Nvidia: Next batch of cell phones will outperform 360/PS3
Dude my PHONE is more powerful... and costs twice as much too, on contract
Last of Us TV Spot
The Naughty Dog-developed PlayStation 3 game is due out on June 14.
gematsu.com media
All Your April Fools Bullshit In One Place
Check here first before you get excited about any news today.
gematsu.com news
Capcom's teaser Site Was For Sengoku Basara 4
Due out next year in Japan (trailer).
gematsu.com media news
David Hayter says goodbye to the role of Snake
"To hear anyone else’s voice coming from Snake’s battered throat, makes me a little ill, to be honest."
Double Fine playing with PS4 features to see what they can do
PS4 needs more diverse developers
For games to appeal to a wider audience, says Sony
Fixing ET for the Atari 2600
Article goes through the design of ET and meticulously makes it less broken
Durango Rumors Get Stronger Collaboration
Paul Thurrott confirms some of the prior rumors through his inside sources.
gematsu.com news
New Mewtwo-Like Pokémon Revealed For X And Y
"It looks a lot like the powerful Legendary Pokémon Mewtwo, but not quite the same…"
pokemon.com news
Nintendo Enumerates DKC 3DS Additions
Go ape with the swingin’ king of the jungle!
nintendo.co.uk news
New Advance Wars could be in the Works from Fire Emblem studio!
nowgamer.com news
More Information on Grasshopper's Next New Game
Unreal Engine 3 or 4? "If we told you, you would know about the platforms." - So no U.
gematsu.com news
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gamingeek (17s)
That right Microsoft, let's make the Nextbox less appealing.
Why do people think Boba Fett was cool? Was it the jet pack? The guy was killed because he was accidentally bumped off a skimmer by a blind guy. I'd hardly say that's a bad ass worthy of his own following.
Embrace the Silence of the Lambchop.
I was thinking of you when I saw this!
Roger Ebert Has Died. He was 70.
I feel bad for Roger Ebert dying, but mainly for myself. I was writing a piece about how he's become an archiac dinosaur whose new rallying cry seems to be "I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!!" And now I can't submit it for print because I'll look like an asshole.
The camera is atrocious. It's almost impossible to get used to. You have to solve room puzzles without being able to look at the rooms properly, you have to make jumps while in the most awkward diagonals and you can swing it this way or that way but you can't put it where you want it and it will just keep jumping around you finding more stupid angles. The controls are also completely wonky and imprecise. But you must persevere. If you can put up with all the technical shortcomings there's a really great game hidden underneath. A rough diamondm so to speak.
Conserning the plot. For what it's worth those bastard soldiers apologise to you as they are locking you in the tomb telling you "it's for the good of the village". As a horned boy you are considered cursed and they feel they need to offer you up as a sacrifice. Speaking of which, the theme of sacrifice is huge in both ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, but I won't say anything more in fear of spoiling it for you
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
He's cool damn it!
Do I smell a new Leo mega thread coming?
I love those.
Well MS pretty much confirmed the 360 is online. Not through carefully worded PR. Nope from a doucebag on twitter, which is probably the MS way.
This is the creative director for Xbox, this is basically CONFIRMATION:
^Thanks, Obama.
Is there someone buying one once a month as well?
Perfect timing IMO. Controversy sells.
What an asshole. I almost want Microsoft to fail because of him
I want them to fail because of the whole always online thing...
If MS truely does go with an "always online" Xbox, then it'll be quite interesting to see how this will all play out.
It's the outfit. I did not see the Star Wars movies but I thought Boba Fett was a cool action figure. It's the orange and green bits.
Too good to be true. But that kind of BS is typical of that certain segment of chic-urban technologists. You hear it on the tech and gaming podcasts all the time. "My reality is living in an urban environment with great broadband and public transit and great restaurants. People who shop at Wal*Mart and drive cars should just die already for being so stupid".
New Etrian Odyssey JP cover art: