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SupremeAC (1m)
I was thinking 5pm est, but I'll be gone.
It's usually about now. But it's European splatfest. Not that I'm playing, but still.
It's awesome. It improves on the last game in just about every way. The story is meh, though.
Going from utter shite to meh is also an improvement.
Glad you're enjoying the game, I figured you would. I loved the game as well.
What? I'm filling in for Edge!
It gets participation rates way up and if you want you can choose to cast a "voting for none" ballot or vote for a joke character.
I'll buy the upcoming PC version.
One of the site's forefathers.
Why are you in Germany?
Nice to see that amazingly bad cover art is still being generated:
Yeah, forcing people to vote is likely to get voting participation rates up. However, living in one of the political utopias you selected, I cannot vote for a joke character; although I can donkey vote.
I'm a political refugee escaping compulsory voting.
Voting is a lie. In Australia and in the US there is no substantial difference between the two parties of the establishment. So forcing people to vote changes nothing.
The Republicans are far worse than any of the major Australian parties. One key reason why is that most Americans who don't vote dislike the party but since they don't show up to vote the party can ignore them.
One of the site's forefathers.
So I beat Trails in the Sky Second Chapter. Both games combined clocked in around 110 hours. What a wild ride.
While the games get boring at times the good outweights the bad. One of the finest RPGs you can play and true classics in every sense of words.
Buy at least the first game and give it some time.
One of the site's forefathers.
This weekend, I confused the hell out of myself playing The Witness. I have completed 120 panels plus 1. What about you, Blow-hards?
170+1 for me. Near the end of the tetromino section, but gave it a rest to go back to Metal Gear V. Don't want to let MGV go much longer and didn't want to get too frustrated with The Witness either!
Coming on Tuesday for the PS4 and Vita:
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