has to be the close ups. When you talk to some characters you see fully animated faces and hear speech in a box in the corner. It draws you into the world more. Its almost like they animated a movie that plays in the corner while you play. Very cool.