Interview: 5TH CELL Talks ScribbleIGN talks shop with creator Jeremiah Slaczka, and chat about the Warner Bros. deal, the current state of the game, and Iga_Bobovic
Scribblenauts Gets a PublisherBalance your DS budget now. It's officially "on" for one of the most innovative and ambitious games on the Iga_Bobovic
Here's a wild one. We just got a tip from someone who purports to be in the know on Microsoft's efforts to beat the Wii at its own motion-sensing game, with some of the details lining up with what we were hearing last year along these lines. The word is that Microsoft is building a "sensor bar" of sorts, but instead of detecting the waggles of Wiimote-like controllers, it detects full body movement and sound, sans controllers. There are two sensors on the bar, along with a mic and a camera, and while our tipster has "no idea" how it actually works, it sounds pretty impressive. Here's a quick rundown of capabilities mentioned:
Full body and hand gesture control of games / characters. In fighting games you kick, punch, duck, dive, jump and so forth with your body. It also picks up small hand gestures like pinching, grabbing and scrolling. There will also be video conferencing and games with video. Trivia game over the internet with live images of each person playing. When a question pops up, they can clap to buzz in. You can "move objects on your screen" and the other party can see what you're doing in real time. Sensor detects only the person playing, not folks observing on the couch. We're rather curious as to what those two mystery sensors on the bar are doing, since there's specific mention of a lack of controllers. Perhaps they add depth perception to whatever the camera is picking up on video, but we guess we'll have to wait and find out. Of course, this could all be an elaborate hoax, but for what it's worth the picture appears undoctored, and the story is plausible. Either way, it's only natural for Microsoft to be looking to duplicate -- and expand upon -- the wild success Nintendo has enjoyed with motion-controlled gaming. And if they don't, Sony sure will.
This 3D camera talk sounded so familiar. I know IGN talked about this concept before when Matt C visited a trade show. A quick google search later and I found it. It is called the....
Z Camera
From Matt's blog (February 27, 200
At GDC 2008, I had the chance to try out 3DV Systems' "Z-Camera," a new piece of hardware that out-Wiis Wii, so to speak. Instead of any kind of controller or remote, you would simply plug this camera in to your game console via a USB port and you would theoretically be ready to roll. No accelerometer. No motion controls. The camera merely tracks your every movement and it does so with a remarkable level of accuracy and speed.
You can see a quickly made boxing demo in the video above. Partially because Z Camera samples your movement at 60 frames, there is no lag whatsoever and it's extremely precise. Lift up your hand and unball your fist -- the camera will immediately lock onto the points of all your fingers. Pivot your elbow and it'll see that movement. Dodge and weave in a boxing game and your on-screen character will do the same -- accurately. The camera measures distance infrared style and a 3DV Systems' rep gave me a quickie demo of the functionality. He pulled up a screen that displayed exactly what the camera was seeing as I stood before it: a black and white outline of me. I moved closer and my outline became brighter. When I took two steps backward, I grew darker. This is how the camera very simply determines depth and it works in light and dark condictions -- although, as with the Wii remote, direct sunlight is not recommended; you can, alternatively, play very accurately in complete darkness. So often you see these cameras that seem to track you well until someone walks by in the background, at which point all hell breaks loose. Not so with this thing because you can actually set the cut-off point that it sees. For instance, three feet. The camera will not register any movement beyond that point. I was very impressed with this technology and firmly believe that it out-Wiis Wii in many respects. It's faster and more accurate than any accelerometer and you don't need to even use any external devices to use it. Just stand in front of the camera and you're set. Maybe Nintendo will do something similar for Wii 2 -- I would definitely be pleased. When I bumped into Reggie during a Nintendo dinner one night, I told him to go check out the demo and he admitted that he had already seen it. Someone in Nintendo Land is at the very least aware of the tech. Hopefully it inspires someone out of NCL to get busy on the next revolution.
The camera technology seems to be identical. You have the depth perception and the cut-off point, so people behind you do not interfere. There is no need for a controller, you only need a camera. I am not sure what the 2 sensor's are for.
Been playing Resistance Retribution again. Love this game! My favorite PSP game. It's great!
Anyway, this week had some really great announcements:
Tekken 6 PSP SoulCalibur Broken Destiny Marvel VS Capcom 2 And now Turtles in Time remake in 2.5D!
What a great flood of awesome titles!
Also, Space Invaders Extreme HD is supposed to be on XBLA and PSN this week! I didn't pick this up on the DS and the PSP version I hear isn't great. Maybe I should pick this up!
my favourite announcement regarding the PSP was the pixeljunk monsters game. if i had access to the psn i think i'd be all over those games.
i will look into getting resistance psp. it's 3rd person right? not like the ps3 games. is it closer to resident evil 4 or gears of war in terms of gameplay?
If you like shooting people online (personally it's not my thing) than you might want to take a look at the Conduit thread. The lastest impressions are gushing.
"The range of choice is simply immense, and the different game modes rich and diverse. Everything I tried was truly engaging. This looks to be a truly magnificent multiplayer title."
Nice to see Punch Out is getting some strong reviews. I suspect the aggregate score will be around 8.5. And on the other side of the spectrum, damn shame about Bionic Commando. Got a 6 on EDGE, which granted is EDGE and not an untypical score for what ends up being a good game. But I've read just one too many middling previews about that game. Very rare to see mixed opinions in a preview so my expectation are pretty damned low.
So I have played some demos recently. UFC Undisputed (got Igas attention) seems damn good. Never played an MMA game before so I have nothing to base it on. The presentation is excellent, looks like an actual broadcast. The combat seems deep, I checked the move list and it has like 30 different sections of moves in different posititions, crazy stuff. At first I had no clue what I was doing so I just used strikes. I then went through the tutorial and learned grappling and submissions, it seems to be lots of R stick moving and button mashing. It seems like a quality game to me, just not my think.
Red Faction Guerrila is actual really cool. At first I was like, here is another generic Mercenaries style open world action game. But then I saw everything could be destroyed, getting a truck and taking down a building is awesome. Then you hop on this mech and start blowing everything up. You need to get the mech into a huge truck which takes you into a turret car chase where once again things blow up. Seems like it has a huge world to play around, mechanics were fine, looks like it will be good fun.
Last night I tried the Wolverine game, oh hell yes! Its your standard GoW like generic action game but it has Wolverine! And Wolverine makes Kratos look like a pussy. This is so bloody, so over the top gory. Heads are coming off, arms and legs flying, you can gut a guy, impale them. One scene has you jumping at a helicopter, ripping the pilot out of the windshield and then rasing his head up so that the blades cut it off. The action is really fast pased, it feels good. At the normal difficulty mode it seemed a bit easy, I just needed to attack like mad and everything around me died. I will rent this game immediately.
So I have played some demos recently. UFC Undisputed (got Igas attention) seems damn good. Never played an MMA game before so I have nothing to base it on. The presentation is excellent, looks like an actual broadcast. The combat seems deep, I checked the move list and it has like 30 different sections of moves in different posititions, crazy stuff. At first I had no clue what I was doing so I just used strikes. I then went through the tutorial and learned grappling and submissions, it seems to be lots of R stick moving and button mashing. It seems like a quality game to me, just not my think.
You know for 60 bucks you might as well take a few Jiu Jutsu lessons. So much more fun that doing it in a game.
Dvader said:
Red Faction Guerrila is actual really cool. At first I was like, here is another generic Mercenaries style open world action game. But then I saw everything could be destroyed, getting a truck and taking down a building is awesome. Then you hop on this mech and start blowing everything up. You need to get the mech into a huge truck which takes you into a turret car chase where once again things blow up. Seems like it has a huge world to play around, mechanics were fine, looks like it will be good fun.
Yeah I posted lots of movies of this game. I really sound like all kinds of awesome
Dvader said:
Last night I tried the Wolverine game, oh hell yes! Its your standard GoW like generic action game but it has Wolverine! And Wolverine makes Kratos look like a pussy.
That's because Kratos is a pussy. Stupid angry emo of war.
Yeah I tried the Wolverine demo yesterday and really enjoyed it. I'm almost tempted to go and buy it but there's a good deal of other things I want to buy plus Blazblue and King of Fighters XII come out at the beginning of next month and those are definitely two games I'll be grabbing so I think I'll just rent Wolverine.
Yeah I tried the Wolverine demo yesterday and really enjoyed it. I'm almost tempted to go and buy it but there's a good deal of other things I want to buy plus Blazblue and King of Fighters XII come out at the beginning of next month and those are definitely two games I'll be grabbing so I think I'll just rent Wolverine.
Yeah don't buy Wolverine, at least not yet. That's a licensed game, so it will inevitably go for half price in less than 6 months.
Oh found good quality version of the Indiana Jones game. Hit the HQ option.
Huh, when did this game get good? Looks rather decent.
Still want the Euphoria, awesome HD Indiana Jones game that never happened.
LOL good. Decent is a better description but coming with Fate of Atlantis is so cool.
I'm just glad it looks better from its horrible original screens.
If the video looks as good as some of the screens it might be allright considering the bonus Fate of Atlantis. But my goggles are tinted with sweet memories of random Disaster Day of Crisis play.
Here if you missed the better quality screens from before.
Yeah I tried the Wolverine demo yesterday and really enjoyed it. I'm almost tempted to go and buy it but there's a good deal of other things I want to buy plus Blazblue and King of Fighters XII come out at the beginning of next month and those are definitely two games I'll be grabbing so I think I'll just rent Wolverine.
Yeah don't buy Wolverine, at least not yet. That's a licensed game, so it will inevitably go for half price in less than 6 months.
This 3D camera talk sounded so familiar. I know IGN talked about this concept before when Matt C visited a trade show. A quick google search later and I found it. It is called the....
Z Camera
From Matt's blog (February 27, 200
At GDC 2008, I had the chance to try out 3DV Systems' "Z-Camera," a new piece of hardware that out-Wiis Wii, so to speak. Instead of any kind of controller or remote, you would simply plug this camera in to your game console via a USB port and you would theoretically be ready to roll. No accelerometer. No motion controls. The camera merely tracks your every movement and it does so with a remarkable level of accuracy and speed.
Watch this video for more.
You can see a quickly made boxing demo in the video above. Partially because Z Camera samples your movement at 60 frames, there is no lag whatsoever and it's extremely precise. Lift up your hand and unball your fist -- the camera will immediately lock onto the points of all your fingers. Pivot your elbow and it'll see that movement. Dodge and weave in a boxing game and your on-screen character will do the same -- accurately.
The camera measures distance infrared style and a 3DV Systems' rep gave me a quickie demo of the functionality. He pulled up a screen that displayed exactly what the camera was seeing as I stood before it: a black and white outline of me. I moved closer and my outline became brighter. When I took two steps backward, I grew darker. This is how the camera very simply determines depth and it works in light and dark condictions -- although, as with the Wii remote, direct sunlight is not recommended; you can, alternatively, play very accurately in complete darkness.
So often you see these cameras that seem to track you well until someone walks by in the background, at which point all hell breaks loose. Not so with this thing because you can actually set the cut-off point that it sees. For instance, three feet. The camera will not register any movement beyond that point.
I was very impressed with this technology and firmly believe that it out-Wiis Wii in many respects. It's faster and more accurate than any accelerometer and you don't need to even use any external devices to use it. Just stand in front of the camera and you're set. Maybe Nintendo will do something similar for Wii 2 -- I would definitely be pleased.
When I bumped into Reggie during a Nintendo dinner one night, I told him to go check out the demo and he admitted that he had already seen it. Someone in Nintendo Land is at the very least aware of the tech. Hopefully it inspires someone out of NCL to get busy on the next revolution.
The camera technology seems to be identical. You have the depth perception and the cut-off point, so people behind you do not interfere. There is no need for a controller, you only need a camera. I am not sure what the 2 sensor's are for.
my favourite announcement regarding the PSP was the pixeljunk monsters game. if i had access to the psn i think i'd be all over those games.
i will look into getting resistance psp. it's 3rd person right? not like the ps3 games. is it closer to resident evil 4 or gears of war in terms of gameplay?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Updates done!
People read the research I have done about the Z Camera. (see above)
If you like shooting people online (personally it's not my thing) than you might want to take a look at the Conduit thread. The lastest impressions are gushing.
"The range of choice is simply immense, and the different game modes rich and diverse. Everything I tried was truly engaging. This looks to be a truly magnificent multiplayer title."
Read that a couple of years back Iga. Sony were doing something similar with the new Eye toy and they were going to have it track pink balls.
Thanks for the RS2 story.
Turtles in time story is great Leo. I have no wireless on my 360 so I cant get it.
New Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings video preview. Remember this comes with Fate of Atlantis for free (Wii version only)
Lord God it looks awful. Why are Gamespots videos such bad quality?
So I have played some demos recently. UFC Undisputed (got Igas attention) seems damn good. Never played an MMA game before so I have nothing to base it on. The presentation is excellent, looks like an actual broadcast. The combat seems deep, I checked the move list and it has like 30 different sections of moves in different posititions, crazy stuff. At first I had no clue what I was doing so I just used strikes. I then went through the tutorial and learned grappling and submissions, it seems to be lots of R stick moving and button mashing. It seems like a quality game to me, just not my think.
Red Faction Guerrila is actual really cool. At first I was like, here is another generic Mercenaries style open world action game. But then I saw everything could be destroyed, getting a truck and taking down a building is awesome. Then you hop on this mech and start blowing everything up. You need to get the mech into a huge truck which takes you into a turret car chase where once again things blow up. Seems like it has a huge world to play around, mechanics were fine, looks like it will be good fun.
Last night I tried the Wolverine game, oh hell yes! Its your standard GoW like generic action game but it has Wolverine! And Wolverine makes Kratos look like a pussy. This is so bloody, so over the top gory. Heads are coming off, arms and legs flying, you can gut a guy, impale them. One scene has you jumping at a helicopter, ripping the pilot out of the windshield and then rasing his head up so that the blades cut it off. The action is really fast pased, it feels good. At the normal difficulty mode it seemed a bit easy, I just needed to attack like mad and everything around me died. I will rent this game immediately.
WTH on the wolverine game. That's nothing like the movies or comics I read.
Mostly, he would stab people but not rip limbs and stuff constantly. I'm suprised Marvel passed it. It's got a few bad reviews so far.
You know for 60 bucks you might as well take a few Jiu Jutsu lessons. So much more fun that doing it in a game.
Yeah I posted lots of movies of this game. I really sound like all kinds of awesome
That's because Kratos is a pussy. Stupid angry emo of war.
Title Match Pro > UFC
Just to annoy Iga.
Oh found good quality version of the Indiana Jones game. Hit the HQ option.
Pikmin 3 next month in EDGE mag?
Yeah I tried the Wolverine demo yesterday and really enjoyed it. I'm almost tempted to go and buy it but there's a good deal of other things I want to buy plus Blazblue and King of Fighters XII come out at the beginning of next month and those are definitely two games I'll be grabbing so I think I'll just rent Wolverine.
Yeah don't buy Wolverine, at least not yet. That's a licensed game, so it will inevitably go for half price in less than 6 months.
Huh, when did this game get good? Looks rather decent.
Still want the Euphoria, awesome HD Indiana Jones game that never happened.
LOL good. Decent is a better description but coming with Fate of Atlantis is so cool.
I'm just glad it looks better from its horrible original screens.
If the video looks as good as some of the screens it might be allright considering the bonus Fate of Atlantis. But my goggles are tinted with sweet memories of random Disaster Day of Crisis play.
Here if you missed the better quality screens from before.