Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
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Svensson has been avoiding answering questions for a couple of weeks now. I wouldn't be suprised if they took the Ubisoft forum approach and started locking all threads of criticism. Capcom aren't even making this game, Cavia are, a TOSE equivalent. They flat out suck.
The best post was:
More fun posts:
So let's go through the Capcom Wii support check list:
1. Outsourced third-rate developer? Check!
2. Low budget? Check!
3. On-rails gameplay? Check!
4. Re-ussed assets from old RE games? Check!
5. The absolute opposite of what Wii gamers want? Check!
6. Horrible PR trying to hype the game? Check!
7. Announcing the mediocre Wii game at a AAA 360 Game event? Check!
"Is Capcom somehow under the impression that soccermoms, grannies, and children make up the bulk of Resident Evil's fanbase on the Wii? Is there some startling market research we're not privy to?"
"I was right. Not interested. I think this one will sell a lot less than the first one. Capcom doesn't seem to understand that it's systematically destroying its mindshare on the Wii with these low-budget games, and it would've been more profitable to make a high-end game for the Wii to keep Wii owners happy and buying the low-budget games."
"Whoever's crafting the business plan at Capcom for the Wii should be axed. They've lost the plot. And the PR agent stating Wii owners "should" be happy about this is just as clueless."
"Okay, ya know what? I'm done. Last Capcom game on any system I will buy new is Monster Hunter 3. Until you guys stop being retarded, I'm done."
"Apparently the reward for RE4 was Dead Rising. Makes little sense to me."
Get the fucking popcorn. This is going to be beautiful.
Dear Capcom,
Please take a step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!!!!
That is all.
I just want to physically see the bullshit, that flies out of Capcom's PR machines.
"Darkside Chronicles is a guided first person experience that takes advantage of the Wii controller to...."
Resident Evil 5 (PS3)Review by David Jenkins –
IN SHORT: An unsatisfying facsimile of Resident Evil 4 with none of the style or excitement, just more bugbears.
PROS: The co-op mode works well and Mercenaries is excellent. Occasionally inspired set pieces and enemies.
CONS: The control system no longer suits the game. Awkward inventory system and repetitive encounters.
SCORE: 7/10 Out: Now (13/3)
Anyone excited for Bioshock 2?
Capcom blazes out the gates with Darkside Chronicles
PR Email
I love the look of Bioshock. Absolutely beautiful game. Not overly a fan of shooters , but this one keeps me engaged just enough to keep playing because I like to see what's next. As far as the sequel. . . well doesn't really grab me one way or another. Be nice if they actually put in some penalties for death.
They are even starting to fail in other areas. Monster Hunter G a port of an old PS2 game on Wii is charging for online:
- There will be a 14 day free online trial campaign
- For ongoing online play, players will have to purchase Hunting Tickets
- 30 days ticket = 800 Wii points, 60 days ticket = 1500 Wii points, 90 days ticket = 2000 Wii points
And this means that Monster Hunter 3 will go down the same route.
I want to play as a little sister, sitting inside a big daddy mech. Causing mayhem.
Look at the games Cavia (Umbrella Chronicles maker) has made.,_inc.
EDIT: For some reason a direct link to the page doesn't work. Type Cavia into Yahoo and look for the company Wiki in the search results.
This is outsourced like UC was. Once you know this it puts Capcom's Wii output into stark terms.
Ports of last gen titles (sucks in breath):
That leaves Zack and Wiki as the only standout effort that they pushed as budget price in the US and full price in Europe.
Well they're not getting my money. When Capcom decides to put forth some effort again on the Wii I'll be there, but in the meantime I'll just stick with the smaller devs that actually seem to give a damn.
No lets make a DS list, they are not doing any better there also!
Go Platinum, go
It probably will. I know they expected Chop till you Drop to push 600K copies which makes my mind explode how that is possible. Still, I don't quite get why they wouldn't want to spend a little more time and money on a game and have it sell 2 million copies instead of 1 million.
Yeah it will do over a million easy. RE UC did and the userbase has exploded since then. RE is a huge franchise too. Doesn't stop the announcement from sucking.
If you have to play this game, rent it, or get it second hand. Put your money into original SEGA games like Madworld or HOTD Overkill please.
Capcom's big Resident Evil surprise for Wii owners turned out to be Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles, a sequel to the gun shooting game Umbrella Chronicles. Since posting that initial report, more details on the game have come our way from Famitsu.
Darkside Chronicles takes place in Resident Evil 2's Racoon City. It's September 29, 1998, and the city has turned to hell due to the effects of the T-virus. Players take control of Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy to deal with the undead in Umbrella Chronicles forced scrolling style.
Famitsu got a bit of commentary on the title from producer Masachika Kawata at Capcom and producer Kentaro Noguchi at Cavia, the game's development house.
The reason the game is not called Umbrella Chronicles 2, the two revealed, is that the enemy is no longer Umbrella Corporation. Additionally, the term "darkside" can be taken to mean that the game will provide a look at some of the unexplored areas of the RE story, along with the darker passages of the characters' histories . The game will also have more of a horror taste than the first.
While the two wouldn't state the specific titles that will be covered in the game, they did confirm that scenarios from games other than RE2 will definitely make the cut. Expect to see a variety of characters, including RE2's Shelly Birkin.
The general concept may be similar to Umbrella Chronicles, but the two producers stressed that the feel will be like that of a new game. One point of note is the "feeling of being there" that the game promises to offer, thanks to skilled camera work, some nice visual effects, and the fact that you can see your partner character on the screen in front of you. The game will also make use of the Havoc engine for realistic physics.
On the gameplay side of things, the two producers explained that replayablity is one of the focuses. However, they're also aiming to make the game more accessible as far as difficulty is concerned. Expert shooters needn't worry, though, as plans call for the dynamic difficulty system of RE4 and RE5 to be implemented here, meaning better players will end up with a tougher experience.
Your in-game partner character, who, as detailed above, will now be shown on the screen in front of you, is a key to playing the game. It appears that you'll only see the partner character on the screen during single player mode, though. Two player mode will leave nothing but glass between you and your undead foes.
RE: Darkside Chronicles is currently 35% complete and is without a final release date. Expect to hear more on the game from Capcom in the near future.
Oh yeah I'm definately looking forward to Bioshock 2. I absolutely loved the first one.
More stuff on RE DC
"Leon, Claire, and Sherry all make apperances [in DC]," Capcom producer Masachika Kawata explained to Famitsu. "Sherry doesn't exactly come from what you'd call a happy family, and I think that putting the spotlight on plot aspects like that helps to emphasize the darker side of RE's story. As the title reflects, this game will have even more horror to experience than the last one."
"We're trying our best to think outside of the box when it comes to gun shooters here. It really feels like a whole new game we're making. At Cavia, our watchword here is the 'you-are-here' experience -- from the visuals to the sheer amount of dialogue, the sheer amount of data we're adding to the game to create that experience is like no project I've worked on before."
He's right, no other rail shooter has had skilled camera work or your partner on screen. HOTD 3 is just an invisible blip right?
The only plus point is that its using Havok physics, hopefully for more than just watching explosions, use the frakking wii remote like Elebits. Asses.
At least they aren't pretending that this is in house Capcom anymore:
"Called Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, the title (currently under co-development between Capcom and independent Japanese software house Cavia)"
One of the site's forefathers.
Sorry Punk, I'm unfamiliar with the comics and wont watch the movie till it hits DVD. I did hear that fans weren't that happy with the adaptation though.