High Voltage news explosion:The Conduit - no split-screen multiplayer, no lan multiplayer, final date set, Animales de la Muerte going full-discnintendoworldreport.com Iga_Bobovic
Why do I see Mantorok and Punk on GAF and yet not posting here?
I just read this in the Dead Space Wii thread, an EA guy said:
"Not sure how much I can say if anything about the folks working on the DeadSpace Wii. I'm not working on it myself, although I have seen it running, hence my earlier comment about it being unlikely that it will be graphically disappointing for the majority on neogaf.
As for my own 'Wii hate' I can still evaluate whether something is good on the platform or not even though I don't really play mine at home. Maybe if there were more games like DeadSpace Wii I'd actually play it, heh.
I haven't seen Dead Rising on the Wii so I can't make a 1-1 comparison. All I can say is when I saw the game in motion on the Wii I said, "Wow". I tend to think everything is crap, so from me, "Wow" is a high compliment."
It's funny. I never looked twice at Dead Space on 360, but now that it's coming to Wii, I'm suddenly interested. I guess the IR aiming has a noticable affect on my gaming choices these days. If EA gives Dead Space at least RE4-quality graphics and maybe some improved lighting effects, then I'm sold.
I wish Capcom would follow EA's example, and put more effort into Wii. I'd love to see RE5 and SFIV Wii Editions.
I also wish Sega would release some arcade racing games on Wii. Sega Rally Revo sold like crap on 360/PS3, but Excite Truck has sold very well from what I've read. Wii need more quality racing games, dammit!
Now, if only EA would release a new Burnout on Wii . . .
Nice a Deadly Creatures review, even though I loved to poke fun at it you can always tell it was going to be a quality game. Its noticable from the previews and early shots and videos when a game is being taken seriously by the devs. Very good to hear.
GG yes Killzone 2 does the expand and contract the aiming reticule depending on movement.
Holy crap GoW 3 revealed next friday!! It doesn't come out till next year.
If EA gives Dead Space at least RE4-quality graphics and maybe some improved lighting effects, then I'm sold.
I wish Capcom would follow EA's example, and put more effort into Wii. I'd love to see RE5 and SFIV Wii Editions.
If only EA would release a new Burnout on Wii . . .
After playing it the only reason I would be interested, would be if it were an original game and not a port. If they use the physics, and statis abilities correctly with the remote they could have some good puzzles and combat.
It's likely that SFIV would eventually come to the system, the producer has mentioned it many times, saying that there is no reason why it cant be etc. RE5 is doubtful and really why would you want it? It would take them a couple of years to do a good version. Sure if they had made it from the get go years ago then you could say that you might prefer it with the IR. But now, they either put out a crap version or you wait a couple of years. Either way its not worth it.
I used to like the Burnout games, I got 1-3 but I got... burned out (groan) on them. The only reason I would want a Wii version would be to use the remote and manipulate the crashes in slow motion with a hand of god type mode. That would be cool, picking up a car and flinging it at another car or opponent. Monster games is working on their next game, should be shown very soon, most likely Excite Truck 2.
Dvader said:
Nice a Deadly Creatures review, even though I loved to poke fun at it you can always tell it was going to be a quality game. Its noticable from the previews and early shots and videos when a game is being taken seriously by the devs. Very good to hear.
GG yes Killzone 2 does the expand and contract the aiming reticule depending on movement.
Holy crap GoW 3 revealed next friday!! It doesn't come out till next year.
All 2D Sonic game?!?!?!? Make it happen!!
You could always tell Deadly Creatures would be a quality game? I remember your first thread on the game when it was unveiled. IGN has hinted at this original dark game from THQ, then this game with spiders and scorpians was shown. I was WTF to the highest degree. Now it's competing for my purchase among other titles.
phantom_leo said:
Just purchased Tenchu (Wii) and Pre-Ordered Demon Souls (PS3).
Will post impressions soon and later!
Cool, impressions please. I may get Tenchu.
bugsonglass said:
Ravenprose said:
Fallout 3 dev says the Wii is a toy
Duh? All video game consoles are toys.
i was thinking exactly that.
And yet they say they are making medievil Wii games? What kind of games will these be?
Foolz said:
Heavier than arcade guns? Got a link? I'll probably risk ti anyway, though. People act as if waving hte wii-remote is tiring. -_-
I can't remember exactly, I think its in the Eurogamer and IGN reviews. Or just read the GAF threads.
Tighten up the controls and the design and we’ve got a huge winner on our hands. Let’s hope this baby streamlines before coming out. The Conduit could very well be amazing.
I am pretty sure that the controls in The Conduit are ridiculously customizable.
No one wants to comment on this yet? Vegas Dead Rising? Cool.
Hope they fix the flaws in the first game and it will be a buy. It also solidifies my view of Capcom and their treatment of Chop till you drop. An obvious stop gap cash in whilst they work on the 'proper' sequel for next gen systems.
It was obvious from the get go. This is why people are angry at Capcom especially given how RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles sales matched Lost Planet and Dead Rising 360 sales and they cost a lot less to make etc.
Have I mentioned: "My ANACONDA don't want none unless it got buns, hun!"
I should make that my sig 'til after the Deadly Creatures hype dies down...
Pictures unrelated
I've already seen SteelAttack eat. I don't need to be reminded.
Why do I see Mantorok and Punk on GAF and yet not posting here?
I just read this in the Dead Space Wii thread, an EA guy said:
"Not sure how much I can say if anything about the folks working on the Dead Space Wii. I'm not working on it myself, although I have seen it running, hence my earlier comment about it being unlikely that it will be graphically disappointing for the majority on neogaf.
As for my own 'Wii hate' I can still evaluate whether something is good on the platform or not even though I don't really play mine at home. Maybe if there were more games like Dead Space Wii I'd actually play it, heh.
I haven't seen Dead Rising on the Wii so I can't make a 1-1 comparison. All I can say is when I saw the game in motion on the Wii I said, "Wow". I tend to think everything is crap, so from me, "Wow" is a high compliment."
It's funny. I never looked twice at Dead Space on 360, but now that it's coming to Wii, I'm suddenly interested. I guess the IR aiming has a noticable affect on my gaming choices these days. If EA gives Dead Space at least RE4-quality graphics and maybe some improved lighting effects, then I'm sold.
I wish Capcom would follow EA's example, and put more effort into Wii. I'd love to see RE5 and SFIV Wii Editions.
I also wish Sega would release some arcade racing games on Wii. Sega Rally Revo sold like crap on 360/PS3, but Excite Truck has sold very well from what I've read. Wii need more quality racing games, dammit!
Now, if only EA would release a new Burnout on Wii . . .
Nice a Deadly Creatures review, even though I loved to poke fun at it you can always tell it was going to be a quality game. Its noticable from the previews and early shots and videos when a game is being taken seriously by the devs. Very good to hear.
GG yes Killzone 2 does the expand and contract the aiming reticule depending on movement.
Holy crap GoW 3 revealed next friday!! It doesn't come out till next year.
All 2D Sonic game?!?!?!? Make it happen!!
Fallout 3 dev says the Wii is a toy
Duh? All video game consoles are toys.
Nah, the PS3 is a "Multimedia Experience Device" and the Xbox360 is a "Defective plastic brick".

Edit to add:
Here's an HD version of the Splatterhouse Trailer that's in today's news. Game looks . . . interesting.
Will post impressions soon and later!
i was thinking exactly that.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSuper Mario 64 - Seven Stars The Hard Way Video
Too cool for school!
Where's this from?
One of the site's forefathers.
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Mr Creosote
Heavier than arcade guns? Got a link? I'll probably risk ti anyway, though. People act as if waving hte wii-remote is tiring. -_-
After playing it the only reason I would be interested, would be if it were an original game and not a port. If they use the physics, and statis abilities correctly with the remote they could have some good puzzles and combat.
It's likely that SFIV would eventually come to the system, the producer has mentioned it many times, saying that there is no reason why it cant be etc. RE5 is doubtful and really why would you want it? It would take them a couple of years to do a good version. Sure if they had made it from the get go years ago then you could say that you might prefer it with the IR. But now, they either put out a crap version or you wait a couple of years. Either way its not worth it.
I used to like the Burnout games, I got 1-3 but I got... burned out (groan) on them. The only reason I would want a Wii version would be to use the remote and manipulate the crashes in slow motion with a hand of god type mode. That would be cool, picking up a car and flinging it at another car or opponent. Monster games is working on their next game, should be shown very soon, most likely Excite Truck 2.
You could always tell Deadly Creatures would be a quality game?
I remember your first thread on the game when it was unveiled. IGN has hinted at this original dark game from THQ, then this game with spiders and scorpians was shown. I was WTF to the highest degree. Now it's competing for my purchase among other titles.
Cool, impressions please. I may get Tenchu.
And yet they say they are making medievil Wii games? What kind of games will these be?
I can't remember exactly, I think its in the Eurogamer and IGN reviews. Or just read the GAF threads.
Anyone read this?
The Conduit - impressionsTighten up the controls and the design and we’ve got a huge winner on our hands. Let’s hope this baby streamlines before coming out. The Conduit could very well be amazing.
I am pretty sure that the controls in The Conduit are ridiculously customizable.
Impressions here
Strange saying that as the preview sounds like they dont like it.
Dead Rising 2 ‘Possible Leaked Footage’
No one wants to comment on this yet? Vegas Dead Rising? Cool.
Hope they fix the flaws in the first game and it will be a buy. It also solidifies my view of Capcom and their treatment of Chop till you drop. An obvious stop gap cash in whilst they work on the 'proper' sequel for next gen systems.
It was obvious from the get go. This is why people are angry at Capcom especially given how RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles sales matched Lost Planet and Dead Rising 360 sales and they cost a lot less to make etc.