Eurogamer's Virtual Console Roundup
Majora's Mask Mutherfucking 10/10 and some other games
Ubisoft: Rabbids Go Home for the hardcore
Influenced by Mario Galaxy/kart
Marvel vs Capcom 2 XBLA Achievements Leaked
Finally confirmed. Time to go for a ride.
Gamers Should Be Blamed
For The Pathetic Sales Of 'Chinatown Wars' And 'MadWorld'
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New weak!
So what have you guys been playing?
I picked up Namco Museum Virtual Arcade from Gamestop yesterday for $13.50 plus tax (Game Day sale). It normally retails for $30, so this was a killer deal.
There are 34 games on the disk, but I'm really becoming addicted to Pac-Man Championship Edition. This game is effing awesome! I really should've bought it a long time ago. I played it for about 3 hours straight last night, and a couple more hours today.

I've been really into the online multiplayer stuff lately so I've been putting a lot of time into playing Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Resident Evil 5, and just got back into Lost Planet as well. I throw down some beatings of Street Fighter IV every now and then.
I grabbed that Pac-Man CE when it came out on XBLA awhile back and yeah it is an excellent game.
I've also been playing Persona 4, Crisis Core on the PSP, Silent Hill Origins on the PSP, and of course, Street Fighter IV.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I have been playing with your mom! Put here on my hamster wheel!
Oh and ending it with this smiley....
RE4 PC for me. Worst version of the game...made better with mods.
Is there a mod for mouse controls? If so than I may pick this up!
Also, I heard there's a mod for better graphics like textures, etc.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
There are mods for mouse countrols and better graphics.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile40% through Chinatown. That's all for me. Plastering interiors walls of house, painting by end of week hopefully.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Doing updates now!!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Updates done
Yep, looks like an Zelda game. Did you see the huge overwold? This might me Square trying to go more Sandbox. This + weird enemy A.I. + mind powarz + cocky hero = awesome potential.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Nice updates Iga. Working through them now.
Ohhh... (Persona PSP)ℑ=46708_persona_P_122_340lo.jpg
Not only can I NOT played in internationals...I also can't get any further due to crashes! ARGH!
So you are also doing it with Steel's mom?!
Let me know your detailed re5 impressions in the thread please. I have been playing animal crossing, paying off the mortgage on my 4th house. Also now that the SD card has been unlocked I am back into Mario Kart, I forgot how good this game is and I'm trying to get gold trophies on everything to unlock all tracks.
Give me tips on your favourite vehicles guys, I need better times. I tend to use the Bowser bike which is awesome in everything but acceleration, so if you get hit like once it can ruin your standing in any given race
Oh and I use GTA DS on the bog.
So FFCC is looking more like zelda everyday. Both good and bad. Its going to be compared to zelda which wont do it any favours. But it looks more like a game I would enjoy as oppossed to a traditional JRPG or the weirdo multiplayer GC game.