FFXIII scenario almost complete.
PS3 version will not be effected by 360 version.
Arc Rise Fantasia website upens
Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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Yeah I could but I haven't really seen any around here although to be honest I haven't really looked real hard either. However at best I'd most likely pay $20 for either of them so if I had a choice of getting the GC one with two small discs or a Wii version with one regular sized disc in a white Wii case possibly new artwork, a manual that referenced Wii controls and options along with in game options and things that also referenced the Wii plus whatever other changes or additions no matter how trivial I would definately throw down another $10 for the Wii version as long as it was only $10. Any more then that and I would probably pass it up.
It's unfortunate really that since Wii has taken off, second hand GC game prices have shot up. I assumed most would have owned these REgames by now. Did you have a cube last gen Archie?
Yeah I had a GC last gen. I picked it up along with Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door when that game first came out. I even owned REmake and RE0 for it. I got them both together in the bundle pack called Pure Evil. I have a habit of buying and trading games quite regularly and then later on down the road I sometimes want to pick them up again when they're cheap.
I do see some good deals on some GC games. I saw Viewtiful Joe packaged with some other GC game that I can't recall right now selling for $10. VJ on it's own is a bargain for $10.
Wow Avalon code sounds awesome.
From Gaf
Avalon Code- use Book of Prophecy to record things worth saving when world is destroyed and rebuilt.
This book is over a 1000 pages, but it has an index. Use this book to scan and reveal the secret codes that comprise the essence of creatures, objects, people, and plants.
The codes are represented by visual icons on a grid in the book.
Change codes by dragging icons from one thing to another- drag sickness from a terminally ill girl and put on a strong enemy to weaken it.
Also tweak codes to change weapons.
Uses every button on ds- magic spell, the book, and 2 weapons(you can dual wield) are mapped to face buttons, tap R to roll.
Charge sp. attack by holding down attack button.
Juggle foes with dual sword strikes with each juggle camera pulls back eventually revealing the entire planet.
Love sim plenty of NPCS to woo for male and female heroes.
Yeah, I didn't take to the sequel though. Maybe because I played it on normal difficulty and because of it being made for the PS2 as well, I found the visuals to be blurrier for some reason than VJ1, even the cube version of VJ2.
It's annoying how gamecube games are not just completely out of print, but they have also almost completely disappeared from second hand shelves too (or go for as high as a brand new game). With the wii's BC and not a whole lot of people having had a GC last gen but having a wii now, i would think that it would make sense for nintendo to at least keep the major titles (say the player's choice collection) in print. I'm lucky to have a pretty good GC collection myself but there were some of the later games (like baiten kaitos) which i wanted to get but have disappeared off the face of the earth.
Having said that, capcom should just reprint the GC REmake (and even RE0 if they really have to) instead of rereleasing them on the wii since they're not going to add or change anything
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Dude, Bugsy... try online:
I had a GC for almost the entire gen, but the first RE game I ever bought was RE4. Then RE: DS. Then RE0 and CVX (PS2). Need to complete my RE collection sometime. Not sure when. And given that RE5 probably won't be released on the Wii in any form, I won't be able to keep going with the series until I get a PS3... whenever that may be.
Downloadable Gamecube Games on Wii
I've thought about this ever since Microsoft started releasing Xbox 1 titles on Xbox Live Marketplace. Nintendo should do the same with GC games on Wii. Most likely all Ninty would have to do is release a HDD for Wii, and then make GC games available for download on the Wii Shop Channel for say $15. The vast majority of GC games are 1.5GB or less; that's about the same size as a 360 game demo! To be honest, it kind of surprises me that they haven't done this yet. Nintendo doesn't make a dime on retailers selling used GC games, and the costs of reprinting disks would most likely be too expensive, especially for the less popular obscure titles. The HDD would also fix another big problem on Wii: lack of storage space. If Nintendo isn't looking into this possiblity, then they are dumb.
Bah enough of this Gamecube talk. Did you guys not read Avalon Code stuff?
I will post it again!
Avalon Code- use Book of Prophecy to record things worth saving when world is destroyed and rebuilt.
This book is over a 1000 pages, but it has an index. Use this book to scan and reveal the secret codes that comprise the essence of creatures, objects, people, and plants.
The codes are represented by visual icons on a grid in the book.
Change codes by dragging icons from one thing to another- drag sickness from a terminally ill girl and put on a strong enemy to weaken it.
Also tweak codes to change weapons.
Uses every button on ds- magic spell, the book, and 2 weapons(you can dual wield) are mapped to face buttons, tap R to roll.
Charge sp. attack by holding down attack button.
Juggle foes with dual sword strikes with each juggle camera pulls back eventually revealing the entire planet.
Love sim plenty of NPCS to woo for male and female heroes.
Awesome huh?
One of the site's forefathers.
Downloadable Virtual Console Games on DS
Speaking of downloading stuff on Nintendo consoles, Nintendo really should make a way for us to play our purchased Wii VC games on DS. We can download DS demos through the Wii to DS via the Nintendo Channel, so I'm certain it's possible. The DS has around 8MB of ram, and NES, Master System, SNES, TG-16, and Genesis games could easily fit in the available ram with any needed emulation software. It would be awesome to take SMB: Lost Levels or Super Metroid with me on the go.
If Nintendo doesn't do this with the current DS, then I hope they will do it for their next handheld console.
What the fuck is this, baboon armpit?
That would be a great idea. I could really go for something like that myself. I really wish Nintendo would hurry up and get this mass storage device figured out and on the market already and they really need to make some vast improvements with their online service I want demos for Wii games, downloadable videos, something that works better then this friend's code garbage, an update to the web browser that supports more file formats, etc.
It is a RPG that tries something new, cum covered ear infection!
Avalon Code promotion video
Some much better than all the standard RPG you are playing!
RPGs suck.
Hamsters suck harder
That's only because hamsters have to drink water out of those stupid pastic bottles.
Well after some going back and fourth between Tales of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery I decided to pick up ToV today. Started playing some of it and while I don't have anything to go on for IU except it's reviews it seems like my choice was a very good one. This game looks excellent graphically and the music so far sounds great. Have so far only had one battle sequence but it seems to be on par with previous Tales game and perhaps just a touch of improvement. The music for that was pretty cool.
I'd still like to give IU a go but with an upcoming flood of games perhaps I'll just make a rental of it instead of a purchase.
Also the game is supposedly 50+ hours so it'll give me plenty of gaming for awhile.
Oh. Why haven't I bought a DS already?
Good choice, plus Infinite Undiscovery is the most idiotic name ever.