Tiger to Share Cover on PGA Tour 11
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robio (1m)
LKS is not like Pikmin at all, Foolz told you that, I told you that. But you won't listen.
But that is not really the point. The point is me calling you out on your Hypocrisy. You always say you do not want ports on the Wii, you want different games, but when such games come out and, there are plenty of different games on the Wii, you don't buy them.
Let's be honest here, you just want a PS3 with motion controls that plays Nintendo games. If you want more "mainstream" games that your decision to make, but don't come saying you want different games for the Wii, because you really don't.
Well to be fair to Vader I can understand that while he may want different games on the Wii they could very well not be the same different games that others like on the Wii.
When i say different I don't mean niche games or anything i mean that I don't want ports, I dont need a port of RE5, give me a brand new RE game instead, something good, something that makes use of the wiimote.
So yes i want "mainstream" games, i want the action/adventure games, the awesome platformers, the great shooters, the hardcore action games, the massive scale RPGs. Those genres are my main love. So again I say give me an action game on the level of Bayonetta, give me an action adventure game as good as Uncharted 2 and so on.
So you really do not want different games, you just want the same games only with Wiimote controls.
vader uses "different" to mean "other" games, not different as in different to most games on PS360 (ie not niche games as he said). same genres, similar gameplay (but with good wiimote implementation) and similarly high production values but not the same exact titles in wii edition downgrade.
maybe dvader will get red steel 2 (if it doesn't get slaughtered by reviewers). it's got high production values, it's in a popular genre but differentiates enough to make things interesting. or maybe monster hunter tri
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Hell, I suppose his personal taste is evidence as well, he wants RE4 like games but only got rail shooters in their place, that more or less shows companies haven't even tried to see the market's potential for such titles and if it's cost effective to do them, yet here he is telling us how it's not viable so the Wii's specs condemn it as it can't have ports (didn't you just say you don't want ports dude?), even though we know for fact Wii's dev costs are on par with last gen for the most part (for equal quality titles, even less for the shovelware we get), and if we couple it with the sales of the succesful core titles on Wii we see they'd be at least on par with last gen succesful titles, even if they're ports everyone's played already (like RE4), which means less sales potential.
Hell, how do you claim 1 million or half a million or less sales isn't enough of a success for some sloppy FPS port (or the average Wii action title like No More Heroes 1, which doesn't have the production values of HD games) yet we have all the 360 JRPG games that generally don't do anywhere near that? Ground-up HD projects with a vast amount of content as JRPGs go can possibly cost less making them viable, but Wii portjobs or even ground-up projects can't be? Who are you dude, GRIN's head honcho who claimed BS like how awesome HD development is and how you need multiple millions of sales on Wii of all systems to be profitable (btw, his studio's gone under)?
It's only a few games that reach multimillion sales on all systems, huge franchises with even huger advertising budgets for the most part. Most make do with far less, including high profile titles like the previous GRAW games (including heavy advertising), if such development is viable then Wii development is as well, since it's currently a market they don't profit from, and they don't have to quit their other markets to attempt and exploit it. It's money left on the table, which Nintendo is more than happy to acquire with their actually good titles as they should be. Their games show there's a market for core titles as well, or "titles for everyone" including core types, but 3rd parties, despite some of their own succesful titles early on (which have been pointed out countless times already), didn't attempt to exploit and grow that market properly. Some change lately (agan, examples were already given), and will likely earn some profit, but for the most part it's too little too late. Their loss alone. End of.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
It pisses me off.
They ARE different games when it comes to the Wii. What's wrong with wanting to see those games with Wiimote controls? How is that any different from wanting to see the new Zelda with motionplus?
Going forward, here's what I want from the Wii; Nintendo-published games. Why? Because I'm obviously not going to get those games anywhere else, so I accept that I have no choice but to experience them in a last-gen fashion on the Wii.
When it comes to everyone else's games at this point, why would I want them on the Wii? The Wii's selling point was its different controller which is now basically available on the PS3 with a much better machine behind it. In what insane mindset would I have to be in to say to myself "Wow, I really hope Game Z comes out on the Wii instead of the PS3...so much more potential" at this point? Its one advantage is gone.
In any case, we might want all our games to have AAA budgets and the bestest ever HD visuals but obviously that's not applicable and many of Wii's great 3rd party titles wouldn't have existed at all otherwise. It had little to do with the unique controls (which games like LKS didn't even really exploit) and everything to do with lower dev costs. So, feel free to want whatever you want, but that doesn't mean the industry's shaped around that.
I'd love a HD Endless Ocean-like game on PC but who the fuck would buy it? Hence the money's not spent by anyone so we have Nintendo to thank for such games' existening at all, just like Nintendo first party titles.
Next gen last gen or whatever bs you want to discuss don't mean shit aside from lame attempts at insults like yours. If last gen had any effect to playability whatsoever then you wouldn't want to play Zelda or Mario at all, rather than claim you'll settle for playing their last gen forms since they aren't available elsewhere. You'd just stick to your next gen experiences like whatever that recent Zelda wannabe was called and spare us the bs. Nobody told you that you should personally want Wii games so I dunno what sparked that rant and 13yr old attitude. All consoles have their games, if you don't want Wii games don't play on Wii, just like I don't generally play on PS3. It's not about graphics or motion controls, it's about the game at hand and if I want it or not. If I'm interested in MH3 I play on Wii, if I'm interested in BC2 I play on PC and so on and so forth without feeling one is an inferior experience for being in ED instead of HD, if I felt it was so inferior then I wouldn't wanna play, I guess my gaming priorities differ. Hell I'd say at least half my PC gaming time is spent on titles that would easily run on Wii as well as they don't push a fraction of my machine's abilities, but they're good games worth playing in their own right and so I do.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Yes you are correct. Plus the motion control (not stupid waggle, IR sensor control) can make these games play like never before but no one tries it. How about an action game that makes use of shooting with IR. Dante can't aim his guns, he only has auto lock on, with the wii you can actually aim while keeping the exact same camera and action of DMC. Free gunplay can change everything in an action game like that. But no one tries that, instead they will make it so that you attack by waggle and call it revolutionary controls. No thanks.
Its has a bad release date coming out this month but yeah Red Steel 2 looks great. Will probably get it down the line. MH3, the demo was half good half bad, I am not sure I want to put in a hundreds of hours into something like that at this time.
1: Because I just like sitting on my couch with my user-friendly consoles.
2: I do have a heavy duty gaming PC. I still prefer gaming on consoles because the PC is not far enough advanced over the 360/PS3 to make me want to sacrifice comfort and user-friendliness. Or deal with bullshit like Ubisoft's DRM all the time.
That being said, I just can't see a reason to prefer Wii over the other consoles. Now let me scratch ma ballz and go play some games.
Probably? Being very optimistic here. It's Ubi remember? I might suck hard. If you want WM+ just get Wii Sport Resort and be done with it.
One of my favourite genre is platformers 2d and 3d. Which console do you think I would prefer?
Did he just say what I thought he said?
I had no idea!
Ewww... why would you even waste your time?
Besides, you've already completed the better version of that game.
(Complete with a lead character with MUCH better ASS-ets!)
Don't you like girls now?
I am so confused!
The PS3?
I think it can handle platformers at least as good as the Wii.