Nintendo Minute - Treasurenauts and Moon Chronicles Developer Chat
Our Nintendo eShop developer chats continue with Jools Watsham from Renegade Kid. media news
Nintendo Minute - Shovel Knight Chat
Sean Velasco from Yacht Club Games sits down to talk to us about his new game Shovel Knight for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. media news
Ars Reviews Thief
"...a disjointed game that doesn't really know what it's doing" impressions
Game Under Podcast Ep. 41
Gone Home, Gucamelee, Dear Esther and Double Dragon Neon. editorial impressions media news
Titanfall free Bundle for Xbox One in NA as well.
Titanfall included for the same $500 price. The first "price cut" news
Console Wars the movie! Seth Rogen to direct!
The story of Sega vs Nintendo!!!!!! GO SEGA! news
Eurogamer Reviews Madcatz Console
"...all of this is available elsewhere and in a superior form..." impressions
Does Borderlands 2 Vita deliver or will it disappoint?
Iron Galaxy, the studio Vita gamers know best for their smart minimalistic fighter Divekick are the ones working on the Borderlands port. editorial
GameXplain's Analysis of Monolith Soft's X
GameXplain analyzes the footage from the latest Nintendo Direct media
MGS Ground Zeros next gen physical version drops $10.
Now the same as the next gen digital version. Old gen still same price. news
Bad reviews for Castkevania LoS2. ALl in one place.
Lots of 5s and 6s. Yikes. impressions news
Get Pokemon X or Pokemon Y Free
Register a portable Nintendo 2DS, 3DS, or 3DS XL system and a qualifying game between March 1st to March 31st and get a FREE Pokémon X or Pokémon Y download code. news
Giantbomb Reviews Theif
2/5 "bland level designs, and god-awful plot. " impressions
Stephen Elop given full control of Microsoft games.
He tanked Nokia and said he would think of selling Xbox. news
MS: No Ambassador Program for Early Adopters
They respond to questions about the "price drop". news
Minecraft PC Hits 100 Million Users
14.3 percent of registered users convert to paid accounts. news
Persona Q Coming To NA Fall 2014
Etrian Odyssey team doing a Persona dungeon crawler for the 3DS. news
Mondo Zappa
Swords and Soldiers II Announced for the Wii U
And in all likelihood other platforms one day too
RUMOR: Sony to release Uncharted PS4 collection.
Seems like it would be a smart idea. news
Mercury Steam dev shares internal problems
On some spain forum. Says the head is a egomaniac. news
GI: Could Microsoft sell off the Xbox?
And if it makes sense for Microsoft, is Amazon in the market to buy?
Sony Corp. outlines further cuts
Original Tokyo HQ to be sold, 20 retail stores to be closed, 1000 layoffs for Sony Electronics
Shooter/Platformer hybrid Ballpoint Universe heading to eShop 3/18
Looks like what Tim Burton doodled in middle school news
Warner Bros. to make a Minecraft movie. Lego Movie team to produce
If a bazillion kids on earth love the game, why not? news
The Man Who Made Donkey Kong Country's Brilliant Music
An interview with David Wise!
PC Gamer Reviews Strider
7/10 "big-chested ninja fantasies with butt-hugging leotards and high heels" impressions
Eurogamer Reviews PvZ: Garden Warfare
8/10 "PopCap has overachieved and delivered one of the most likeable games on next-generation hardware" editorial impressions
Tom Towers Reviews PC Double Dragon Neon
3/5 "not entirely discordant with its namesake" impressions
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All reports indicate that it is totally serviceable.
Ummmmm..... yes. Yes they do. I think.... Fuck I have no idea what that means. Too much tequila tonight.
In related news, drunk Robio is a fucking demon at Street Fighter IV. I picked it up for the first time in at least 6 months and had my ass handed to me. I put the game on hold, did a half dozen shots of tequila and then went on a rampage tonight with Balrog. Battled Shen Long on the arcade mode, and even got a few good battles going online. FUCK ALL YOU FUCKERS II WIN!!!!
Twitch Beats Pokemon
This has been the most bizarre phenomon in the gaming world that I have seen in long time. Who gives a shit if some webcaster guy has beaten Pokemon Red? And yet, for some reason everyone has! If I were Nintendo I'd get Pokemon Red/Blue on the 3DS eShop two seconds ago.
Do you know the full story on it? It's not one dude, it's the internet collective that beat the game through a chat window command line
I've had so much to drink tonight that I'm not entirely sure what that means, but since you're saying it, I'm going to assume that's genuinally impressive. Hurray for Twitch! Hurray for Pokemon! Hurrary foor liquor!
Robio just read about it later, its insane what they did. Without diplomacy mode it would have been impossible.
Hockey in the snow is really awesome.
The day the Mario Kart died: Nintendo’s kill switch and the future of online consoles
I tried to post this in the news, but I keep getting an invalid link error.
You were right the first time.
it sure was!
Indeed it is....I love the outdoor games. I hope they have one at Fenway Park next year because I wanna take my girl to a Bruins game.
I felt the same way at first, but on the whole the setting is boring compared to Rome. I think it could have been better though...they don't really do enough interesting things with the game. Black Flag is more what AC3 should have been, in terms of design and missions. Though, either way the series is just getting stale. I enjoyed both games though.
Okay I read about it. Very impressive. It's also one of the most collossal wastes of time I can think of. And I say this as someone who spent a lot of time playing Wii Music.
I just read something interesting about AC: Black Flag. Apparently it sold 2 million fewer copies than AC3. AC3 must have been a pretty big knock on the series to have that kind of effect.
Eek! I think we have a spam infestation this morning! Can we do something about it?
^ Done.
Wait for Resident Evil 7...
Yeah I have been exploring Boston, what a boring place. The game boston not the real boston.
The city is boring too. For a city with such a large Irish populations the number of decent pubs is depressing. And it has 100% humidity
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu