Activision Australia lists Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for Wii U
Worst kept secret?
Square May Be Teasing New World Ends With You Game
It looks like a total lock actually. news
Ace Attorney movie director ponders sequel ideas
He may want to use film to show sides of the story that aren't shown in the games
A-hole Pachter saying next gen devs must charge for multiplayer
Says gamers feel "entitled" to free online and that shouldnt be. news
Final Fantasy 13 A Storm Gathers
On sept.1 big announcement on the future of the "lightning saga". WHY!?!?! news
Hayashi: Japanese approach to women won’t change (DOA5)
"Within our nationality and within our national borders, we obviously have morals that we create our female characters from, but..."
Nintendo didn't have objections to Mature Conker
Former RARE employee says
The Press Room Episode #127
New podcast with Vader and Aspro. Hands-on with NSMB2, Darksiders 2, Mass Effect 3, Super Scribblenauts. editorial impressions news
Assassin’s Creed 3 still playing catch-up on the WiiU
''Supposedly the game performs 99% as well as its current gen counter parts due to limited time
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask- Hands on
While Level-5 haven’t reinvented the series, but the reworked gameplay systems and puzzles and upped production values go a long way towards making Professor Layton feel fresh again. impressions
MS, Sony think Nintendo's glory days are behind them
Says Pachter: "Wii U's head start won't matter"
First Screens of Hot Shots Golf 6
Heads up... Looks like the others. media news
Assasins Creed 3 Looks "incredible" on Wii U
"Ropey" on PS3, says Gamershub
Aug. 30th MGS 25th Anniversary event will shake the industry.
MGS5? Or MGS3 on iOS... news
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Recently Spotted:
Sadly, in this case, Edge, not so...
They just did a VERY sloppy port of the 360 version for the PC...
A few places have rated the PC version LOWER than the consoles for a change:
From GameSpot:
"If you're playing on the PC, unfortunately, you must overcome some minor but annoying obstacles as you flex Death's sizable muscles. As with the original Darksiders, Darksiders II features few visual sliders, and the game looks more or less like its console counterpart, without any of the bells and whistles you'd expect to see in a modern PC game. (You can't even adjust the resolution until you have started the game.) Even with v-sync turned on, you might still notice some screen tearing. The missteps aren't just visual, however: the option to send weapons or armor to residents of your Steam friends list is nonfunctional as of this writing."
For those of you losing sleep over it as much as I was:
Yes, indeed, you CAN order a 3DS charging cradle direct from Nintendo!
Those nights of --NOT-- hearing that satisfying "click!" as I secure my 3DS into its charger before going to bed will soon be behind me!
Former. He got fired/ quit over contract negotiations.
Yeah Pysgnosis. Vader and me talk about it in the new podcast. A developer/ publisher with tremendous history.
TWEWY teaser site just put up the full version of the song they have been playing over the countdown: it sounds like its the same game. Well, Darksiders 1 pretty much is also.
Well, that confirms it!
^That's the song I close the podcast out with this week.
A certain web site has been running a painfully long feature of the top 100 games of all time. I guess they have not been getting click thru because they just named Farmville, "The most important game of the past decade (whether you like it or not)."
With a new TWEWY on the horizon I bothered to look up the price of a 3DS. I was pleasantly surprised to find it is "only" $229 in Australia.
On amazon there are only 11 "RPGs" for it so far, and none of them interesting. But good to know. TWEWY 2 would certainly be a good enough reason for one.
Greatest soundtrack this gen. TWEWY is such a masterpiece.
I just happened to pop that 3DS game that stars the cast of TWEWY into my XL for the first time...
How did I miss this before?!
Is TWEWY2 for 3DS? Awesome! Can't wait for that, somehow I assumed it was going to be a Vita game or something.
As regards 3DS RPGs ... I think Tales of the Abyss (if that's the Tales game on 3DS) and the Kingdom Hearts DDD games are meant to be really good. At least for JRPG fans. I have neither so I wouldn't know first hand. Also there's soon to be a Shin Megami game for 3DS, and Leo swears by the handheld SMTs so they must be really good.
I'm sort of pleased you are considering a 3DS, even though I don't feel I've made that much use of mine so far (though admittedly I play Mario Tennis daily) and only have just over 10 games for it and I've had it for like a year
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
No sign of a platform at all. If it's a Wii U rehash, that would be a bummer.
On the 3DS RPG front, I looked at the ones available and I'm not interested. I don't enjoy ShinMega and Kh is 0/2 for me so far.
There's no word on the platform yet as far as I know. Everyone is assuming it's going to be for 3DS, but nothing's confirmed yet.
I missed this meme. In looking up the correct spelling of chk chk boom I found this:
I totally forgot KH3ds came out.
What is Dark Souls (Prepare to Die Edition) ?
Is it going to be a re-release of the game with the new PC content added?
I think I want it
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
"To celebrate Harvest Moon's 15th anniversary, five classic Natsume games are on sale through the week for PlayStation Plus members, running 50 - 75 percent off.
The sale includes Adventures To Go!, Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl, Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon and Reel Fishing: The Great Outdoors, each 50 percent off for $7.50. Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley is 75 percent off, also for $7.50."
Wogs will be wogs.