Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
So when did Fable 2 come out? Wasn't end of last year?
I still need to get that before thinking of a sequel.
I didn't like Fable 1 though. But I like Oblivion. Would I like this?
Awesome LOL, this soldier has no textures! Look at the guy on the floor, he looks better.
Uhhhhhhhh looks rough as hell.
I keep telling myself that WaW's first screens were pretty assey too, but they came together. This looks bad though.
Wow N64-like graphics indeed.
Well good to know that the graphics now match the gameplay!
Posting new RS2 pics in the thread nao.
So I am looking through the updates, some good GC stories. You got some Mass Effect 2 images, Fable 3 stuff, Sabatour... wait, what was that... did that say Fable 3???
Why is it not bolded, thats HUGE news, probably as big news as we are going to get this conference.
I posted it then couldn't be bothered to go back and fix it black by ticking the box. I have 3 or 4 Fable 3 links too, didn't know which one to black.
I'm lazy basically.
Did some more updates.
Yeah, rush job. Treyarch can make multiplatform versions of their games. IW dont bother so Activision pimp it out to Treyarch to take care of. What a money grubbing excercise.
Castlevania trailer... holy shit, Holy Shit, HOLY shit, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT!!!,
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!
2010 year of the action game!!!
Bayonetta, GoW 3, Castlevania and Dante's Inferno
Castlevania looks like it can compete with GoW, its amazing! Jason Isaacs as Dracula, thats some fantastic casting. Man that was amazing, I need this game now.
Is it that bad?
Castlevania and action game just does not sit right with me. Always saw the games as either metoid clones or action platformers!
Castlevania is the very definition of the action game. So many action games have taken from that series. The Metroid thing came later, the platforming was there cause you need something to do in a sidescroller. Its always been THE action game.
What the hell are you talking about? What you say does not make sense at all! It was the action game? No it was not, there were plenty of platforming sequences. The reason you died 90% of the time is because you fell in a hole. Play Castlevania 3 and see for yourself!
Earthworm Jim Download Game is Remake
Why are they remaking EJ? Why not just release it as-is on all consoles? Shoot, EJ is already on VC! Stupid suits.
How will you ever choose?
It's Metroidvania. Maybe it came later but its still been like that for like a decade. Its never really been an all out action game IMO.
That does not make it a platformer, it had platforming elements for sure but action was always the focus. You can fall into a hole in Contra as well. Every game had holes to fall into back then. Giant holes of death dont work well in 3D games, its not like there isnt platforming elements shown in the trailer. Castlavania is an action game series, always has been.
Buy the 3 good ones and rent Dante.
Even as Metroidvania its all action all the time. You just get to choose where you want to go but there is NEVER a break in the action.
Please play Castlevania 3 and see how wrong you are!