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to order in Australia/New Zeland - wtf this is awesome
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travo (10m)
Played Hotline Miami with a 360 controller. Now I get it. When I first got it it only supported WASD control, which was ridiculous.
Ridiculously good, thanks to mouse aiming. Indeed. The game sucks with analogue stick aiming. :X
So PS4 just eclipsed Gamecube in lifetime sales. That's so weird to think about given the two different libraries.
Besides Bloodborne and a handful of re-released PS3 games what are people playing on the PS4? I guess people buy it on promise alone. Cruel for systems which have an actual decent library of games yet sales are so underwhelming. WiiU will be the same in terms of sales though due to complete lack of 3rd party software from the outset its library will be smaller
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Dreamcast only sold 10 million (PS4 now at 22 million). That's bizarre too.
I am only just now starting to play PS4 games. Second Son, Driveclub. But mostly I just use it for Netflix. I could probably spend 3-4 years going through my gamecube library if I had no obligations.
I am wondering if Splatoon is $80 good.
Game already has a bundle and amiibos. Nintendo is serious about this one. I like the idea of a new IP from Nintendo and also an online shooter that is appealing to a different crowd (much like the PvZ shooter).
Playing the DLC levels on MK8 for the first time. There is one which reminded me of a game we used to play on my friend's Mega Drive called Micro Machines. I used to love that game though it was probably not very good. I liked anything back then.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I pre-ordered it but more as a sign of support than anything else. I can't say that the previews look all that appealing or promising to me. I ordered the solus game. The amiibo bundle if nothing else will be collectible. Those are sold out before they even appear on European online stores. Though I decided to steer clear of the amiibo craze so I'm not fussed about that.
I counted 55 Gamecube games on my shelf, though regrettably I am missing some games which I wanted but have since become hard to find and/or hugely expensive. I don't have Skies of Arcadia LEgends, the two Baten Kaitos games, Geist, Odama, Kirby's Air Ride and probably some others which I should have got while I could.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I need reviews of splatoon before I dive in and I need a contract from you guys that you will play online
You get a PS4 to play every major game in the generation. The PS4 library will destroy the GC, it's going to have ever third party game, GC did not. So unless you think this gen will be far worse than that generation PS4 will have a better library.
Sadly I do think this console generation will be the worst one yet overall. Every major game this generation will most probably be very mainstream and play it very safe. And there will be far fewer of them because it's harder to take risks.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
In two years the PS4 has received one significant game. Forget the GameCube, the Wii U will end up with a better library.
No, your memories are correct, it was a well loved game, as was RC-Pro Am on the NES and Gameboy:
The Wii U has a better library today, but whether it will "end up" with a better library is dubious given it's only got another 2 years (likely).
Small team games (what others call indy) to the rescue. It's the coronation of the AAA elite, there will be about 6 AAA games a year and they will sell like hot cakes. They will all be good, safe, highly produced games, enjoyable and very mediocre games. Then for everything else we'll have Nintendo, small team games released on every platform and PC.
That's where I am at. I am happy to pay $80, but it's got to be a community buy-in.
I know it's needless to say, but I have all those (except KAR). Gamecube had a gilded library, and for a few years even third party support. Nice controller too.
The PS4 will come around.