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Cursed Mountain GP Monthly review
"You’ll be immersed in a very atmospheric world, driven on by an interesting story"
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robio (9m)
I've known about it for a while and posted many stories about it, but never read a preview. It reminds me of an old game I remember from the PS2 era, cant remember the game. Looks fun.
It reminds me of I-Ninja:
That's the one^
Doing some updates, some stuff I cant fit in:
CLICK PICTURE -1- (Final Fantasy XIII)
CLICK PICTURE -2- (Final Fantasy XIII)
CLICK PICTURE -3- (Final Fantasy XIII)
CLICK PICTURE -4- (Final Fantasy XIII)
Famitsu scores:
Tabemon (Wii, Bandai Namco): 8 / 7 / 8 / 8 - (31/40)
Ousama Monogatari (Little King's Story) (Wii, Marvelous): 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 - (35/40)
Kidou Senshi Gundam Senki Record U.C. 0081 (PS3, Bandai Namco): 8 / 8 / 9 / 8 - (33/40)
Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyoto Kuramayama Shou Satsujin Jiken (PSP, Marvelous): 5 / 6 / 5 / 6 - (22/40)
Simple 2500 Series Portable!! Vol. 12: The Fuhyou 2: Senyuu yo Sakini Ike (PSP, D3): 6 / 6 / 5 / 6 - (23/40)
Love Plus (NDS, Konami): 8 / 9 / 7 / 8 - (32/40)
Little Kings scores big.
"Game is going to be on a 4GB ROM, the biggest ever on the Nintendo DS. They did this so they can fit in all the orchestral music."
that should have GG at least interested
... now go buy layton and show some appreciation
i love level-5 so much, i just hope all their games get western releases (probably very unlikely for inazuma 11 at this stage
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
this had better be released on steam somewhere down the line. i'm a patient man
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I was interested in Ninokuni from the get go. It had me at Hello.
Whatever happened to the console Inazuma they were working on? We even saw freaking screens but as far as I'm aware the platforms weren't even confirmed.
Level 5 held a press conference tonight, and all the juicy tidbits have now hit the net. I'm bringing what I think is the best of the best info to you guys! There's some really great stuff, so please make sure to check it out.
- 5,580,000 sales for the Layton series worldwide
- the fourth entry in the Layton series is kicking off the "Professor Layton Second Season" says Level 5
- Important tidbits from the for the 4th Professor Layton trailer: new character Remi (female) is show, Luke has the ability to see how the world will end, game takes place 3 years before the original Layton
- hits Japan on Nov. 26th
- Remi is voiced by Aibu Saki, and ending theme is sung by Ando Yuuko
- "London Life" is announced, working with Brownie Brown on the project
- "London Life" is said to resemble Mother 3
- "London Life" is a life sim with the goal of making people happy. Level 5 expects 100 hours of gameplay
- details from the Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva movie trailer (title is a rough translation): hits theaters in Japan on Dec. 19th, includes characters from the 4th game, involves a puzzle that grants eternal life when solved
- the studio behind the Pokemon films is working on the movie
- Level 5 has plans to make a film every Winter
- Inazuma Eleven anime was just renewed for 2 more years
- Inazuma Eleven 2 storyline includes aliens coming to earth to play soccer, and these aliens have special attacks that involve flying into space and kicking fireballs
- Inazuma Eleven 2 has 4 player local multiplayer
- due out October 1st in Japan
- the Inazuma Eleven manga is the most popular in CoroCoro comic weekly
- Nakata Hidetoshi (ex soccer player) to be in the game as hidden character Hide Nakata. He also lends his voice to the game
- Inazuma Eleven 2 has two versions, and each version will feature its own beginning and ending
- the tournament from the game is being turned into a real-life tournament
- Atamania games are getting word and math puzzle game sequels, as well as a "Mystery Room" sequel
- "Mystery Room" is about Pocho and Sly, two guys locked in the mysterious room
- details from new Ninokuni trailer - battles look similar to Dragon Quest, the mysterious land in the game is filled with dinosaurs and various creatures, due out Spring 2010 in Japan, female character voiced by Nagasa Masami, Oizumi You does the voice of "Gyro", and main character Olivier is voiced by Tabe Mikako, music done by Hisaishi Joe
- Ninokuni will be on a 4GB ROM, making it the biggest ever for DS. This was done to fit the music on.
- Ninokuni theme sung is performed by "Mai" and written by Hisaishi Joe
- new game shown which is called "Fantasy Life", which looks like a DS RPG (Famitsu says it's for the DS - thanks Kadir!). Once again, Brownie Brown is involved, and 21 songs provided by Nobuo Uematsu. Each of the 21 songs pairs up with a character in the game, including their own small story and ending. These all lead up to the final ending for the game.
- rumored version of Inazuma Eleven for Wii is not ready to be shown
- TGS booth will have demos of Inazuma Eleven 2, Professor Layton 4, and more. DVD will be given out with game footage
Deep Silver’s Cursed Mountain has its own approach on the genre, mixing adventure elements in an immersive environment with a strong and mystical story – and add to this a rather slow-paced playing style with some quick time events and a unique fighting system. This game is not for superficial fast action seekers, but for people who are able to appreciate being taken into a detailed atmospheric game world by a grabbing story.
Even though you have a run button, moving – including running – and fighting is quite slow and sometimes feels sluggish. The lack of speed actually strengthens the immersion factor, as it’s actually somehow human, but it’s still quite unusual and needs some getting used to. This is also pretty much the only factor that makes some of the fights a bit challenging.
Graphic-wise, the game has two sides. On the one hand there’s a quite a bit of repetition and the textures sometimes don’t seem very detailed, even more so in dark corners. On the other hand, the surroundings are extremely atmospheric. There isn’t much color and often rather shades of gray or dark, but this suits the mood very well. Some areas are very clouded or misty and you can only see a few meters, while others offer a real nice scenery and far sight. E.g. in the middle of the game you can see all the way down where you started. But the sense of lurking dread never ceases.
Overall, Cursed Mountain is a unique game. I can imagine a lot of people being turned off by the initial slowness. However, if you give it a chance and manage to get drawn into the game, you’ll be immersed in a creepy and visually as well as acoustically very atmospheric world, driven on by an interesting story.
They say that wham bam thrill seekers are better off renting.
So soon you guys can enjoy the London Life too, in a mother 3 type game. Maybe I will be there waiting for you.
With an axe
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has told Eurogamer that launch titles for the PS3 motion controller will only require one of the handheld wands to play.
Demos at the E3 unveiling focused on the wand's precision and the potential for using two at once, but Yoshida said the barrier for entry has to be "as low as possible".
"The ultimate goal or wish for us is if you have two controllers, like we demoed at E3, we can do something really amazing. It's like putting your arms into the TV, like a gaming space, and you have total control of the 3D space in front of you," Yoshida told Eurogamer in an interview published today.
"But because of cost-of-goods and, you know, people have to have the PlayStation Eye camera as well, we are approaching the launch by making sure that all games that we create can be played with one controller and the camera. We will also introduce options for if you happen to have more than one controller available. Experiences will be enhanced if you purchase a second."
Sony said at E3 that up to four wands could be recognised by the PlayStation Eye at once, with their movements tracked and reflected in software.
And Yoshida said that despite the accomplished nature of the E3 tech demos, development of the wands is ongoing. "It's been an iterative process that we are still continuing," he told Eurogamer, "so every version gets better and better and has some features added or removed. We are still continuing that process."
Asked whether Sony was closing in on the final design, he said: "Yeah I think so. Ha ha. We have to finish sooner than later."
The motion controller is due out in spring 2010 and Sony has said it expects to talk about it in more depth at the Tokyo Game Show next month, although Yoshida said he couldn't make any promises on that front.
I was playing SFIV last night. I played it before against a human opponent but now I have it I was playing alone on arcade mode.
It's a good game and if you want to revisit the old games with new presentation, enjoy it. After several bouts I felt personally like I was caught in some sort of time warp. I would rather buy the originals and play them as they really were back then. Eh.
Guess who's got Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?? - Me!!!!
Guess who doesn't have it?? - You!!
Who rules?? - Me!!
Who sucks?? - You!!
Now if I can only put down Devil Survivor long enough to play it...
which do you consider the definitive version of street fighter? better make that the best 3 ...
i'm one of the few people here who realise the full extend of my suckitude for not having that game already and you having it. does my having ordered it and expecting it like nothing else make me suck any less?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Absolutely. Acknowledging your sucktivity is the first step in sucking less.
Don't listen to this lowly God of Trendy. Your only chance of salvation is Don Frye. Go to the Don Frye thread of ultimate manliness and watch the Godzilla Final Wars Movie that is linked in the final post. Then and only then will you stop sucking. The same is true for you Robio.
Guess who's playing Shadow Complex?? - Me!!!!
Guess who's not?? - You!!
Who rules?? - Me!!
Who sucks?? - You!!
I wont say definitive, but my favourite was Super Streetfighter the arcade version. Bear in mind paid about £120 plus traded something like 8 SNES games for SFII Turbo back in the day, Japanese version. Needed a convertor cart too.
You all fail.
Guess who's playing as the GODDAMED BATMAN!! - Me!!!!
Guess who's a pussy that I can beat by starting at - You!!
Who the fucking man?? - Me!!
Who sucks my cock?? - Robin!.. I mean You!!