The challenges of making interactive toys
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robio (7m)
Indeed. I remember playing Super Mario Bros. in my local arcade.
Agreed looks right up there with the best looking games today. I just hope the game is great with a great story.
I wasn't even ten when the Poke'mon craze hit.
What blows my mind was that I remember back in high school how the 16-bit era seemed so mystic and legendary. Quality games like Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Phantasy Star IV, and Sonic 3 were talked about like they were ages ago. I always wondered how much different gaming was way back then. That was in 2004 to 2005. The distance from today to then where I experienced games like Resident Evil 4, Shadow of the Colossus, Half-Life 2, and Doom 3 are around the same distance. And those games listed seem to be every bit as "mystic and legendary" toward new gamer as the 16-bit era games I listed then.
What also is interesting is how when I used to post in message boards and people made threads like "favorite Nintendo system", people were raving about how they adored the SNES while the Nintendo 64 had a fast growing base and the NES was the preferred console of the adult posters. However, the Gamecube was hated by everyone and seen as a joke console. Today the message boards are filled with people talking about how much they adore the Gamecube while the Wii has a fast growing base for it while the SNES or Nintendo 64 is the preferred consoel for adult gamer. The Wii U is largely considered disappointing.
One of the site's forefathers.
Anyone playing The Witness. I may take the plunge and get this by the weekend.
Sigh. Anyone at TheVgpress playing the Witness?
Yes. Me. My impressions are at The Ring of Fire.
So fellow groundhogs:
Who are you rooting to become president?
One of the site's forefathers.
No copypasta?
My Walmart had a SMB arcade machine right next to the Flintstones mystery egg machine. Super Mario Looked so futuristic back then.
Fabulous beasts bridges the gap between tabletop and videogame
This looks ace. I never kickstarted anything, nor do I generally play table top games, but I can see me playing this with friends often. Best fun I've ever had was with tabletop games was when we were playing a digital version of ticket to ride, while those who were waiting for it to be their turn played Fruit Ninja together on a seperate Ipad. This seems to scratch that itch.
Anyone search youtube for Air Bonsai.
Looks cool.
Eh... How do you water it? Also, it needs to be plugged in to keep it levitating.
research (eg. google) thaught me that, yes, this thing needs to be plugged in to function. The clips also clearly see the thing rotating which, to my knowledge, is beyond the reach of a normal magnet. Lame.
No political talk. Bah humbugh!
One of the site's forefathers.