Double Fine bringing Costume Quest 2 to Wii U
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Polygon: Nintendo grows desperate, your dreams will come true
"SM64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2, and 3D World all remastered in HD, and packaged on a single disc for 360, XBox 1, PS3, PS4 and put on Steam!"
Iwata skipping E3 for health reasons - Polygon
Polygons pie chart gave him a heart attack
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Ellyoda (1m)
So sorry to hear that. I hope it heals much faster than you fear
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Sorry to hear that Bear, get well soon.
Well bear put things in perspective, get well soon.
Just got home from hospital, broke bone in shoulder and tore rotater cuff.
That's one hell of a fall.
It sure was, the things I do to avoid getting my ass kicked at MK8 lol
Yup it is going to happen. They have to do it cause they have nothing else. There is so much good will toward TLOU, might as well capitalize over it.
Ugg it's so over rated. Why are thery bothering? it looked like ass. played like a typical zombie action, the environments were diverse at least.
Witcher 3 looks so amazing! What a trailer!
Video games cheer me up, they dont get cramps.
OH DAMN!!!!!
I unlocked Mirror Class in MK8. It's fun, but I'm very disappointed. Double Dash's Mirror mode had you race on every track in the game as one big 16-track championship, and the A.I. was considerably more difficult too. That's not the case here. It appears to be the exact same A.I. from 150cc, and with the exact same race layout. It's fun to play the tracks mirrored, but there's no new challenge. As much as I enjoy this game, the single player has been ridiculously easy, which is a shame. I was really hoping Mirror mode would kick my ass, but, sadly, no.
Well Bear, I hope you've become wiser now. NEVER go outside.
Still, I hope things heal up fast for you.
You know how strange is this? There's been about a half dozen indie games that have been released in the past 2 weeks or will be coming out later this month that I really want to play. 1001 Spikes, Ittle Dew, I've Got to Run, Shovel Knight, Color Zen, and Scram Kitty. Add in Mario Kart and a few new Wii Sports Club games that are coming out in a few weeks, and the Wii U suddenly has more on it that I want, but can't afford and don't have the time to play. Huh.... that's a weird feeling.
I know the lifespans of the XBone and PS4 are short ATM, but it is kinda cool to see Nintendo with more good exclusives than those two combined.
Maybe the indie route is the way to go for the big N. Focus on making as many of those exclusive as possible.
I don't know. I'm happy to play a good indie title, but they're nothing that will ever make me buy a console. Then again who knows? Shovel Knight is getting a level of polish and care that most big budget titles don't get. I'll be very curious to see how much attention that gets.
I'm not saying it's the answer to all their prayers, but a step to get some core gamers interested in them again.
Yes....suddenly the Wii U is going to take over and every 3rd-party developer in the world is going to bring all their biggest games exclusively to the Wii U...all because of Mario Kart 8.
Easy?! I'm going to be really struggling on the 150cc Grand Prix. Last night I was able to beat the Nintendo staff ghosts on eight of the 32 tracks, which was extremely difficult and frustrating. I may be new to Mario Kart, but I think I'm a pretty decent racer. This is a difficult game if your goal is always 1st place. Btw, I use Ludwig. Is it easier with a heavy or a light character?
^ I play as Yoshi, and I almost always get first place on each track. I have gold on every normal cup. I haven't tried the Staff ghosts yet, but will soon.