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Completely nonsensical analogy. I think you may be trying to say something that's not about developers or videogames at all.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Don't dodge the Cheep Cheeps if you hit them they will send you up twice as far as a normal fully charged jump.
That one will be unlocked from the start but their are three other games that you need Amiibos to unlock.
Yeah got to level 8, BTW you are supposed to hit the chirps
So I think one of the biggest hurdles this game has is how no one has an identity. Core gameplay is fantastic, super fun. But with online games you need to ask what makes you keep playing. It's the drive to be good right? To win matches, to dominate. Or to get revenge, to feel like you can finally overcome that guy who is better than you. in other games I take note of how has killed me and who dominates.
With splatoon it feels like no one has an identity. I have no clue who I am shooting at, I don't know who killed me or who is do,imaging a match. And once it ends you are shuffled into a new group usually, another group of randoms. The level progression will help with giving a goal to keep playing but what else. I didn't see any stat tracking?
^ Interesting. Personally, I just play online for fun. Don't really care if I win or lose.
So I got my prepurchase for Splatoon refunded and got PS Plus instead. I'll get Splatoon, possibly day one, maybe later. I do have $25 credit so if I have a little extra spending cash at the end of the month, then I'll pick it up. The biggest draw for me is the mp with friends and that's not happening for a while.
I noticed winners were awarded extra points. Possible level system?
I said I'll prolly get it.... on May 29.
There is a level system.
well you could play with friends at launch but you enter matches together randomly, so you may be put on opposite teams. You can't make a team of friends in a closed match till August.
Eh? This is what most shooters feel like at first.
P.S. It's okay for Destiny to release without half of its content but not Splatoon?
So you don't keep the good ones...got it.
This is why we need the minus button back.
internet issues here. been lurking on mobile for a while.
how big is splatoon demo download?, and hi all.
Ok but what does that have to do with him?
So now this testfire thing is over, this demo is useless and can be deleted?
So when that "pwhip" sound effect plays your meter is topped up?
I have no idea what's going on here.
Won't the single player be there day one?
Right over my head again. Each person has their name over their character, everytime you are nailed it shows you who did it by centerting the camera on them and showing their name. Each time you kill someone it tells you at the bottom of the screen.
Unless I missed something I wasn't shuffled into a new group at all unless I quit to change weapons, my group stayed together and only changed when people dropped out and even then only the dropouts were replaced and we were with the same group otherwise. Maybe it's because half my group had Japanese Kanji names I didn't notice people being shuffled? When the matches were over we got ranked, given points and our rating changed. I usually ranked in the top three overall.
It's about 600mb and has a tutorial then online matches but you have missed the testfire day so I dont think you can play it now unless they do another one closer to launch, or after.
So I wasn't really paying attention to all the details in the Splatoon Direct.
I found the text, so we can all read it together now:
So the game launches with 5 turf war stages (and all the other modes and content including single player). The online matches shuffle between 2 stages at a time, you can just log on later to play on different stage from the 5 availible. After each match all players are shuffled randomly.
So it launches with a good amount of content and all the other stuff is free updates. I don't have a problem with this unless the updates are too large for my puny HDD.
I have a problem with not letting friends play until August. Randomly running into them doesn't count. Plus, who plays for four hours and are satisfied with just two maps? This multiplayer seems undercooked. I know Nintendo was aiming for a late May release just like Mario Kart last year, but if multiplayer wasn't finished, I'd rather they have waited to release it. If it is complete and they're intentionally holding back, then a dick move on their part.
Pre-order cancelled. Makes no sense for me to get this as the timing is completely wrong. Even if it was the full game, June is very hectic for me at work and then I will most likely try to get away for the rest of the summer so that means no gaming until September at the earliest. So I will have to check again on who is playing it and what the impressions are nearer that time.
I have more than enough games to keep me happy until then (as well as Kirby and Yoshi ... plus a handful of 3DS games coming soon.) Then there is also the issue of wanting to play MK8 with every opportunity!!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The New Update For Teslagrad is Now Live in North America
Nice of them to finally tackle this crap. Teslagrad will go down as an infamous disappointment to me. There was a really solid game here, but it was one of the buggiest games I've ever played. It was freezing and crashing due to something almost 30 minutes or so.