Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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Updated GGweekly with the 2 MadWorld Reviews
Well done for the effort. I just watched the IGN review.
You can send a guy flying so he splats onto the Moon?
And there is a.... a double chainsaw?
They are taking the piss now.
Videogame Grey?
After getting a haircut today, my barber told me that my hair was starting to turn grey. I took a closer look for myself, and sure enough, he was right! What the hell is this?!
I'm only 35 years old, and I'm already turning grey! My mom was 45 years old when she started to grey, and my dad was 49!
Now, there has to be some reason why I'm turning grey so young when my parents did not, and I think it has to do with all the stress of playing videogames for the past 30 years! Listen to me guys! If you don't want to start looking like old men soon, then STOP playing teh video games! They are EVIL!
Well, at least I don't look like Picard . . . yet!
i was 25 when i started to grey ... it was the year i started teaching
so gaming is bad but nothing compared to teaching
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
It's not teaching, it's being around kids. I saw a picture of myself right when my son was born. I was a beautiful sexy beast. 2 years later I'm 31 I look like I'm 41 and my beard is starting to turn gray. Kids emit a phermone that make adults look old.
That's kinda hilarious.
Dude, so true. I think I am well on the road to having more grey hairs than black ones. I am giving my two daughters the evil eye when I get back home today. >__>
Wii owners you passed the test, Capcom is giving you... Umbrella Chronicles 2. Congrats...
Biohazard Dark Side Chronicles annouced in famitsu for the wii. No details yet. Not shocking but still really sad. I liked UC a lot, but it was good for one game, it does not need to be a series. What we need a true RE4 style game dammit. Whatever, i will buy it and be part of the problem.
That's a good fan...
Manga? Iimaginative environments, story telling, and character development that easily meshes with a consistent plot. However it is often too simplistic and at times a little too "childish" (well not really but I can't think of a better word for it) to take too seriously.
Comics? Mature story, serious events, and pretty deep. However unlike manga, while it is deep, it's not deep as in complex but more so complicated. I mean half the time it takes me a while to comprehend what exactly is happening. One strip or scene (if it's a movie or cartoon and I will be using) you're in present, 20 minutes later the present again, and things like this keep happening throughout the movie. And another thing that bugs me is that the "serious events" aren't taken seriously they just pop in out of nowhere at times.
For example: (Caution MASSIVE Watchman Spoilers, so only Vader can read unless you're not interested in the movie or have already seen it)
What the fuck is it with "The Comedian". He raped, killed a pregenant girl he used for sex, and randomly seriosuly injured or even killed protestors on the street. And most of all it doesn't really explain any of this it just happens with the flow of the story. Don't give me this "That's the point of it" bullshit, because even films that are shot with "it just happens" has a purpose for those things happening other then "that's a bad man" and "it fits the tone of the story". Case and point when the preganent Vietnamese girl who got shot showed up. What the fuck was the point of this? To show that The Comedian was a bad man? Yes this works (hell it got me pist) but th problem with it is it just happens. It's a flashback with no other purpose then just to show that scene which is a scene that doesn't get mentioned throughout the entire film...ever again. I'm sorry but with quality writing you HAVE to tie in any event or ways to develop the character IN the story and have it at least have SOME revlavance WHILE THE STORY IS PRESSING ON.
Another thing is just how much it tryed to cover and jump while telling the story. Okay Nuclear War at the near beginning, see that's cool and all but the fact that it doesn't get mentioned again for nearly an hour and isn't the main subject until the near END of the movie. What the fuck? It's called a PREMISE FOR A REASON! In between are mostly just constant jumps from story to story that a very roughly correlate to one another. For example the blotch face goes to visit the man who went to The Comedian's funeral as he needed information. YOU DO NOT SEE HIM GO BACK TO THE MAN FOR LIKE ONE HOUR. When he does he gets arrested (by policemen outside who don't have any guns) and goes to jail. For the next hour or so involves one of the members from the blueman group (I think it's at this part could have been a little before it), the really hot young girl (who is probably a little older then me), and that guy who dresses up as a rejected Batman costume and looks like he could be part of The Ghostbusters as they skirmish and have drama in their lives with some flashbacks thrown here and there (MIND YOU THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PREMISE OF NUCLEAR WARFARE AS THEY EVEN RARELY TALK ABOUT IT). The blueman learns that he gave all his coworkers cancer and then travels to Mars (what?), the young girl and guy bond as he's gone and eventually have sex. Then they for some strange reason decide to take the spaceship and save a bunch of civilians from a burning building when the guy suggests "Hey let's save inkface!" and they well go save him (who didn't really need much help to begin with). Then they go back to the part of the story where he is in jail (actually they revisted it ONCE or TWICE for minute long seasons as he gets into a private cell). Not to mention none of this connects or correlates to the main plot and this all easily reaches a near hour of content.
I mean seeing this movie just reminded me as of why I steered away from comic books. It's like they try to be mature and complicated but that just ends up being their undoing. And yes I am aware there are some great ones that get it right (Spawn immediately comes to mind) but many, like anime problems, just have these things become their undoing.
Overall the movie was above-average but just had some serious directing and screenwriting issues. Though inkface was awesome!
One of the site's forefathers.
RE2 confirmed.
Will it play in RE4 perspective though. If its on rails capcom can FUCKING FUCK OFF TILL THE END OF ALL FUCKING TIME.
The Ask Capcom boards will go into meltdown. I seriously suggest you join the fun when it happens.
The curse of Animal Crossing. How do you expect to manage your own hair when you can't handle virtual grass?
Fuck I just saw the cursor. Fuck them.
Famitsu scores:
Zero Choaniki (PSP, GungHo): 7 / 6 / 7 / 6 - (26/40)
Gardening Mama (NDS, Taito): 8 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (30/40)
Dengeki Gakuen RPG: Cross of Venus (NDS, Ascii): 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 - (24/40)
Casual Series 2980: Petz Monkeyz (NDS, MTO): 5 / 6 / 5 / 5 - (21/40)
Winter Sports 2009: The Next Challenge (Wii, Arc System Works): 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 - (24/40)
Musou Tourou (PSP, Nippon Ichi): 6 / 7 / 7 / 6 - (26/40)
Choco Ken: Otodoke! Sweets Wagon (NDS, Creative Core): 7 / 6 / 6 / 7 - (26/40)
Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai (PSP, Marvelous): 6 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (27/40)
Crayon Shin-Chan: Arashi o Yobu - Nendororo~n Daihenshin (NDS, Bandai Namco): 7 / 7 / 6 / 8 - (28/40)
Super Robot Taisen K (NDS, Bandai Namco): 9 / 8 / 8 / 7 - (32/40)
Saru Get You: Pipo Saru Senki (PSP, Sony): 8 / 8 / 7 / 7 - (30/40)
Dragon Ball The Movie (PSP, Bandai Namco): 7 / 6 / 7 / 7 - (27/40)
Amagami (PS2, Enterbrain): 8 / 9 / 8 / 8 - (33/40)
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 All-Play (Wii, EA): 7 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (30/40)
Monopoly (Wii, Electronic Arts): 7 / 6 / 6 / 5 - (24/40)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Next (PS2, Konami): 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (28/40)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Next (Wii, Konami): 8 / 8 / 9 / 9 - (34/40)
I'm updating as we speak!
On Take-Two's first quarter earnings call today, an analyst asked about the company's Wii approach. "I do believe there is an opportunity for M-rated titles on Nintendo -- on the DS and on the Wii," said company chairman Strauss Zelnick in response. "I believe we're the right company to be delivering that content."
On rails Bioshock 2 confirmed for Wii. Thank you Capcom!
IGN podcast summary
Tiger Woods
- Has Wii MotionPlus
- All very happy about the game
- Exclusive on it tomorrow
- Everyone who has been hoping for great 1:1 - it’s arrived
- There’s another mode they can’t talk about
- Videos, screens tomorrow
- Grand Slam Tennis coverage this week as well
- People were complaining about the text in the review
- Gave it an 8.0
- Matt really liked the game
- The great game of the year so far on Wii
- Lived up to most of the hype
- Gorgoues game, fun to play
- Scared no one will buy the game
- Say every week how companies are watching this game, House of the Dead, will watch The Conduit
- National Institute on Media and the Family issued a press release saying they are disappointed with Nintendo
- First trailer went up yesterday
- A lot of readers are knocking the game
- Looks like Excite Trucks with robots
- IGN Nintendo team thinks it looks good
- Looks like it still keeps the core mechanics of Excite Trucks
- Coming up right around the corner (next month)
GTA: Chinatown Wars
- Craig got it today
- Has only played about an hour so far
- Will be playing it over the course of the week
- Review on Monday
- Bozon says it’s surprisingly smooth, looks great - first time he saw it in action
- Cars flip in the air with physics
- Don’t have to car-jack every car
- Has motorcycles, slow trucks, fast cars
- There is a helicopter but unclear if you can pilot it, same deal with the jet
- Angle works well
New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis
- Used to be great, not now
- Took motion controls that aren’t as good as Wii Sports Tennis and combined it with Mario Power Tennis
- Probably was a rushed job
- Controls are not consistent
- Matt bummed that Nintendo chose this game but Metroid is still in Japan
- Matt wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of the best sellers this year because of Mario, tennis, with Wii remote
- Dismantled the original control scheme - can’t play with Classic Controller
New Play Control! Pikmin
- Done pretty well
- Pointer feels really good
- Good sign of things to come for the franchise
- Matt Will recommend it in the review
- Widescreen
- Pointer feels really tight
- Already a great game that is made better
- If you’ve already played it, it’s a must-own - if you have it, it’s worth checking out again
Resident Evil event
- Event being held during the launch of Resident Evil 5
- Teased that an announcement will make Nintendo fans happy about
- Matt says “Eh”
- They know what it is already
- Daemon thinks people will be interested but don’t give your hopes up too high
- It’s not terrible, people won’t be like “WTF”
- Bozon says the hype-level is already too high
- From what they’ve heard, you can be excited for it, but don’t overhype yourselves
- Clue: Bozon will be happy
Gradius ReBirth
- Another new retro game
- Doesn’t really do anything different
- If you die you lose everything
- It’s a fun blast from the past
- Daemon gave it a 7
- People who like retro stuff should check it out
- $10 - a little too much
Mighty Flip Champs
- DSiWare game
- It’s a cool puzzle game
- Top screen - main character traverse puzzle
- Bottom screen - invert of the puzzle
- Hit a button and the screen flips - navigate through the world
- Brain goes through a seizure process in some of the levels - it’s a good thing
- Trying to get it out for launch
Avalon Code
- Daemon really liked it
- Unique action RPG
- Comes from XSEED
- Revolves around book of prophecy
- Anything you encounter in the world can be recorded, then you can mess with its properties
- Action RPG fans should check it out
Reader questions
- Cave Story should be coming out next month or May
- Lack of N64 games could be related to lack of space on Wii
- Camelot always talks about Golden Sun but they don’t have anything to show for it - but we don’t know what they’re working on now
- EA Grand Slam Tennis - Can create your own character but no Miis
- At least a variation of co-op jenga game in the new Boom Blox
- Thursday: EA Tennis with Wii MotionPlus, Tiger Woods, EA Active, a few other games at EA event
- NST still around but Matt hears that they’ve been having issues
- Codemasters may still own the rights to the original Micro Machines game - games that have a liscene attached probably won’t come out on the VC or have a premium
- Should get NPC! Pikmin even though NPC! Pikmin 2 could be on the way - NPC! Pikmin 2 not even announced for NA yet
- Bozon didn’t receive his PES review copy yet
Real Heroes: Figherfighters
- Has a terrible name
- Actually not a bad title
- It’s a FPS but put out fires
- Has squad-based stuff
- It’s a pretty good game
Henry Hatsworth
- Going to be really good
- Nintendo Team wants you to buy it
- Humor really great in the game
- Plays very well
- Didn’t post The Conduit stuff because they never got it - plan to post it later this week
- Cool video of Deadly Creatures will be up eventually
- Guy who attacked Matt over MadWorld review apologized (after Matt emailed him back) and asked for a reply back (after threatening to kill Matt’s family)
My writing partner at AN also suggested the same thing.
Going to make for some fantastic reading.