Monster Games producing new game for Nintendo
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robio (3m)
The word Nintendo and the word videogames used to mean the exact same thing. People would call every gaming system a Nintendo. They were the game industry and in some ways still are the best at what they do. Nintendo is the reason more people are gamers than any other reason in the world.
Yeah, I agree. Nintendo was definately considered hardcore during the NES/SNES era, and somewhat hardcore during the N64 era too; though Sony was considered to be way more hardcore by then.
FALSE, Nintendo was popular, so by definition not-hardcore
You're really making me want AC. Though I should probably give the GC one another go first as I could never get into it.
But "hardcore gamer"? I mean isn't the word "Nintendo" and "videogames" synonmous today? I'm just saying I don't remember Nintendo games being mentioned along side of Fallout, Shin Megami Tensei, King of Fighters, or King's Quest.
One of the site's forefathers.
Funny, I was expecting something with Tom Nook...
i don't think terms like hardcore and casual etc existed before gaming forums. back in the NES/SNES if you were a gamer (in the eyes of most people) you were a geek without a social life, hence by definition hardcore.
also what you say is totally wrong. with sony (a big and cool brand) coming into video games with the playstation that's when non gamers started to turn their heads. the first 'casual' games were in fact Lara Croft and Wipeout ... it was when it was suddenly starting to be cool to be a gamer and when video game adverts slipped into the mainstream.
PS what dvader said is quite funny. It reminded me that my mother still calls every one of my consoles ... an Atari
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
As for nintendo I've always seen them as mainstream. And they are making exactly the same type of games today as before, your marios and zeldas and metroids. What we have here is a case of poor timing.
For instance there are games launching in Japan and europe that America isn't getting i.e Fatal Frame 4, Tenchu, Disaster. And bad timing in that nintendo just came off finishing a whole bunch of core games in a short period, mario kart and smash just launched this year and nintendo has published Endless Ocean, Disaster Day of Crisis and Fatal Frame 4 this year.
What is noticible is a lack of core 3rd party games, you have great games like the IGN editorial said, but those 3rd party games are new IP, cool and different, not traditional type games.
Nintnedo isn't changing, they've always tried weirdo concepts like mario paint or fluffy weird projects like Doshin the Giant or Giftpia. It's the third parties noticible gap. It's being plugged by traditional games but they are usually smaller or more niche and usually from japanese developers. Otherwise western third parties are fairly non-commital.
You do have big budget traditional games, but they seem to be hidden or stuck in development for years like FFCC or Monster Hunter 3 or Spyborgs, or Fragile, or the Tales Mothership title. People just have to be patient and this is how I've felt since owning every nintendo console since the SNES, you have to wait for the good stuff, but its well worth it.
I think our definitions of 'hardcore' and 'casual' are different. When I say a 'hardcore' game, I'm referring to game difficulty. To me, PS1 Lara Croft is a harcore game because that game was hard (I died a TON in that game). Zelda II, Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2 (aka The Lost Levels), Metroid on NES were also hardcore games because of their crazy difficulty. Nintendo has since significantly reduced their game's difficulty levels, and games like Zelda TP and Super Mario Galaxy are designed for mass consumers (i.e. casual market).
Metroid was not hard, it was a broken piece of shit. If only Zero Missions came bundled with a flux capacitor, so I could erase the original Metroid from the annals of history.
Wow, the new Prince of Persia looks like CRAP! What an awful, AWFUL artstyle. What's with this cell shading BS again? I thought devs were done with this nonsense after that terrible, eye-gougingly bad Wind Waker game. This is definately NOT what I consider an improvement for the series. Prince of Persia should be set in an uber realistic world filled with TONS of brown, grey, and black color textures; it's just NOT current-gen without it! This game looks like a seriously bad throwback to last gen, and it should never have been released on our ultra high-powered super consoles like Xbox 360 and PS3. This PoP looks like it should be on Wii; yeah, it's at that level of suckitude, but it's not even coming to that lame-ass console! Also, where's the effing blood? The last couple PoP games had awesome amounts of super cool blood, but near as I can tell from IGN's Video Review, there isn't any! WTF people? How the effing hell do they expect people to buy the game without awesomely REALISTIC GRAPHICS and GALLONS of beautifully crimsion-colored BLOOD? They're not, that's how. UBIsoft is seriously effing stupid if they think hardcore gamers are going to buy this kiddie crap!
Seriously though, in motion do the backgrounds and the characters meld together a little better than they do in the screenshots?
I believe me and GG had a similar argument about SSX and some other Snowboarding game awhile ago...
This coming from a hamster loving Animal Crossing fan...
I played for a few hours so far there is no way in hell that the Wii version is better than the HD versions and if it is then I dont want the HD versions. Its not bad but I kind of think Secret Rings is better. Its just the werehog and the text menus, omg they take forever. It took me almost 20 minutes of text surfing, cutscene watching (its like MGS, ok not that bad) to get from one level to another. When I left it I had finished 3 werehog levels, the next level is more werehog, no screw that. I just went back and got S ranks on the few sonic levels I have.
I tried the wiimote at first, for sonic its ok but for the werehog its a pain in the ass. You have to swing like a crazy person, all attacks are shaing based. Almost all moves are based on shaking, it was too much of it. Werehog levels are not terrible but not great or engaging, just button mashing with very simple level design.
Sonic levels are cool, it is a bit like rush in that you have to dash your way to the end to get the fastest time. But I dont know, i definetly dont like it as much as the SA games. Like Secret Rings it has missions as well as the main stage, it just takes the main stage and gives simple objectives, but in Rings the missions felt like a real part of the game and you can customize Sonic to fit them, in this game the missions feel tacked on to add length.
Its ok, I am really really hoping the PS3 version is way better. And from what I have seen of the videos on youtube it is way better.
Thanks for the impressions, Vader. I'll be sure to avoid it the next time I go to the video store.
One of the site's forefathers.
I didn't have that problem. Not even a minute into it and I said, "Well that's enough of that."
I do know what you mean though when you get a song stuck in your head like that. About a couple of weeks ago I couldn't stop listening to the end tune for Dead Rising "Justified" and some of the boss themes like the one for Cliff and the three prisoners ones.
In an exclusive interview with Cubed3 that will be published in the next day or so, Nintendo-owned Monolith Soft talks about Disaster on Wii, the game's performance and the future of Baten Kaitos.
First up some bad news: Given how Reginald Fils-Aime does not seem to be Disaster's biggest fan, waiting on sales of the game to come in before green-lighting a US release, the obvious question had to be about how the game has performed so far. Sadly Hitoshi Yamagami, Producer at Nintendo, confirmed many people's worst fears. Unfortunately it seems that the game is "performing lower than expected". He did go on to state that "Regardless of the region, "'DISASTER' can be enjoyed by any consumer that loves 'disaster' style movies." So perhaps Reggie should take that into consideration and appease those in the US grieving over the possibility of not getting their hands on such a highly entertaining game.
There is some hope for the future of Disaster, with fans potentially set to see Raymond Bryce make a return. Whilst discussing the Day of Crisis' various gameplay approaches, Keiichi Ono, Director at Monolith Soft, let the following slip, "...there were so many wonderful options [ in the game ]. We would like to see the possibility for them, if we have chance to develop the sequel..." Interestingly enough, Ono-san also mulled over the idea of a DS version when asked, responding by saying the team "can consider [ a DS version ] if we have many requests." He did say, however, that the game is obviously more suited to a home console because of the grand nature of its premise, but at least the suggestion was not completely dismissed. Do you feel there is potential for the game to be scaled back and put on DS to appeal to a wider market or should it remain on Wii with future sequels?
Yamagami-san later went on to confirm that a concept for the sequel is already in place (Disaster: World at Crisis anyone?), yet it will go no further than that early stage unless fans raise their voices and gamers rush out and buy more copies of the original. So you know what to do?
Finally, it was hinted at that Monolith has more than one Wii project underway, plus the team is "willing to start developing Baten Kaitos" when given the go-ahead. More details will be revealed when the full interview goes live in the couple of days. In the meantime, do not forget to read Cubed3's glowing review of the game and pick up a copy today!
The press says the wii version is better, that doesn't bode well for the rest. Your only hope is this