Spong review LEGO City Undercover Wii U
8/10 - "What LEGO City Undercover is is a rare thing indeed – a meaty AAA game aimed squarely and unapologetically at kids."
spong.com impressions
Amazon France Lists Dragon Quest X
For the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online.
gematsu.com news
Rumor: FF XIII Versus Getting Rebranded as FF XV
And that Sony is paying to move it to PS4.
gematsu.com news
Gamingnexus reviews NFS Most Wanted U
"The game is just as good, even better than the other versions and best of all it runs like a dream on Nintendo’s new console"
gamingnexus.com impressions
MTV LEGO City Undercover - review
"Easily a must buy for any Wii U owner that has a sense of humor."
mtv.com impressions
EA Origin website sale - 50% off everything
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U for $30
Audiosurf Air Announced Also Beta Sign-Ups
Like Audio Surf but now it involves skiing and getting air
audio-surf.com news
If You Like Saints Row, Take The Survey
Some game options, but mostly about what collectors' edition bonuses.
Kojima details Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes GDC conference content
The presentation will mostly be a technical demonstration of the Fox Engine, showing the rendering techniques of the brand new game engine.
Rumour: Final fantasy 15 is exclusive to PS4
Is actually Final Fantasy Versus XIII PS3 renamed/worked
The Telegraph Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
5 out of 5 - "a game unlike any other. Incomparable, yet instantly accessible."
telegraph.co.uk impressions
1up Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
"Dark Moon's thoughtful design and overall excellence make it an essential for the 3DS library"
1up.com impressions
Ono tweets picture of Deep Down running on PS4
How he can change the camera because it is actually real time running on PS4.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
(PC/XBLA/PSN/WiiU) announced by Capcom
polygon.com news
Magma Pool Included: Tomb Raider Review
laserlemming.com impressions
DuckTales success could lead to more Capcom/Disney games
"In a purely hypothetical world. I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one"
Capcom explains why they are remaking DuckTales
In the works for 2.5 years
Capcom talks DuckTales Remastered voice acting
Scrooge's voice actor is now 94 years old but he still came into the studio and did his thing like a pro
Deadly Premonition Trailer
Deadly Premonition is due out for PlayStation 3 on April 30.
gematsu.com media
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I don't know what it is about Steam, but as much as I have always loved physical copies of my shit, the way the Steam Grid is so sexy and sleek with all my games right there just screaming out at you from the screen is just badass.
I wish Reggie & Iwata would get axed...Nintendo needs leaders with balls. You know, like Reggie used to pretend he had.
Weird, there are 5 new games launching for Wii U this week, 3 of them totally solid in reviews.
Agreed. The game just feels right in all aspects and has perfect pacing. In a way, it feels like the Tomb Raider franchise's "Resident Evil 4".
Has Walkming Dead gotten any reviews yet? I have a feeling its crap.
Take advantage of a multitude of improvements, features and additional content that bring this already critically-acclaimed adventure to whole new levels
Tap into the Wii U?s GamePad true potential: Adam Jensen?s newest augmentation, the Neural Hub, offers an immersive and empowering experience, right at the tips of your fingers
Microsoft Surface sales reportedly miss target
Got to be honest, not only did I not realize this was even out yet.... I don't entirely know what it is. Is it a laptop? A tablet? Fuck it, I really don't care.
Sweet..the Wii U has a 2011 GOTY Contender.
I've never played Dues Ex. Years ago a coworker even gave me a copy of the original PC game, and I never touched it. Maybe I'll finally get around to checking it out. Not that I'd really know the difference, but have they said what is in the Director's Cut that makes it a Director's Cut?
Magneto to preside at Professor X's wedding
The new Deus Ex is not much like the old Deus Ex from what I played of it. Still good, though.
No one's going to pay 50 quid for a two year old game with limited appeal to begin with and which now sells for less than 8 pounds on PS3 and 360. Seriously I feel one would have to be a bit thick to do so. Then of course, Square will say WiiU owners don't won't good games and they won't support anything besides Nintendo games, so they will be "justified" in developing nothing for the system, ever. Did Nintendo bring it on themselves? Maybe so, but this is bullshit whichever way one looks at it.
Nobody will buy this, and nobody will buy most wanted. Gamepad or no gamepad. Anyone who wanted those games played them two years ago or can now get them for a fraction of the price. Same again even with Monster Hunter Tri, though I guess Monster Hunter fans are so loyal that they're used to buying upgraded versions of the same games
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
“I don't know. But in Massachusetts, in the middle of America somewhere..."
Sir Ian McKellen showing his brilliance at Geography and not at all being condescending towards "those damn Yanks".
What a tosspot
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Some of these are quite funny
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
It's two years old. If it was a year old it would be the GOTY Edition. If it's 3 years or more old it's the HD remake.
He has earned the right to say whatever the hell he wants. I wouldn't know where anything in England is.
Two of those are old games. This is the worst launch window in the history of game systems.
I'd probably get Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate when I get around to picking up a Wii U. I have MH3 Tri for the Wii. I really should play more of that then I have.