Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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SupremeAC (3m)
That really sucks. But probably because it reduces production cost or...PS2 still sells a lot.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
i think if you like one fire emblem you will like the lot. shadow dragon is very good. i started the game and i intend to go back to it soon. i can't yet tell you if it's more accessible as i have bitter experience from the first gba FE (going to the final level without losing a single guy then realising i was leveling up the wrong guys and i had no chance of finishing it)
i have never played chrono trigger and i think i'd like to but it is still full price in europe and i have been very spoilt by DQIV and V which i got for a real bargain
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That's a shame. If there's one thing that would push me over the top to getting a PS3 it would be that. Dragon Quest VIII is just sitting there with no way to play it!!!
Wha-?! You never played Chrono Trigger?! If you love JRPGs and Dragon Quest, YOU HAVE to play Chrono Trigger. I think every JRPG fan MUST play CT at least once, and experience why this game is considered such a classic.
It sucks it's still full price in Europe though. Maybe you can import it or something.
And I'm sure I'll like Fire Emblem. I just read some reviews saying it's more like "my first FE type of game," or "Nintendo did a good job in making a Fire Emblem game enjoyable for casuals." I kind of didn't like the sound of those comments's the only FE game on the DS so I still needed it and wanted it, and got it!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSteel, I downloaded Trials HD. It was a blast to play. Damn, all these good DL games.
It's called "Metropolis" (the 1927 version).
One of the site's forefathers.
At the cinema? Lucky bastard!
Enjoy it. It's fucking fantastic.
More from Mr. John Koller:
Is backwards compatibility coming back?
"No plans right now," Koller said. "To be honest, there's such a substantial lineup of PlayStation 3 game discs now that we feel the consumer is more apt to be playing the PlayStation 3 games when they purchase the PlayStation 3."
As someone who has a significant collection of Wii games (over 20), yet still often plays Gamecube games on Wii, I say Sony is stupid in regards to their BC theory.
First off it's so sad to see SO MUCH of the film be lost.
With that said I found it to be a relatively enjoyable film that has really stood the test of time. The begining was very confusing but after the movie started I started to understand...most of it.
Either way you could tell that this was a pioneer for the dystopian genre. From mass work forces, to the poverty living underground, etc. Come to think of it. The setting and effects were done really well.
In short the movie was probably jaw dropping when it came out, but now it's just pretty entertaining, however it does have that "magic" to it and you can't deny the influence this film has had on others.
I found this far better than the massively over-rated "Citizen Kane".
EDIT - Which of the anime Metropolis's should I watch?
One of the site's forefathers.
as for anime metropolis, i have only seen this
which is pretty good.
i recommend nosferatu. watch F.W. Murnau's original first, and then the even better one by Werner Herzog (Nosferatu the Vampyre) with Klaus Kinski
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You are awesome, way better that I ever was. You should do the updates each and every day until the day you die. Not because we ask you, but because you want to. Now more unpdates, please!
i normally steer clear of jrpgs because of the investment of time required. i did really enjoy DQIV. it took me over 50 hours but i completed it. i will also play DQV which i expect to be even better but i may try to get through a few shorter games before i venture on that. will definitely get chrono soon as it becomes affordable. sadly whatever i may save on price by importing, i more than pay for in postage so i only do it for games i won't otherwise get to play (like say jeanne d'arc which wasn't released in europe) or if i can't wait (like prof layton which was released in the US many months ahead of europe)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I prefer the anime one. The one Bugs posted.
Guys, check your turnips please.
Mine are 67 bells.
I concur. Nice stuff Vader, watching it now.
LOL Steve was checking out ass.
So you agree that Vader is so good, that I should hang my head in shame and never, ever do any updates anymore?
Just did a hell of a lot of updates. Going to check out some pics now
Capcom is going to have a really hard time selling this. They copped out making it an arcade style brawler instead of a proper platform/adventure game.
No online modes either. Or 4 player for the party crowd. It might be eminently solid, but there is nothing to push it out there and hook people in.