High Voltage news explosion:The Conduit - no split-screen multiplayer, no lan multiplayer, final date set, Animales de la Muerte going full-discnintendoworldreport.com Iga_Bobovic
i was disappointed by the ign article saying the new metroid is probably just added lore on the website. i was hoping for a new game, or at least additional content in the wiimakes of prime 1 & 2
Well considiring that the Space Pirate lore was one of the best and amusing writing in videogames, I say bring it on!
I'm going to be pissed if Retro Studios are making another Metroid game. I want something different.
Wow at HotD, I cant get it but it will be a definete rental.
GG what you described is Killzone 2, all about cover and precise shots. It has great AI and amazing epic type battlegrounds.
So does it almost feel like a sci fi Medal of Honor Frontline -with epic set pieces, awesome graphics etc- but more punishing?
How do you feel about the controls and the slower movement I read in previews that it added a weight and reality to the game, a sort of bulky solidness that people came to appreciate.
Took a while to get used to, it maps the buttons differently than say CoD4 so it took a while to get used to specifically having aim view be R3. Character moves fine, you have to learn that shooting without aiming mode (iron sights) is not a good idea, if you hold down the fire button not many bullets will hit. I like the way it all moves, it feels good for this game.
IGN has a pole on which of the big 3 wii games people want this month, deadly, HOTD, and Tenchu. 43% said none of them.
Not good when half the audience has zero interest in these games when they are the best real games choices in awhile.
The other 57% are flaming homosexuals who want the pole up their ass instead.
But seriously I own a Wii and I don't know what HOTD stands for (assuming House of The Dead) or what Tenchu is about (I assumed it was a fighting game but Youtubered it and it looks kinda badass.)
Sonic and the black knight preview baby. Just read it, sounds ok I guess. I am glad it sounds like its all sonic like levels, thats the way it should be. I am not happy that they included a waggle fest in the middle of it. Its almost like they took the worst aspect of Unleashed Wii which was the crazy waggle combat and applied it to the good parts, the sonic running levels.
I need to see video to see how its handled. I am sure I will give in cause I know Sonic games are at the very least large games with tons of replay values.
IGN has a pole on which of the big 3 wii games people want this month, deadly, HOTD, and Tenchu. 43% said none of them.
Not good when half the audience has zero interest in these games when they are the best real games choices in awhile.
The other 57% are flaming homosexuals who want the pole up their ass instead.
But seriously I own a Wii and I don't know what HOTD stands for (assuming House of The Dead) or what Tenchu is about (I assumed it was a fighting game but Youtubered it and it looks kinda badass.)
i heard the christian bale rant (complete with
beeps!) in the car driving home from work the other day. what a
prick. it was like something lifted from ricky gervais extras.
have left me seriously considering HOTD overkill. i like exploitation
flicks and cheap zombie horror flicks, so the sense of humour and the
material is enticing, i'm just not yet sure i will consistently enjoy
the gameplay of a rail-shooter on the wii. but this one definitely
sounds like it was done right.
oboromuramasa: wow, i want this game ... like ... now
really good updates on the whole
I'm dissappointed with the frame rate blips, it just shouldn't be
there. I watched the IGN video and I could definetely notice it. On the
other hand it sort of reminds of Wind Waker where your sword blows have
this slight in built delay which accentuates the moment. Have you not
tried other light gun shooters on the system?
SEGA ones have this calibration system where you can turn off the
cursor completely and you can even buy these wiimote shells to use as
guns. Foolz has ordered the double boxset, but the reviews say its no
good. Foolz, cancel the pre-order!
The good thing is that the Eurogamer review said that:
"Overkill is that rarest of things, a brilliant "light-gun" game for the home."
That tells me that it's going to have a good length, replay value,
upgrades, unlockables and scoring opportunities as well as checkpoints,
savepoints, generous continues. Everything a home styled light gun game
should have.
Would you want a female character who doesn't dress like a hooker?
Indeed. I am so going to be shooting my juices all over this game. .
You are filth!
bugsonglass said:
no GG i have never played umbrella chronicles or the HOTD compilation on the wii (nor ghost squad or link's target thingy). i don't even know if i am a great fan of the genre, though i did enjoy 2 player time crisis at the arcades (love the ducking mechanic).
I only got HOTD 2 and 3 because of the low price too. Definetely worth it at that price and the remote works really well as a light gun replacement. The only problem with this game is that the game isn't segmented at all. Its literally like the arcades, you run out of continues and you have to play all over again from the start. The good thing is that you can dual wield with two remotes.
If you liked the Time Crisis ducking mechanic (foot pedal!) you will like Disaster Day of Crisis, it's the same thing, you can hide in cover and pop out to blast bad guys, but rocket launchers and grenades can still hurt you. As for Overkill I hear that the special pack Sega are doing with these two hand cannons, which look really cool, don't work so well and that people would be better off with the Nyko perfect shot. I'm fine with just the plain old remote as it is though.
Shame out the Metroid thing, would be cool to have either a new game or some cool side story game.
Punk Rebel Ecks said:
Man "The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf" looks hot.
gamingeek said:
I think the real question is:
Would you want a female character who doesn't dress like a hooker?
Yes because it totally ruins the immersion, atmosphere, and realism of the game or film. Nobody would dress like that for obvious reasons of both self-respect and common battle sense.
Well, what if she was an exhibitionist with a mental problem which meant she could only fight in the nude? I can see the backstory already. Her mother was repeatedly abused by a local man. Then one day she saw the man rip her mothers dress off. At which point the mother kicked the man's ass. From that day on, the daughter could only contemplate fighting, half naked. That's deep.
Dvader said:
Took a while to get used to, it maps the buttons differently than say CoD4 so it took a while to get used to specifically having aim view be R3. Character moves fine, you have to learn that shooting without aiming mode (iron sights) is not a good idea, if you hold down the fire button not many bullets will hit. I like the way it all moves, it feels good for this game.
Does it do that thing where the cursor is huge and innacurate whilst moving and then gets smaller and more accurate when you stand still?
Dvader said:
edgecrusher said:
IGN has a pole on which of the big 3 wii games people want this month, deadly, HOTD, and Tenchu. 43% said none of them.
Not good when half the audience has zero interest in these games when they are the best real games choices in awhile.
Deadly Creatures is this month. Screw Killzone 2.
THQ should do a TV ad where a scopian walks in front of game boxes of Killzone 2 and all other rivals for this month. And the scorpian stabs the boxart and blood spurges out. Win. Total Win.
Yarcofin said:
I own a Wii and I don't know what HOTD stands for (assuming House of The Dead) or what Tenchu is about (I assumed it was a fighting game but Youtubered it and it looks kinda badass.)
Oh man. Just type it into our search box here. There is tons of stuff.
Foolz said:
No good in what way?!
People say that its too heavy and uncomfortable to use.
Dvader said:
Steel got a blow job from a shark. The shark was me.
That's like a comedy haiku.
phantom_leo said:
...AND Deadly Creatures... cause I heard it scares Bugsy and has a pretty accurate representation of Steel's Wang...!
I say one week we all change out sigs to pictures of snakes. Just to see the reaction.
Intriguing storyline, beautiful graphics and amazing audio.
This natural coupling of high production values and dynamic, interactive storytelling.
Majority of the story elements, fantastic in scope and execution, but the ending sequence feels anticlimactic.
The audio and graphic presentations, though are both spectacular by Wii standards.
Creatures sparkle with some of the best visuals on Nintendo's system. The character models are insanely detailed. The critters animate with creepy realism.
Gorgeous level designs spilling with detailed geometry, truly excellent texture and color work, and lots of variation. The framerate pays the price on occasion.
Somewhat unexpectedly, Deadly Creatures includes hints at a Metroid-ian design.
The harshest critique : it's buggy -- no crashes or gameplay-killing deal-breakers but some annoying technical glitches.
Closing Comments I pray that Wii owners take notice of Deadly Creatures so that this ambitious new property from Rainbow Studios may blossom into a lucrative franchise. It definitely deserves the attention. This is a game for Wii owners who want something refreshingly different. It's powered by a dark, intelligent storyline, boasts great production values through and through, and features smart, fun controls (that use the Wii remote well), not to mention some unexpectedly engrossing exploration elements. The game's got a few polish issues -- camera and framerate hiccups and some frustrating bugs of the technical nature -- but it's still engrossing from beginning to end. THQ's creepy Wii exclusive action-adventure is not just a console showpiece, overflowing with cutting-edge graphic design and ultra-ambient audio, but one of the few titles for the system available whose main characters will give you goose bumps, let alone the supporting cast.
If you complain that Wii never gets high-quality third-party games and you don't buy Deadly Creatures, you've only yourself to blame.
Closing Comments I pray that Wii owners take notice of Deadly Creatures so that this ambitious new property from Rainbow Studios may blossom into a lucrative franchise. It definitely deserves the attention. This is a game for Wii owners who want something refreshingly different. It's powered by a dark, intelligent storyline, boasts great production values through and through, and features smart, fun controls (that use the Wii remote well), not to mention some unexpectedly engrossing exploration elements. The game's got a few polish issues -- camera and framerate hiccups and some frustrating bugs of the technical nature -- but it's still engrossing from beginning to end. THQ's creepy Wii exclusive action-adventure is not just a console showpiece, overflowing with cutting-edge graphic design and ultra-ambient audio, but one of the few titles for the system available whose main characters will give you goose bumps, let alone the supporting cast.
If you complain that Wii never gets high-quality third-party games and you don't buy Deadly Creatures, you've only yourself to blame.
sounds like a really good game actually. and i am geniunely intrigued how one can create an engrossing storyline from material like this ... and not say something akin to "snakes on a plane". i may actually buy it as a sign of support towards a good game and a courageous developing team, but playing through it alone would be an exercise in masochism
edit: and GG thanks for putting a picture of a spider and not a snake. spiders are good ... we like spiders
edit: and GG thanks for putting a picture of a spider and not a snake. spiders are good ... we like spiders
It wasn't intentional (starts hunting for snake pics)
So is sounds like Bethesda are making Medievil Wii games. Yet they view the console as a toy compared to the high end "killing machines". So Oblivion as a DQ Swords game?
Virtua Tennis 2009 confirmed for Wii and will include MotionPlus support.
Well, common sense prevails over last year. I still dont see how Nintendo can make a really good motion controlled tennis game with Wii Sports at launch and yet these other companies need motion plus to do it.
Let's Tap confirmed for America in summer for $29.99.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart? I thought this was a wiiware game, no one is going to pay that money for a game where you tap your fingers on a box.
Cover Story: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
The game, titled Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, was rumored to be on the cover when the teaser was revealed last issue. The game retains its classic roots and features plenty of action and a story that would be fit for a movie that focuses on the biblical item. Some of the news revealed includes:
Hold the B button and swing the Wii Remote to use Indiana Jones' whip. The whip is used for smashing obstacles, swinging over pits or grasping onto objects.
Gestures include right and left jabs, hooks and uppercuts. The attack will be determined by the player's own gestures with the Wii Remote and Nunchuck.
A is used to dodge, while B is used to counterattack. Z is used to grapple.
Indiana Jones can take advantage of his surroundings. He can use various different items that are simply laying around.
Indiana Jones will travel the entire world, from locations such as California, Central America, Istanbul, and Nepal.
The game takes place after the third film in 1939.
The game's villain is Magnus Voller.
Near the beginning of the game the player will have to control a plane, doing so by holding the WIi Remote upright and using it to steer. The b button is used to shoot. Other vehicles in the game include boats and motorcycles.
The Havok engine will be used to add a sense of unpredictability.
Maggie O'Malley plays the role of leading lady.
A cooperative mode is present, though LucasArts didn't reveal who the second playable character is, albeit it is someone from the series' past, and someone who all Indy fans will recognize.
The game will include a multitude of unlockable content from movie trailers, concept art, to alternate costumes and skins for Indiana Jones, as well as a classic Indiana Jones video game as well.
A Nintendo DS version of the game is also in the works, though virtually nothing is known about it.
The Conduit
The Conduit was present in a six page preview focusing on the game's single and multiplayer modes. Some interesting facts present in the issue include:
Game features a 16 player online mode. The game will either find random players from around the world or players whom you've registered a friend code with. WiiSpeak is present, though you can only talk with players you've registered a friend code with.
All of the game's multiplayer maps are based on single player locations, though updated dramatically. One stage they played was a Medical Facility. Another stage was a Training Complex. In the Training Complex everyone starts the match with a rocket launcher.
Sega is pondering over whether they should implement an attack that turns the player 180 degrees and quickly attacks a player from behind.
I'm going to be pissed if Retro Studios are making another Metroid game. I want something different.
Took a while to get used to, it maps the buttons differently than say CoD4 so it took a while to get used to specifically having aim view be R3. Character moves fine, you have to learn that shooting without aiming mode (iron sights) is not a good idea, if you hold down the fire button not many bullets will hit. I like the way it all moves, it feels good for this game.
Deadly Creatures is this month. Screw Killzone 2.
Do not put too much faith in these polls. You do not know who has voted, and how many people just ignore IGN polls. It means nothing!
The other 57% are flaming homosexuals who want the pole up their ass instead.
But seriously I own a Wii and I don't know what HOTD stands for (assuming House of The Dead) or what Tenchu is about (I assumed it was a fighting game but Youtubered it and it looks kinda badass.)
Sonic and the black knight preview baby. Just read it, sounds ok I guess. I am glad it sounds like its all sonic like levels, thats the way it should be. I am not happy that they included a waggle fest in the middle of it. Its almost like they took the worst aspect of Unleashed Wii which was the crazy waggle combat and applied it to the good parts, the sonic running levels.
I need to see video to see how its handled. I am sure I will give in cause I know Sonic games are at the very least large games with tons of replay values.
Your assumption is correct Yarco.
And our first meme has been born.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNo good in what way?!
Hey! Leave me out of this! I didn't even know the poll was going on!
...and I was thinking about buying Tenchu!
...AND Deadly Creatures... cause I heard it scares Bugsy and has a pretty accurate representation of Steel's Wang...!
!? 0_o ?!
Did i miss something?!
You are filth!
I only got HOTD 2 and 3 because of the low price too. Definetely worth it at that price and the remote works really well as a light gun replacement. The only problem with this game is that the game isn't segmented at all. Its literally like the arcades, you run out of continues and you have to play all over again from the start. The good thing is that you can dual wield with two remotes.
If you liked the Time Crisis ducking mechanic (foot pedal!) you will like Disaster Day of Crisis, it's the same thing, you can hide in cover and pop out to blast bad guys, but rocket launchers and grenades can still hurt you. As for Overkill I hear that the special pack Sega are doing with these two hand cannons, which look really cool, don't work so well and that people would be better off with the Nyko perfect shot. I'm fine with just the plain old remote as it is though.
Shame out the Metroid thing, would be cool to have either a new game or some cool side story game.
Well, what if she was an exhibitionist with a mental problem which meant she could only fight in the nude? I can see the backstory already. Her mother was repeatedly abused by a local man. Then one day she saw the man rip her mothers dress off. At which point the mother kicked the man's ass. From that day on, the daughter could only contemplate fighting, half naked. That's deep.
Does it do that thing where the cursor is huge and innacurate whilst moving and then gets smaller and more accurate when you stand still?
THQ should do a TV ad where a scopian walks in front of game boxes of Killzone 2 and all other rivals for this month. And the scorpian stabs the boxart and blood spurges out. Win. Total Win.
Oh man. Just type it into our search box here. There is tons of stuff.
People say that its too heavy and uncomfortable to use.
That's like a comedy haiku.
I say one week we all change out sigs to pictures of snakes. Just to see the reaction.
Just saw the EDGE mag scores.
Killzone 2 got a 7. HOTD got an 8. They raped Deadly Creatures to 5 and Tenchu to 6.
Let's skim through this:
Intriguing storyline, beautiful graphics and amazing audio.
This natural coupling of high production values and dynamic, interactive storytelling.
Majority of the story elements, fantastic in scope and execution, but the ending sequence feels anticlimactic.
The audio and graphic presentations, though are both spectacular by Wii standards.
Creatures sparkle with some of the best visuals on Nintendo's system. The character models are insanely detailed. The critters animate with creepy realism.
Gorgeous level designs spilling with detailed geometry, truly excellent texture and color work, and lots of variation. The framerate pays the price on occasion.
Somewhat unexpectedly, Deadly Creatures includes hints at a Metroid-ian design.
The harshest critique : it's buggy -- no crashes or gameplay-killing deal-breakers but some annoying technical glitches.
Closing Comments
I pray that Wii owners take notice of Deadly Creatures so that this ambitious new property from Rainbow Studios may blossom into a lucrative franchise. It definitely deserves the attention. This is a game for Wii owners who want something refreshingly different. It's powered by a dark, intelligent storyline, boasts great production values through and through, and features smart, fun controls (that use the Wii remote well), not to mention some unexpectedly engrossing exploration elements. The game's got a few polish issues -- camera and framerate hiccups and some frustrating bugs of the technical nature -- but it's still engrossing from beginning to end. THQ's creepy Wii exclusive action-adventure is not just a console showpiece, overflowing with cutting-edge graphic design and ultra-ambient audio, but one of the few titles for the system available whose main characters will give you goose bumps, let alone the supporting cast.
If you complain that Wii never gets high-quality third-party games and you don't buy Deadly Creatures, you've only yourself to blame.
no, please don't do that. better to have sigs with pictures of steel's snake than deadly creatures.
so many updates today, wow
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
sounds like a really good game actually. and i am geniunely intrigued how one can create an engrossing storyline from material like this ... and not say something akin to "snakes on a plane". i may actually buy it as a sign of support towards a good game and a courageous developing team, but playing through it alone would be an exercise in masochism
edit: and GG thanks for putting a picture of a spider and not a snake. spiders are good ... we like spiders
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
It wasn't intentional (starts hunting for snake pics)
So is sounds like Bethesda are making Medievil Wii games. Yet they view the console as a toy compared to the high end "killing machines". So Oblivion as a DQ Swords game?
Virtua Tennis 2009 confirmed for Wii and will include MotionPlus support.
Well, common sense prevails over last year. I still dont see how Nintendo can make a really good motion controlled tennis game with Wii Sports at launch and yet these other companies need motion plus to do it.
Let's Tap confirmed for America in summer for $29.99.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart? I thought this was a wiiware game, no one is going to pay that money for a game where you tap your fingers on a box.
Cover Story: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
The game, titled Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, was rumored to be on the cover when the teaser was revealed last issue. The game retains its classic roots and features plenty of action and a story that would be fit for a movie that focuses on the biblical item. Some of the news revealed includes:
The Conduit
The Conduit was present in a six page preview focusing on the game's single and multiplayer modes. Some interesting facts present in the issue include: