Resident Evil 0 remaster sold 800,000
New Monster Hunter title due out by March 2017
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robio (4m)
Hey check it out......its Batman on my PC like 5 years ago.
Oh man, I so can't wait for the Batman Arkham bundle.
Do you even have to ask?
I remember G-Police. It sucked.
So it was unintentional then.
That's Khan Noonien Singh to you.
So sad that the worst system on the list is the most popular one thanks to nursing homes and stay at home moms working their fat asses off to Wii Tennis. Outisde of that, every system has lost 10 to 15 million sales compared to the prior one. If that continues, the NX could maybe sell 3 million units.
Bugs, did you go through with that Fire Emblem LE pre-order you made, or did you end up cancelling it?
Haven't cancelled it yet but I may not have enough credit in my card for it to go through. When is the release date?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The solution then is simple. They need to rerelease the NES.
According to Edge's logic, they should release the worst system they possibly can by Edge's standards and sales would shoot through the roof.
Interesting too, is how Nintendo has lost something major with every console and never really GAIN anything.
For example, NES to SNES, they lost the 3rd-party monopoly. SNES to N64, they lost a huge chunk of 3rd-party most important of all Squaresoft and the RPG genre. N64 to Cube, they lost the entire first-person shooter crowd they had built up on N64 to the Xbox, and even gave them Rare. From that to now where they basically have zero 3rd-party or 2nd-party output.
Atlus or Sony need to get Persona 3 and 4 on the PS4. Wild Arms 3 is nice and all but lets get the heavy hitters please. So far the PS2 remasters line is far too 1st-party oriented for a console that had insane 3rd-party support.
Well it doesn't work like that. You have to get lucky enough to catch some kind of trend or fad like motion controls again, that people who don't even know games are on your console will run out to buy and use like 5 times a year for two years. The console itself and the games were almost irrelevant. It was all about the waggle remote.