Facebook hosting celebrity charity Mario Tennis tournament
Super Williams Sisters
Microsoft Will Reveal its Next Gen Games on May 7.
On the new Xbox generic name console.
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travo (6m)
Played Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne myself this weekend.
I've spent my weekend playing Bubble Bobble and Dr Mario on NES Classic. Also a bit of Bust-a-Move DS too.
Drunk Leo! Woo Drunk Leo! Yeah!!
I played Animal Planet (as my boyfriend calls it). Got my Redd's paintings going on. Gots my new mooseum. Got all up in my new Nook! Got my butt-fruit trees on the corners of my estate... Got my super gay bathrrom expansion with my gimp gear all ready to go...
Went back to Terraria for some reason on UBER-hard... Barely got my first dwelling done before being killed repeatedly by ice-slimes.. Noe they're all in my house where I respawn so I keep on being immediiately killed again... Who knew it could rain slimes...?!.
Decided I wamted to replay the Seiken Densetsu series from the beginning, before starting the Trials of Mana remake, so I'm plougiing through Final Fantasy Adventure...
Still playing Nioh 2and enjoying da fuq out of it. Even better than the first... but did anyone here even play THAT...?!
Also decided to download Super Pixel Racers for Switch... I wantd some RC Pro-Am action and it fits the bill nicely!
This quarantine shit sucks, but at least I gots food to eat, alcoholic seltzer to drink and all the games I can play and then some...!
Thank you to D'Raymonds restaurant for supplying me with all the Veal and CHicken Parm I can eat and Red Wine I can drink. I dun know what I'd do without those friendly Italian boys keepin' me sane, drunk and fed!
Hells YEAH!!
woooooooo ! ! ! ! ! !
I'm about to finish the first proper area in Metro Exodus, I think. It's very MGSVy...
I started construction on a small suburb section in Animal Crossing and beat Senua's Sacrifice.
I'm not sure what to think of Senua's Sacrifice. I watched most of the documentary about the making of the game straight after I beat it, and it's clear that they put a lot of effort in the game trying to portray the effects of mental illness. They worked together with research groups and people who actually suffer from various forms of psychosis. I think the main take away is that to people who suffer from these kinds of illness, their perceived reality is very much real, with it's own rules and structure. This is however hard to put down in a game, as games always impose their own rules and realities upon us and therefor a lot of the impact the developers strive for is dilluted or goes by unnoticed because it is what we come to expect in games.
An example of this is the main puzzle mechanic, which will set you the task of finding runes hidden in the environment. These can be seen in the shadows, or when lining up different elements from a certain perspective. This is apparently the kind of structure some people will look for in their world, and is in fact based on medical reports. However, this is also something of a videogame trope, playing with perspective and as such will not be perceived by the player as an element of the main character's psychosis.
Large parts of the game are also set in Hellheim, the Keltic hell. This also dilutes the impact of the psychotic effects, because well, we're in hell. When the whole world around you distorts or transforms, that would be disturbing. But when you're in hell you just shrugg and kind of go 'well, it's hell, what did you expect?'. It would have been better to have more of the game set in a reletable reality, as the first 2 chapters of the game were.
edit: this game is also better at making the parry mechanic an integral part of the combat loop than BotW. I played through BotW largely ignoring the parry mechanic, which was a huge pain in the ass as the final boss made it nearly mandatory to use. At least here all elements of combat get their time to shine, leading you to master them all and really making you feel like some great warrior once you get the hang of it all.
Isn't that like new Zima?
It is, in terms of who it's marketed to and who actually drinks it. I will give it that it's not nearly as nasty as Zima though.
I also tried out Overcooked 2 with my son last night. That is a damn solid co-op game. Good simple concept that gets tough real quick.
It is the first thing that comes to mind when someone says they're drinking alcoholic seltzer. I wasn't aware they were Alternatives. My drinking knowledge is pretty much limited to whatever specials are at my bar, my regular gin, or whatever wine and spritzers I see being sipped on by housewives on tiktok.
Which will end first, the endless animal crossing posts or the virus shutdown?
I have been playing FF7 OG which is still a fun game but not as good as the remake in terms of gameplay. I am almost done with my FF7 obsession, need to see what I try next.
So, about ready for Animal Crossing, the best selling game of 2020?
Ring fit adventures arrived in the mail yesterday. I suspect the wife will be trying it out today.
We usually don't order a lot of stuff online, but it's surprising to see that now with corona, deliveries seem much faster than they used to be.
edit: also, Vader, any tips for Ring fit adventures? Stuff that could be usefull to know before she starts?
So did anyone else here play Senua's Sacrifice? Anyone?
No, but I'm interested now.
It's widely available. There's even a competent Switch version that impressed Digital Foundry by how close it was graphically to the home console versions.