Gamedaily review Mario and Luigi 3
"Sensational, a real treat for DS owners"
Muramasa Examiner review
A game this beautiful and fun to play is a rare gem. Don’t miss out on it.
Capcom offer London fans a chance
To play Monster Hunter 3 and RE Darkside Chronicles
Halo wont have Natal till it makes sense
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Cursed Mountain PLAY review
"The fact that it turns out to be both interesting and enjoyable as well makes it even more impressive."
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robio (6m)
MOM! The meatloaf!
Whenever Foolz breaks out that g0d-awful american accent I can't actually hear the words he says, I just hear 14 regions of the US crammed into one nasally aussie (hilarious) voice.
Just wait til he turns his lazy-eye towards the PS3 and 360! I can totally see it now:
"This just in! I heard from Miyamoto's Wife's Mom's Second Cousin's Best Friend's Uncle that Kid Icarus is now going MULTI-PLATFORM and will have EXCLUSIVE DLC content on the 360! TRUE STORY!"
LOL. Seriously.
Kid Icarus on 360? Awesome! I'll play it on that console then, assuming it won't be a Natal-only game (yuck).
I had things to say, but the evolution of GGweekly has just been amazing. It went from penises, to paedophillia, to Japanese porn (that's an understandable arc, though), to penises again, then to thing that looks like penises, and finally Michael Pacther.
Or was that something that looked like a penis?
Life-size papercraft Link! Wowsers, that's quite amazing!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
If only this was real:
Seriously, why doesn't Nintendo want to make a Kid Icarus DS at least?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
*orders guitar hero 5*
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Bored so here are some GAF Cursed Mountain impressions:
I played a little bit of this over the weekend. Seemed pretty cool. the mountain areas were my favorite at the beginning. The town was creepy. I will have to pick up a copy eventually and play through the whole game, looks like there is some cool stuff later on.
Put another two hours in tonight and every bit of praise I said yesterday can be echoed - Cursed Mountain is superb. Thus far, the pacing has been pitch-perfect, and the little details (from story to random fixed-for-beauty camera angles) have been on point as well. Again, I need to reiterate how effective the setup for this game is. Most horror games utilize alternative realities (Silent Hill), or jump-scares (Resident) to elicit their frights. Cursed Mountain seems to rely on look-uppable wilderness, and real isolation. Sure, there are moments where noises pop, but the design really puts you on the fringe of survival in a place most of us will never go to.
If you like your games original and if you're on team atmosphere in games = fucking important then you need to play this game.
This game is surprisingly good so far. Seems to harken back to old survival horror design, rather than the more action focused entries that dominate the market. The setting and plot so far are both extremely original too. It really helps the atmosphere, as it feels a bit more unexpected.
I'm really liking the graphics so far too. I'm only early, and there's some obvious rough patches, but they've done a fantastic job at texture colour tones, baked shadows, bright lights, etc. The city is particuarly nice looking thanks to bright, sharp sunlight peeking between shadows of buildings. Really feels dense, yet isolated.
FUCK ME the atmosphere in this game is so superbly done. The chanting from the nearby NPCs in one of the villages, the crying. Heck the wind and bells chiming ever so softly.
This has impressed me a lot!
Loving this so far. It's just so perfectly done in getting the feeling of isolation just right.
You learn a few more movements and you'll need all of them in fights. Later on you will need around five gestures to ban a ghost and there will be sometimes a lot of ghosts. Then the combat system can get a little frantic. Make sure you understand how to move Wiimote and Nunchuck, then you won't have any bigger problems - even if a few movements may some times remain unrecognized.
The city at the beginning offers great graphics and it won't get really 'better'. I think there are some not-so-good-looking levels. But the city looks amazing and there are other levels which look also amazing.
I haven't played any Silent Hill game despite of Homecoming on PC. And I think Homecoming is... average. But I played a lot of other horror games and Cursed Mountain feels like: fresh setting + a bit of Eternal Darkness + a bit of the old Resident Evil games + a bit of Resident Evil 4 + a bit of Shadowman
Overall I really enjoyed the game. There were some flaws but I won't forget the game like a lot of other average Wii games so far (e.g. Overlord). It was a awesome experience and I'm really glad that I've bought it - even if I payed about 50 Euros for it.
Still loving it. Flaws are becoming more apparent; motion controls are hit and miss, and the game does tend to move at a snail's pace.
But overall I'm still really enjoying myself. The atmosphere is extremely unique, and so thick you could cut the air.
So I'm guessing I should avoid this? Are there any pre-SOTN CV games I should get apart from CV4? I hear this bloodlines game is good and Dracula X?
Cobain was the voice of the pop-rock alternative generation. The people I used to make fun of growing up. He was a horrible, HORRIBLE guitar player. And he married a psycho who wasn't even good looking when he could have had any little stupid hot alternative slut he wanted.
What's to be impressed about?
Over 4 hours of playing Castlevania 3 and now I am stuck on Dracula. 3 forms, Fuck You! I can get to his last form just fine but I keep dying cause those damn holes.
Well, try not to put your thang in his hole.