Monster Games producing new game for Nintendo
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robio (1m)
I need you to post more impressions before I decide to blacklist you from my Animal Crossing friends list.
I just watched the Call of Duty World at War IGN Video review in thursdays updates. Not the greatest video review but its worth watching for those of you dubious on this version. It is actually doing some impressive stuff with the COD4 engine. Sure, some areas look better than others, there are some higher and lower poly textures here and there. But the size is really impressive as is the amount of stuff going on, the colour in the IGN video review is saturated. But it's a pretty epic production on Wii as far as third parties go. Of course if Retro made it, it would look twice as good
I posted more in your de Blob thread in the forum. I've played it for nearly 6 hours now, and my feelings haven't changed. I've only continued to play it due to it's charming atmosphere, but I can only play it for about 20 minutes at a time before boredom sets in and I need a break. I really, really wish I could like this game, but the challenges just are not much fun for me.
The second I clicked that, my computer shut down on me. Thankfully, I didn't get to hear much, so I'm SAVED!
I watched that video last night, and I have two problems with the game:
I've been really tired and busy lately and with the laptop being repaired a bit out of things. Thanks for posting the updates and giving me stuff to read through guys.
I like these screens:
What's going on with this Sonic Black Knight game? Its visuals are getting better each day. Why not make a decent i.e non sonic game with environments like this?
Sonic and the Black Knight does look a lot better than Sonic Unleashed. Werehog ruined Sonic Unleashed, IMO.
So your blacklisting is confirmed.
I have played a lot of COD WOW and it doesn't look crap graphically at all. On an HDTV sure, if you go around and investigate every texture or go prone and sit with your face jammed up to a texture, sure. Like most Xbox/GC/Wii generation games some levels look better than others, some areas in levels look better than others. After a couple of weeks playing, I can say that it's doing some impressive stuff. It's not a metroid game though, it's not in confined areas with a couple of enemies and areas that load between each door. So no, its textures and environments in terms of actual quality in no way come close to that. But it has a huge scale. There is this bit in the second level when you jump over a barrier and see this huge sprawling level in front of you, no pop up, no fogging, tons of smoke and effects and enemies running about. For a third party game I have to give treyarch maximuto points for putting the effort in. And despite its many frustrations, the controls and satisfaction of plugging Nazis and annoying suicide run Japanese, kept me coming back, despite me thinking that I was totally burnt out on WW2 shooters.
It's linear design and instant deaths hold it back from being better. The Wii controls make it more fun, even if there is a big learning curve and still laggy aiming down sights mode. It's probably the best shooter on the system, even though MOHH2 has faaaar better controls and a 60FPS. But then the FPS pickings are slim on Wii.
My view on the graphics is more my personal opinion than from how well they may have used the available tech. Even last gen, I thought all of those WWII games looked like crap graphically. I really just hate the realistic art style on last gen consoles and Wii. They look fugly to me.
Well I managed to find some decent screens of the Wii version and posted them in the COD WOW thread:
The press is smoking crack. There is no way the 360 version is worse than the Wii.
Go to youtube, watch comparison videos yourself, it is night and day, its as different as Sonic to werehog. Any person that says the Wii version is better is freaking delusional.
And wow Black Knight is looking great. Seriously Sega shouldn'y have bothered with the Wii version of Unleashed if that is what they put out (sadly it will probably still sell more than the HD versions, they are much better served making specific Wii Sonic games from the ground up.
Let normal people eat other things, because the King of Cakes is still the Cake of Kings!
Check out the movie, the thing actually moves!!
But if the best games naturally get the most press coverage, surely they'd be right about this too!
The Zelda trailer:
Wow, the only thing worse than Zelda with American accents, is Zelda with Americans putting on English accents.
God fucking dammit! "The Witcher" just went all Shin Megami Tensei on my ass!
One of the site's forefathers.
Are ye mad man? I aint into sonic enough to trawl through videos
From what I've read the 360/PS3 versions have slowdown and this horrible hubworld, the werehog levels seem worse because there are more mindless enemies to slog through and the controls are convoluted.
Sonic Unleashed - Wii to 360 review scores comparedXbox 360
* GamePro (60/100): “I love Sonic because his speedy style of platforming is fun, and Sega should have just developed a game around that and left everything else out.”
* Game Informer (60/100): “As much as I disliked lumbering through levels as Sonic’s hulky Werehog, I disliked hunting through the hub worlds looking for coins even more. Sega, if you really want to fix Sonic, the first thing you should do is stop trying to fix him.”
* 1UP (C): “Ultimately, this simply isn’t the fresh start Sonic fans were so desperately hoping for … but at least it’s not as execrable as the last two efforts.”
* IGN (72/100): “Sonic Unleashed is half great game and half tedious gimmick.”
* GameDaily (70/100): “A sequel with more speed and less gimmicks would make us happy, but for now, Unleashed is a step above the awful games that came before it. Good to have you back, Sonic.”
* Game Informer (65/100): “The Wii version has less annoying traits than the others and still retains all the usual mediocrity. The motion-control elements in the Werehog levels add an extra dimension to the action, and the hub worlds are entirely text-based and aren’t nearly as annoying. If you can stand the diminished graphics, the Wii version actually edges out the PS3 and 360 entries.”
I'm ready for sonic to ditch the whole speed gimmick for good and just go for an all out classic 3-D platformer feel like a banjo 64. The speed sections on most 3-D sonics involve pushing the stick forwards and watching what happens, mostly. They should get concentrate on getting the basic mechanics of control right and make a traditional 3-D platformer.
More RE5 screens
Yuck! 3D Sonic sucks, but turning Sonic into a slow Banjo-like plaformer would be even worse. It wouldn't even be a Sonic game then! Sorry, GG, but that's an awful idea. A great idea would be to not have any Sonic game in 3D. . . ever. 2D Sonic games is where it's at. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure prove this to be true since they are the only fun Sonic games to come out since the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive originals (IMO).
Well I don't really care about running really fast and occasionally reacting. I just want a good game and I love 3-D platformers. Sonic has the character, he has the visuals, he just needs a persistent gameworld.
That's fine that you don't like the speed thing, but it just wouldn't be a Sonic the Hedgehog game to me without it. I agree with you on the 3D Sonic games; they're really just interactive movies for the most part, but in the 2D Sonic Rush titles, you're reacting all the time by doing combos and tricks to build you're Rush meter so that you can go even faster! It's intense which is why I love those games.
What about the DC 3d Sonic?