"The next console generation will be a whole new game"
Robbie Bach, Xbox founder
VR is currently 'pretty expensive, relatively primitive'
admits Oculus Rift creator
New Uncharted Collection PS4 bundle
includes the first three games in Naughty Dog's series
Star Wars: Uprising is the first game sequel
to Return of the Jedi, and it's out this week
Rise of the Tomb Raider lets players 'compete with friends'
MS clarifies - but how?
The Most Anticipated Games of Fall 2015
Really? We're still supposed to get excited over Assassin's Creed?
metacritic.com editorial
Animal Crossing:HHD Network details
Update lets you share designs and other stuff
Why Game Consoles Should Not Fear Apple TV
"Limited hardware, limited controls"
arstechnica.com editorial
Train Simulator Controversy
Steamed gamers are railroaded out of US content.
eurogamer.net news
Konami Issues Urgent Save Corrupt Warning
You'll never believe how to avoid it. (:lol:)
eurogamer.net news
Apple Steals Wii Waggle for Apple TV
Touch, buttons, and waggle. Casuapacolyse.
eurogamer.net news
Shovel Knight Expansion Coming Next Week
Why are they wasting their time on this? Oh yeah, money.
pcgamer.com news
Wii U Title Bombing Bastards Becomes 'Bombing Busters'
on PS4, at Sony's Request - kiddy consoles... pfft
MGSV Mod allows you to bring Quiet as a companion
All the time - boobs - constantly
New Xbox One dashboard rolling out
to select Preview members this month
videogamer.com impressions
Nintendo sells 7 million amiibo in U.S. since November
3DS increases, Splatoon grows 30 percent increase in sales for 3DS for the first eight months of the year
NPD - Aug. 2015 top 10, plus industry-wide figures and more
Game sales down 10%
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Just got gold on the S licence:
Finished this, which wasn't finishing it apparently:
Started this:
True. I was pleasantly surprised at how well you managed to imitate my low, masculine, voice.
So I just finished the GU podcast and I thought I'd vent some thoughts on Splatoon, even though I don't recall everything that has been said due to my listening being spread over 3 different commutes.
There's probably more, but I already forgot everything that you mentioned in the first half of your impressions. I agree that a large chunk of this game's charm derives from how tactile everything is. There is as much joy to be found in the sound the ink makes as there is in the boundless energy of Mario running around a stage.
I do believe you can get splatted by luck by the killer wail since it goes through walls.
You can change the results in the last 30 seconds but I view that as a good thing, not dying in the last minute and being able to surge forward for a last minute victory is very satisfying.
So why did Bungie remove the story from Destiny? Was it THAT controversial? Because there's no way in hell it was revised to make it better....
1. Unless you're philosophically stating that luck doesn't exist, of course you can lose a match based on luck for an infinite number of reasons; not simply my scenario. And in my scenario skill certainly does not have to affect teams getting splatted at the wrong time: the team that gets splatted is just as easily the one that is dominating as the one that is being dominated. Are you suggesting that low level players getting dominated by a team not only skilled in one on one, but taking up good positions on the map, are carefully plotting to take down the other team right at the end so they can't retaliate?
2. That chaos in Mario Kart, like in Splatoon, is not simply to make things more crazy, it's also to make the game interesting for players with less skill. Making it more hectic isn't some unintentional side effect, but nor is it the sole focus of the design. And it's not at all like a comeback in sport, it's contrived and once again decides matches not based solely on skill. It's like having a penalty shoot-out at the end of every football match, even if a team is winning. As for it catering to children, of course it is. Everything about Splatoon is aimed at children from the structure to the aesthetic and the marketing. There's nothing wrong with that at all, and it's one of the reasons I like Splatoon so much (I haven't matured since birth). But it's semantics, anyway. The issue isn't that this penalty shootout design caters to children, or is there just to make the game more hectic, the issue is that it makes the game worse.
4. I can't remember whether Phil gave it a 10, but if he did then the overall score was 17.5, which is an 8.5, not a 9. If he gave it a 9, then it's 8.25. So the overall score is actually right in line with your rating. However both your and Phil's rating are too high.
Anyway, great comments.
Not sure if it was linked here by GG a few weeks ago, but the release date for STARFOX Zero is November 20th in the US and Europe.
Hold your horses, you're not getting away with this just by saying 'anyway, great comments', no matter what smiley you attach!
1. Luck is based on chance, of which there is none in Splatoon. There is no roll of the dice, your inkling can't trip and break their leg, no interactive scenery that can take you out unawares, ... The only luck there is to it is prior to the game, in the choice of stage and what teammates you get. But during the game, luck has nothing to do with it, as there are no elements of chance. And I'd be willing to debate on the matter of carefully planning when it would bu opportune to take out opponents.
2. I agree that this results in the game being more enjoyable to the lesser skilled, but not that this implies they would be kids. And it's not akin to ending every match with a shootout, it's akin to having a 1 goal lead for 85 minutes and still having the other team score twice in the last 5. It is part of the game, as it is part of the sport. There is no teamsport that I am aware of that grants victory on how well each team has played during the match, only the outcome counts. It is something that if you're playing the game, are aware of and can keep in mind when strategising.
If you fumble in the last 20 seconds you didn't lose unfairly, you just didn't win.
4. You average out at 8.75, which is higher than an 8.5, and definitely more so than an 8.0. A 7.5 is just too low, even in the grand sheme of all things video game related every released.
What in the hell are you guys mumbling about?!
Pikmin 4 announcement brought me great joy!! (Even if I haven't yet played Pikmin 3)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Fantastic news! I love the Pikmin series.
I still need to get Pikmin 3.
Oooh a new Pikmin. That could be cool. Pikmin 3 was noticeably a Wii game in a few spots. I'd love to see a new installment that was built for the Wii U (or more likely NX) from the ground up.
Ubisoft Announces Plans for Next-Generation Theme Park
Finally. I've been waiting my entire life for a Just Dance roller coaster.
You haven't addressed how there is no correlation between skill and ridiculous end of game comebacks in Turf War. Also, this is why it's like a penalty shootout, not like a spontaneous comeback. The last 20 seconds of a match is the only part of the match that matters. Every other part of the match, it literally doesn't matter what happens. That's not like a comeback. That's not like how football, or any reasonable sport is designed. The ranked matches are better in this regard, but suffer from similar design flaws.
Everything about the game is designed to appeal to children; I don't know why you'd even want to do deny that. I'm not criticising it for this. I won't repeat myself on this a second time (as we're literally disagreeing about semantics, who cares?) so here's an emoticon:
7.5 is actually too high. The .5 was based on the potential of its staying power, not what it actually deserves right now. It's a very good game, it's not even close to great. But if it remains very good for long enough, it might be close to being great in the context of online shooters. I use the full scale, so 7 is a really, really good score from me.
That's great about Pikmin 4. Glad its not going to be a 9 year wait like last time. Pikmin 3 is easily one of the best Wii U games.
Unless its a 3DS game.....that would piss me off.
Some great advice to Nintendo on what they should do with the NX, from AlphaOmegaSin. Sadly, I can see them ignoring 95% of this advice because its Nintendo....whereas Sony and Microsoft would do most of this.