GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] 3DS More Anticipated than Move, Kinect Survey (not poll) of 1,000 gamers. news aspro
[] High Voltage Working on Captain America for Wii To be published by SEGA. news aspro
[] Unreal Raises $150,000 for Child's Play Carmine's Fate program. news aspro
Voice Actor Outs Uncharted Project Voice actors... tweetaholics. news aspro
Warning a Huge Podcast Ep. 8 Now Available 60+ megs of Japanese gaming news and reviews. impressions aspro
[] Flying Hamster Rockets Onto PSN This Week news aspro
Jobs System for Final Fantasy Legends Detailed Mobile news aspro
[] Feature: Writing in Games Ars Technica interviews some writers. editorial aspro
Tactics Ogre PSP Update Creator talks story. news aspro
[] UK Weekly Sales Chart Metroid didn't make top ten. news aspro
Super Mario Collection a Port of SNES Versions Yoda groans. aspro
August Sales Charts Japan Wii Party number one in sales. news aspro
[] Rumour: Pokémon Black & White Starter Evolutions Pictures. news aspro
[] The Story Behind How Gearbox Got Duke Nukem Touching story actually. news aspro
[] Ars Technica Reviews Ivy the Kiwi "Addictive" "Wonderful" editorial impressions aspro
[] New Earth Defense Force Game: Insect Armageddon Armageddon it first day. news aspro
[] IGN: Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions (360/PS3) review - 8.0 IGN - It's been a long time since we got a good Spider-Man game! editorial impressions ASK_Story
[] Epic Mickey may be best-looking Wii game - Spector news gamingeek
[] Microsoft 'welcome' to join Blu-ray fraternity news gamingeek
SONY: NEW Uncharted 2 DLC in the works Probably a short campaign that ties the events leading up to Uncharted 3. And maybe more maps and skins. ASK_Story
[] Under Siege game for PS3 unveiled. No, not that Under Siege... BOOOOO!! news Dvader
[] Gary Oldman and Ed Harris voices CoD: Black Ops Awesome news! Day one for me now! news ASK_Story
[] Rare: Kameo should have scrapped everything Rare lied to you, Kameo is a fairy, not an elf news gamingeek
Sony Move game pics media gamingeek
Ninokuni commercials media gamingeek
Date Set for Tales of Graces F news gamingeek
[] Rare wanted Kinect controller British developer Rare and Microsoft Game Studios boss Peter Molyneux were “adamant” that some sort of physical controller was vital to its success. news gamingeek
[] Online multiplayer 'driving sales decline' Pachter gamingeek
[] Kitase: Kinect, Move "awkward" for RPGs news gamingeek
[] Microsoft: Kinect hard to pull off news gamingeek
[] RE5 Move edition pics media gamingeek
[] 15 Gears of War 3 pics media gamingeek
[] Duke Nukem Forever pics media gamingeek
[] Fable 3 pics media gamingeek
[] Infamous 2 pics media gamingeek
[] FEAR 3 pics media gamingeek
[] The Raving Rabbids 4: new images media gamingeek
[] Brothers in Arms 4 official news gamingeek
[] 3 new Bioshock Infinite pics media gamingeek
[] Top Spin 4: first images media gamingeek
[] Radiant Historia: new images media gamingeek
Call of Duty: Black Ops on Wii to feature new headset, VOIP backend patching news gamingeek
[] Sakamoto: Nintendos next console will leave your mouth open I assume he means jaw on the floor news gamingeek
Conduit 2 PAX impressions impressions gamingeek
Gamepro Sonic Colours preview it’s a return to series roots that innovates and excites enough that the use of rose-tinted nostalgia goggles seem unnecessary impressions gamingeek
[] Sakamoto talks 3DS and Warioware news gamingeek
Rare reveal their Nintendo game secrets Read how Nintendo reacted to Conker pissing on people editorial gamingeek
[] Conduit 2 fact sheet news gamingeek
Conduit 2 Classic controller impressions impressions gamingeek
[] Glacier 3 wii screens Good visuals media gamingeek
[] Majora's Mask Papercraft: The Postman Cometh Perhaps the most awesome thing you will ever see news gamingeek
[] Donkey Kong Country Returns impressions impressions gamingeek
Gamepro Conduit 2 preview I'm impressed with how far High Voltage has come with the franchise in just over a year. impressions gamingeek
Monster Hunter 3 OST review impressions gamingeek
Epic Mickey to feature full classic cartoons? news gamingeek
The Press Room Episode #73 Yodariquo and Foolz yack it up in this short but sweet episode. editorial impressions news aspro
UK PC Magazine PC Zone Goes Belly Up news aspro
Patrician IV Goes Gold From the Tropico studio. news aspro
Editorial: Pay to Play Will Sony and Nintendo follow MS? editorial isntchrisl
[] The Witness revealed, new game by Braid creator Info and video on this mysterious game media news Dvader
PSP Go's Market Just Wasn't "as Big as the PSP- Says Kaz Hirai news gamingeek
[] Tiger Woods Move 'definitely authentic' says pro PSM gave the game a 4/10 news gamingeek
Dead or Alive 3DS better quality scans media gamingeek
Famitsu review details Pokemon 40/40 justified impressions news gamingeek
[] Pro Evo 2011 Wii screens and preview impressions gamingeek
[] Live in Gay town? Don't tell Microsoft. news gamingeek
[] Halo Reach interview news gamingeek
[] Halo Reach live-action extended trailer media gamingeek
[] Sony questions button-less gaming Kevin Butt-let news gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 2 Lair of the shadow broker review 9/10 gamingeek
[] Ueda presenting Last Guardian at TGS news gamingeek
Metroid Glitch: Players Can't Get Pass Level 3 Reports of "red door" sticking. news aspro
[] Gameinformer 2nd take Batman Wii review " I loved every minute of it. WayForward has crafted a side-scrolling action title in the classic vein." impressions gamingeek
[] Cursed Mountain is $6.60 on amazon Hobo grab, Vaders nuts news gamingeek
Batman Wii MTV review The game is a tight, fun experience that holds very true to the source material impressions gamingeek
[] Batman Wii Destructoid review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
Kingdom Hearts birth by sleep review impressions gamingeek
In depth with Wii's uDraw peripheral impressions gamingeek
[] MS: New Kinect games coming next week Microsoftdogs and Cats? news gamingeek
[] Bungie: Split from MS reinvigorated us news gamingeek
[] Stunning Call of Duty: Black Ops videos arrive media gamingeek
[] Silent Hill 8 announced news gamingeek
[] The $8000 Xbox 360/PC hybrid Edgecrusher, Steel, your answer to all problems news gamingeek
[] Batman Arkham City the inside story editorial gamingeek
Quantum Theory Screenshots media gamingeek
[] Last Story wii details emerge news gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey 2 on the cards? news gamingeek
[] £300 Kinect bundle confirmed Comes with Kinect Adventures - double score! news gamingeek
[] Sony reveal PS Move Facts news gamingeek
[] Katamari's Takahashi leaves Namco news gamingeek
[] Brain Training coming to Kinect Answer questions with your body - by Dr. Kawashima news gamingeek
[] Duke Nukem hands on it's hearkening back to a simpler time, when story was just an excuse for guns, girls and gags gamingeek
[] Aliens Colonial marines pics media gamingeek
[] Brink videos media gamingeek
[] Kirbys EPic Yarn screens media gamingeek
[] Enslaved : images media gamingeek
[] Inafune - Japanese devs can't survive without Western he Sees Wii as a communication tool news gamingeek
Japanese mag pic roundup - Radiant Historia, Pokemon Black/White, Ni no Kuni and so much more media gamingeek
[] Goldeneye PAX interview media gamingeek
[] Gameinformer Batman B&Bold review - 8.5 Tight controls and cheeky humor make Brave and the Bold an easy recommendation for bat and brawler fans alike. impressions gamingeek
1up review Batman Brave and the Bold Wii B+ The Brave and The Bold is one heck of a ride. impressions gamingeek
[] Donkey Kong returns mine cart video media gamingeek
[] Batman: The Brave and the Bold IGN Review If The Brave and the Bold was a downloadable title I would buy it in an instant. But it's a full $40 game. 6.5 impressions gamingeek
[] Famitsu give a perfect 40/40 review for.... Pokemon Black and White impressions gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive Dimensions announced 3DS scan inside = boobs in 3D media gamingeek
Ace Attorney 2! WOOT! Miles Edgeworth is back! The series continues! news gamingeek
[] Dead Rising Zero Already Has 300K Users Nice first week. news aspro
[] Penny Arcade Founders Talk About Future of PAX In-depth article also talks about industry in general. editorial news aspro
MS Annual Japanese Press Conference Live blog. news aspro
[] Dissidia 2 confirmed in Jump!!! Lightning and Kain will join the cast! news ASK_Story
Inafune:  Lost Planet 2 failed cause no ice planet. Yeah that was the problem. Why is Inafune talking so much? news Dvader
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown coming to consoles?! YES!!!!!! news Dvader
South Korea considers Steam ban news Ellyoda
[] NPD August - 360 is king Madden sells a lot. news Dvader
[] LBP2 NA Beta begins Sept 14th. New trailer to celebrate. One of the best made trailers ever. media news Dvader
Kojima Productions Opens Web Site for TGS Article includes link to Konami U-Stream for event. news aspro
[] Lufia Dated and Priced at $29 USD Action RPG remake hits Oct 19. news aspro
[] Playstation Brand Turns 15 377 Million sold. news aspro
[] Need for Speed World Hits 1 Million Racing MMO goes FREE to play. news aspro
Kinect's Object Scanning Feature Coming Post-Launch No Steel you can't scan your groin area news gamingeek
[] Move isn't a 'day one' must-buy - Sony news gamingeek
[] Valve: Xbox Live 'such a train wreck' "The lack of updates on the 360, for TF2, is also a total failure," news gamingeek
[] Heavy Rain dev eyes Xbox 360 news gamingeek
Metroid Other M concept art gallery media gamingeek
Direct Feed Dead or Alive Dimensions pics media gamingeek
[] Ace Attorney Investigations 2 scans media gamingeek
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 pics and art media gamingeek
[] Professor Layton and the Unwound Future trailers media gamingeek
[] 70 minutes of high res Metroid Other M video media gamingeek
Former Metroid dev talks Prime 1 news gamingeek
[] Starcraft II Gets First Custom Map First official from Blizzard. news aspro
Katamari Creator Leaves Namco news aspro
[] New Video of 3DS Desctructoid footage. media aspro
[] THQ Details U-Draw Confirms support from Nintendo. news aspro
[] Kinect Pac-Man and Brain Training Revealed Brain game comes from Brain Age co-creator, news aspro
[] THQ Closes Chinese MMO Venture Known as THQ-I.C.E. was to produce Dragonica Online. news aspro
Mega Man Universe Will Be Playable Next Week At TGS. news aspro
Final Fantasy 14 Screens media aspro
[] Annoying Irish kid captures LBP2 beta videos Breaks the NDA, the kid takes one for the team. media Dvader
[] Creepiest Videogame Story Ever. With video! editorial Ellyoda
[] Shinji Mikami/Suda 51 Collaboration to be Revealed Next Week Vader and GG's freakish Love Child news phantom_leo
[] Halo: Reach kick starts 'industry regeneration' Says Microsoft news gamingeek
[] The 15 best PlayStation games of all time editorial gamingeek
[] Force Unleashed producer admits PS3 version sucks says he likes 360 better news gamingeek
[] Move success 'depends on hardcore games' Says David Cage news gamingeek
[] Sony rules out 2010 PlayStation Phone launch news gamingeek
[] Sony: We can't compete with Xbox's spending news gamingeek
[] Virtua Tennis 4 Move/3D preview impressions gamingeek
[] Yakuza The End pics media gamingeek
[] Portal 2 co-op trailer media gamingeek
[] Kinect Sports media media gamingeek
[] More Enslaved images media gamingeek
[] Super Motherload coming to WiiWare news gamingeek
Machinarium coming to WiiWare preview news gamingeek
Prof Layton and the UnWound Future pics media gamingeek
Machinarium WiiWare promo art media gamingeek
[] Wii Party hands-on, footage impressions gamingeek
[] NyxQuest heading to PC/Mac news gamingeek
Iwata Asks: Pokemon B&W Long and full of new revelations. news aspro
First Look: SF4 New Costumes What have we become? news aspro
[] Dead Rising Zero Hour Breaks XBLA Records Payquel success will send wrong message to industry, news aspro
Epic Marvel vs Capcom 3 trailer Epicness. media Dvader
[] GTA: Chinatown gets HD Version Sadly it's on the iPad. Not much else to read. news aspro
Pictures of Mega Man Universe show features. Make your own Mega Man and levels! media news Dvader
[] Farmville Boss Shuns Innovation "I don't f***ing want innovation," he allegedly said. news aspro
[] Weekly Japan Sales Figures Other M moves 45K in week one. news aspro
[] US Game Sales Drop 10% Hardware down 8% news aspro
[] Cali AG: Games Should Be Treated Like Porn Jerry Brown, "offensively violent, harmful material" news aspro
[] Pach-Attack Ep 131 - PAX Panel: Part II media Ravenprose
[] Pach-Attack Ep 131 - PAX Panel: Part I media Ravenprose
Michael Jackson 360/PS3 delayed to 2011 Gives Wii a November home run? news gamingeek
[] CVG Review Halo Reach 9.2 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer reviews Halo Reach 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] SUDA talks No More Heroes, 3DS and more NMH3 still bound for Wii successor news gamingeek
[] The Press Room Episode #74 Yoda and Vader break down Metroid: Other M, NPDs and much much more. editorial impressions news aspro
[] IGN: Halo Reach review 9.5 Says, "It's the ultimate Halo experience." editorial impressions ASK_Story
1up: Halo Reach review A+ 1up says it's, "Perhaps the finest Halo game yet!" editorial impressions ASK_Story
[] The HAUNTED Majora Cartridge! OoooOoOooOoooOoooo...! news phantom_leo
[] Walmart lists Ico/Shadow of the Colossus PS3 Collection! Two of the best PS2 games gets a PS3 re-release makeover! Finally, SotC in HD and no slowdowns! news ASK_Story
[] 8-bit LEGO Madness! Video inside media Ellyoda
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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 11:03:18
SteelAttack said:

Yeah, that's the one. If some of the user reviews at amazon are to be trusted, I hope the gamepad won't disintegrate on my hands, lol. It's the only type I saw at the store (incidentally, I wasn't even looking for anything, I just went to run an errand for my wife, then I saw a few of these hanging and picked one up in an impulse), although I guess you can order pretty much any pad from Amazon. I wonder if more advanced Logitech pads also come with the profiler program. I would think they do.

I have one of those...or one that looks exactly the same. The disintegration is coming. Nyaa

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 11:36:50

Oh Steel, seeing as you spent a lot of time in Tales of Vesperia, any tips you can give to this noob? First time playing through the game (as well as the entire Tales series), so it'll be interesting to see how long I stick with it.

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 12:03:46
aspro said:

It is kind of dumb for MS to take the colors off the buttons with their new controller.

Yup. I don't see how its more hardcore because it doesn't have colored buttons...


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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 14:27:21

Yes, I beat the final boss in the Boy and his Blob. And I completed the game 100%.

What is this? Where the hell is the ending? Oh come one, there is more?! Why can't the game just end already?!

Wait, I can transform the Blob in giant Mecha! I take it back, this game is awesome.

*Looks at gamesfaq.

Oh only 2 levels left and I am done

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 17:30:26
darthhomer said:

Oh Steel, seeing as you spent a lot of time in Tales of Vesperia, any tips you can give to this noob? First time playing through the game (as well as the entire Tales series), so it'll be interesting to see how long I stick with it.

Vesperia is awesome, but sadly my ADD got in the way and I never got back to it. Played it for about 10 hours or so. Archie did finish it, and he also liked it a lot, so maybe if he's around he'll contribute with some advice. It has a nice combat system, cool characters and fun dialogue, and strangely, a remarkably likeable lead character. Which, for a JRPG, is a rare ocurrence.

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 19:35:40

Just to let some of you fuckers know, Amazon is having a pre-order deal on Castlevania & Fable 3 just like they did with Metroid where you get a $20 coupon for your next purchase.


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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 20:05:16
SteelAttack said:
darthhomer said:

Oh Steel, seeing as you spent a lot of time in Tales of Vesperia, any tips you can give to this noob? First time playing through the game (as well as the entire Tales series), so it'll be interesting to see how long I stick with it.

Vesperia is awesome, but sadly my ADD got in the way and I never got back to it. Played it for about 10 hours or so. Archie did finish it, and he also liked it a lot, so maybe if he's around he'll contribute with some advice. It has a nice combat system, cool characters and fun dialogue, and strangely, a remarkably likeable lead character. Which, for a JRPG, is a rare ocurrence.

Yeah Vesperia is an excellent game. It's been awhile since I've played it so thinking about some advice off the top of my head may be difficult. One bit I have right now is that the game's difficulty can be switched on the fly so if a certain boss is giving you a tough time just go into the options and scale it back.


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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 20:31:16
Archangel3371 said:

Yeah Vesperia is an excellent game. It's been awhile since I've played it so thinking about some advice off the top of my head may be difficult. One bit I have right now is that the game's difficulty can be switched on the fly so if a certain boss is giving you a tough time just go into the options and scale it back.

Ah, cool. Cheers.

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 20:34:41

Finished Assassin's Creed (the first).  It felt like hard work in the end as it got so mundane doing the same thing over and over but I guess I was enjoying it enough to finish it.  And I also kinda wanted to see the ending, even though you see it coming from a mile away.

Now the game I really wanted to play was ACII but having been playing the first one for the last week and a half left me a bit unsure as to whether I want to go straight into no.2 (as I expect a lot of the same gameplay which I'm burned on at present, even though I know everything is better) ... maybe I should play something else first.  Hmm anyway, I'll leave the decision till tomorrow


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 20:42:36
bugsonglass said:

maybe I should play something else first.  Hmm anyway, I'll leave the decision till tomorrow

Hmm, my nose tickles ha....ha....Galaxy 2 and get all stars if you can muster the will to finish the mundane Ass Creed you must finish Galaxy 2. Even GG did 120 stars...Chooo

wow, I need to see a doctor about that

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 21:13:48

I totally and utterly finished the Boy and de Blob. What can I tell about this game. Because of the puzzle like gameplay and the no punishment for death in the normal levels, it gives a really relaxed vibe. Perfect to play after a hard days of work. The levels start simple and slowly build up in complexity, too slowly though. Not until the end of the third world (there are four in total) are the puzzles somewhat difficult. The graphics clearly are inspired by Studio Ghibli  movies and look and animate absolutely gorgeous. The music is good too.

Also in each level you get yelly beans to work with. Each one gives you the power to transform you Blob. Transform him in a trampoline to jump higher, an anvil to drop on enemies, a ladder to climb higher and so on. It is kinda weird that sometimes you get a new power up with no build up at all. Suddenly you can transform in something and a later level it is taken away. It works, but it would work better with a Metroidian progression system with each new ability you find would open up new parts in the level.

The bosses except the second one are mostly great giant puzzles. You will die figuring them out, but you start right where you died. So no worries here. In each level you can find three treasure chests. Finding them opens up challenge levels. These are levels with more heavy focus on platforming and if you die, you start at the beginning. They are usually short though. Some of these challenge levels are awesome, but some of them are really simple and some of them (one or two) are cheap. Finishing these levels will open up developers sketches, movies, drawings, etc.

The boy is just that a boy. He can't really jump high, can't really run fast. He will die if you fall from great heights. The blob is just a blob until you feed him. The need each other like Steel needs his thong. The controls need work. Selecting yelly beans and levels is needlessly fiddly. You really need to push the analog stick in its correct place to select the beans. Kinda feels like digital with little room for error. Also calling back your Blob in needlessly slow. Sometimes you have to call like four times, before he transform in a balloon and comes to you. It slows down the game needlessly. A teleport Blob function is sorely missed.

All in all it is a good but not great game, with some nice puzzles and relaxed vibe and a giant Mecha

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 21:40:39
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

maybe I should play something else first.  Hmm anyway, I'll leave the decision till tomorrow

Hmm, my nose tickles ha....ha....Galaxy 2 and get all stars if you can muster the will to finish the mundane Ass Creed you must finish Galaxy 2. Even GG did 120 stars...Chooo

wow, I need to see a doctor about that

Really, you're just doing the same thing over and over in Galaxy too.


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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 21:56:22
edgecrusher said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

maybe I should play something else first.  Hmm anyway, I'll leave the decision till tomorrow

Hmm, my nose tickles ha....ha....Galaxy 2 and get all stars if you can muster the will to finish the mundane Ass Creed you must finish Galaxy 2. Even GG did 120 stars...Chooo

wow, I need to see a doctor about that

Really, you're just doing the same thing over and over in Galaxy too.

Grab your dictionary and look for the word level design.

Do it.

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Mon, 06 Sep 2010 22:47:00

3DS More Anticipated than Move, Kinect

Of course it is!

  • 3DS = Whoa, cool!
  • Move = Been there, done that.
  • Kinect = Lame.

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Tue, 07 Sep 2010 00:40:16

I am back, I know you all missed me. So did I miss anything the last few days.

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Tue, 07 Sep 2010 00:44:47
Dvader said:

I am back, I know you all missed me. So did I miss anything the last few days.

Haven't had many people here -- I think because of long weekend -- except GG -- not sure hwat his excuse is.  You been playing or studying?

Biggest news would be mario stuff fleshed out - it's SNES ports, and new EDF game - oh and Uncharted -- Elena's voice actress tweeted.

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Tue, 07 Sep 2010 00:48:00

Oh and... Shaved head Cole is back for Infamous 2 - bullet dodged.

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Tue, 07 Sep 2010 00:54:26
aspro said:

Haven't had many people here -- I think because of long weekend -- except GG -- not sure hwat his excuse is.  You been playing or studying?

Biggest news would be mario stuff fleshed out - it's SNES ports, and new EDF game - oh and Uncharted -- Elena's voice actress tweeted.

Hardly played anything, was at the beach this weekend.

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Tue, 07 Sep 2010 00:58:54

I saw Expendables, FUCKING AWESOME!

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Tue, 07 Sep 2010 01:01:35
aspro said:

Oh and... Shaved head Cole is back for Infamous 2 - bullet dodged.

More bald space marines! Nyaa I too liked Infamous 1 Cole.

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