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Archangel3371 (7m)
Overkill has better visuals. Some of those pics are FMV renders and apart from the Wii lighting (MP3/Overkill bleached golden haze lighting) the rest of everything else is Umbrella Chronicles visuals. Then they just ripped the character model from RE4 (alternative costume) and the zombies from UC, which came from Outbreak?
Some pics in the scans look great. Why put this amount of work into a on rails game though? SO STUPID.
Capcom are giving off weird signals. Svensson says that it has been in development since UC was released.
So November 07 and in a year and 4 months its only 35% complete.
Yet its set for release at the end of this year? So they are going to do 65% in 9 months when they could only do 35% in a year and 4 months.
Svensson once again, is bullshitting to make it seem like this has been some sort of long term masterplan.
Just watched the trailer in HQ, they cleverly intersect FMV with real time. Makes it appear better than it is.
Personally, to me it looks like the first game with better lighting, the same lighting I've seen in other Wii games.
The direct feed pics show some good bits, and mostly horrid environmental textures masked by great lighting. But then its only 35% complete.
Look at this pic though:
If it could have been a RE4 style game. *sigh*
You see, Overkill and Prime 3 have done it all already, so I'm not wowed by Darkside visuals at all, even though they look good and will probably look better eventually. It's just a shame that high end visual games like Overkill/Extraction and Darkside, are confined to on rails.
Everything in the Dead Space Extraction trailer was real time according to the producer.
So this is realtime too?^
Sigh, thats right Dead Space floored me when I saw it, but its on rails. Well I guess RE is to blame since everyone is just following what RE does, as always.
They set a dangerous precident! They made on rails on Wii a success. Grrrr
And don't forget what Umbrella Chronicles looked like:
LOL this pic^ I remember at the time we all thought it was FMV. It wasn't.
Same for this^
Realtime^ we thought it was FMV at the time.
And these pics are all shitty quality too.
IMO publishers have shat all over the Wii so much, I/we seem shocked that it can do great looking visuals. It could do RE4 and now it has twice the power. Games can look great, but only a few have even been tapping its specs. Headstrong are a small team at Kuji, who did great visuals but couldn't handle the frame pops. Cavia can do the visuals its doing as an independent? Imagine what in house capcom, the RE4 team could have done making a Wii game with a proper budget and lead time?
Such a shame that Factor 5 had to go and die.
I hope that Retro blows out a game at 30FPS so they can put in more detail and effects. I want to see a new First person shooter or adventure from them at E3.
This info comes from the latest issue of Nintendo
Power. I’ll only be posting the info that’s new…
- control pad for continuous boost
Remote movement with your bot on the red bar is critical to increasing the speed of rotation. Spinning around the red bar 10 times releases your bot. [Just before a red bar] you’ll be racing at full speed, but once you reach it you’ll have to hold back your anticipation to carefully control your Remote, something which ultimately creates an intense change of pace in the gameplay.” - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
- hold control pad too long and you’ll overheat
- more challenge modes than ExciteTruck
- online for up to six players
- more online details yet to be revealed
- unlock tracks/bots in Excite Race
- tutorial mode ‘School Cup’ must be completed
- complete five tracks in each cup (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) to move onto the next
- race tracks in any order
- need a B rank or higher to pass
- new tracks and some old ExciteTruck tracks return
- locations: Kilimanjero, Egypt, Canada, China
- as seen in trailer, there are red bars and yellow bars.
- yellow bars: “Once you reach a yellow bar, your bot grips onto it and instantly spins around at lightning speed, and you need to find the exact time to push your Remote forward so that your bot is released. The sooner you can push and release your bot off the yellow bar, the faster the release acceleration and the more points you earn. But if you push at the wrong time, your bot will tumble off the bar. The yellow bar requires instant concentration while at the same time adding even more speed to the race.”- Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
- red bars: “When your bot reaches a red bar, your bot automatically grabs it and starts to rotate around the bar at a very slow speed. Syncing your Wii
- New attack items: Chomper Mouth (fake teeth that are shot and then latch onto opponent)
- Mini-games: Soccer goal kicks, darts, football field goals, pie throwing and more
- completing mini-games unlocks hidden items, such as new routes on tracks
- more on unlockables: “There will be numerous icons that can be unlocked one-by-one and then used for your profile, so that your friends and competitors can see the icon of your choosing during tournaments via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The most exciting is probably statues since you can collect a statue for each vehicle. By purchasing these unlockable statues, you’ll be able to admire your favorite bot from all angles. These new bots, icons, and statues can be purchased by stars that you earn throughout the game.” - Hiro Yamada, Supervisor at Nintendo and Richard Garcia, Team Lead and President of Monster Games
- techno-like soundtrack
I played it yesterday, I know exactly what it looks like, BTW those screens are how it looks on my TV.
Anyway, it was nice but having every single model be exactly the same as old games hurt it. RE2 looks like they are at least making the models RE4 level and above. The games lighting looks better, the colors look better (the game had this washed out look to it) oh and the animation, simply having a hand come up when reloading changes how you see stuff, its not just a floating camera anymore, it has the sense that you are the eyes of someone. I think its a nice improvement.
In that case you DON'T know what it looks like.
Yeah colourwise I would say that UC was aiming to ape the REmake visual style while this new game, colourwise is obviously harking back to the warm colours of RE2. Overkill has on screen reloading, it does help.
That's really cool news that Capcom are bringing REmake and RE0 over here on the Wii. I really enjoyed both of those games on the GC so I'll be grabbing these Wii versions.
Congrats to Peter and Lionhead on the Fable II sales, really an excellent game. I can't wait to see what the next dlc is going to be and I definately can't wait to what Fable III will be like.
Just came back from training, wow what an awesome training it was. First I was so tired that I was dizzy, but the warming-up had just begon. So after a while I felt a little bit naseous and after that, sweet entered my left eye. It burns, but the warming-up was just halfway.
So after the sickness and dizzyness, there was a calmness. Suddenly everything in my head was clear, I did not feel pain, no sickness, was not dizzy and could not feel my arms and legs. Did I die? I did not know, but I was way past my limit. But pain has left my body and in its place was a calm and lightheaded feeling. Could not feel a thing anymore, but I was now easier to keep going and I did.
After a while the warming up was over, some stretching followed. After that we practised some techniques, and we ended it with ground fighting. And Robio ground fighting is only gay if you make eye contact. Had three attempt to triangle choke someone, but they escaped. After the groundfighting the training was over. I had no sensation left in my body, heck even typing this is harder than usual, but dammit it was worth it. You feel really alive, when you feel you are about to die.
Martial arts is awesome!
I was out of training for two weeks because an idiot charged on me (during training) pushing me headfirst into an edge in the wall which resulted in my gashing the back of my head and needing several stitches. i went back for the first time after that on monday and had an awesome session. rolled with seven guys (all heavier), out of those one made me tap-out, i won 5 of them in various ways (including triangle choke) and one ended a stale-mate. they probably let me win because they felt bad about my head
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Why did he charge you?
You should really try rolling after you had a warming up of hell. Much, much more difficult of you can't even feel your limbs
. But still awesome, it builds character!
My PS3 is about to bite the dust. Is restoring as we speak.
So did he say "I love you" afterwards.
In a deep, soothing voice?
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Do you kill puppies in your spare time?
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