Wii U to 3DS VC play comes with a price, some restrictions
RUMOR - transfer your U VC games to 3DS
Illumiroom just a 'research project' at this time
Doesn't explicitly link to next-gen Xbox
COD Wii U statement: We aren’t dating next gen platforms yet
"We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned."
SEGA and Gearbox Being Sued Over Aliens
False advertising claims, suggest the plaintiffs.
polygon.com news
Analyst says Wii U feels like Dreamcast revisited
Believes in Nintendo, company won't die
Ubisoft says AC IV's content will stave off franchise fatigue
from yearly installments
Tom Towers Reviews Dyad
3/5 "Of course it’s reductive to try and analyse Dyad..."
laserlemming.com impressions
Mighty Switch Force: U update complete, date coming soon
Rebalanced audio levels Improved headphone support New file compression; now 40% smaller..."you're welcome, hard drive!" ....and a playable bonus character: PIXEL PATTY!
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Archangel3371 (1m) SupremeAC (3m)
I don't know what happened. I registered most of you on my 3DS already, but I don't see any of you in my friend's list, not even pending...
We have to post these things in a central location so we don't have to keep asking one another!
Added GME, Travo, Ninty, Bugs, Vader and Homer.
Did you play it on hard? I foudn it to be just too grindy for my liking. Most enemys were taking 4 attacks before they went down. I mean it was harder but it felt like a slog, and really tough to keep my archer and mage alive.
Back on normal i'm farther than I was before (like 7 battles into the game) but i'm finding it pretty easy. Hopefully it ratchets up some soon....
Awesome game though.
Got you added on my friends list now
GG is still pending
No, I'm not picking up a new Xbox or a PS4 within the first year, if ever. Maybe when hardware is proven to be reliable and there's an abundance of titles to choose from I will, but maybe I should use that money to get a better video card instead. Wii U is out of the question right now.
I think apart from our "game" on swapnote. And the odd game or two on MK7 with Robio and Dvader I don't think I've used my 3DS online at all. So yeah, happy 2012 sounds about right. I will make sure I have everyone's number added or updated (Leo how many have you gone through - I think I have Leo red and Leo black but not any of your XLs). I am quite eager to try Luigi's multiplayer but not before I've played the campaign. And soon it will be all about Animal Crossing (can it really take over my life for a third time over?)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Kotaku said:
The last mission in Lego City Undercover is epic.
Club Nintendo UK is offering these real mario kart trophies for 5000 points
Ruh roh.
I 3DS registered Nintyfan, you need to add me.
I have:
Hard and Classic, baby! The ONLY way to play!
I can't wait to try Lunatic once I finish on Hard!
My personal Miiverse images from Lego City
Check your PMs, Steelio.
Those Mario Kart trophies are kind of awesome
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
This fits in with everything that was said last year regarding the next gen consoles. MS supposedly had a serious issue developing some kind of microchip or board that was going to be intregal to the console, and was getting failure rates off the assembly line of around 80%. And then later another reputable source claimed that only one new console would launch in 2013. Those rumors sort of died and I assumed they were bogus. But given that MS still hasn't released their console details amongst a ton of rumors (much of which sucks ass), I'd say those rumors are gaining credibility again. I still think it'll happen and they'll just skip a Japanese launch and get to it 6 months later, if at all, but who knows. I will say that if they are delayed until 2014 Nintendo will breathe the biggest sign of relief anyone has ever heard.
The Oban chip.
I can see them launching this year but in a Wii U like situation where they have a drought till the following summer.
Yes Steel, check your PMs.
Somedays I just shake my head in disbelief at this industry/ hobby. Then I just curl up with a game and a beer and tell myself it's going to be alright (yes I know everything is fucked beyond belief and this industry seems hell bent on suicide, but I lie to myself).
Yes. Steel, check your PMs.
I bet they do a PS2 type launch where they severely constrict availablity.
Mediocre NBA center comes out as gay. Was your reaction, like mine, "Okay who cares" or did it shake your world that a professional athlete is gay?
What precedents are there in your country? I'd like to know if this was more than just a first for the United States. I am not aware of any professional athelete in Australia having come out.