Gamebrit review Boom Blox Bash Party
'Buy Boom Blox, and let yourself have a lot of fun.'
Tiger Woods 10 Wii Crispygamer review
Improved far more than the other versions
Crispygamer reviews Staff of Kings
"Memorable moments, surprises & tons of unlockables"
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Adds Trophies and Gameplay Tweaks
More of LucasArts classics could be on their way.
More liek LucasFarts, amirite? Put down that shovel, GG. I was only joking. No! NO!
Wii being used to help doctors.
No, this has nothing to do with Trauma Series.
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Can they handle Activision pressure?
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robio (3m)
Survival horror I think has really only been niche. Outside of Resident Evil and Silent Hill there haven't been many big installments in the genre. Parasite Eve, Fatal Frame, Eternal Darkness and maybe Dino Crisis are the only other names I can think of and none of them are really big name games. And really most of those game came out for the PS1 when the genre was invented by RE and everyone was jumping on the bandwagon.
Maybe niche is taking it too low, but it's never been a real big genre like fighting games, shooters, jRPG, etc. But as far as so many of them coming to the Wii, I think it's mainly due to developers who are trying to put the focus back on horror and scare instead of a focus on action which is where it started to go last gen. A lot of these devs are trying to think outside of the box, and that's where the Wii is actually be the strongest console.
I think some of these franchises put up really low sales. I hear that FF4 despite what we would consider low sales in japan, was actually the highest selling game in the franchise over there. Silent Hill has been in decline for ages. If you think about Climax, who are only proven on handhelds. Konami isn't going to give them $20 million to make a big PS3/360 title. In fact I think that its on PS2 and PSP to mitigate the Wii risk too.
AQ interactive are making Ju On, again a small japanese house that can't risk doing a PS3 game and going bankrupt (as Marvelous fear with their PS3 title).
Otherwise you have Deep Silver, not a big developer, they did STALKER clear sky, otherwise their title might have been somewhat lost on the other systems quality wise. Then you have the on rails horror shooters like House of the Dead, Extraction and Resident evil games. Two of those are cheap ways to recreate the Carnival funhouse experience without taking years and spending too much.
It sounds like survival horror is cheap and niche.
Sorry, Micro$uck. I won't pay for online, not even one dollar.
Cause Nintendo decided not to advance with the times, screw it. I want to see what Star Wars space battles can look like with actual tech. Rogue Squadron pushed the limits of graphics last gen, I want them to do it this gen as well.
And no the wiimote wont work, you cant have analog stick steering the ship and the IR shooting, the X-Wing does not have magic lasers that shoot in multiple directions. It shoots at a center point, ALWAYS. There is no use at all for aiming, the aiming is done by moving the ship. The only scheme that would work is the fake joystick which I feel is not good for this game, its not a flight sim like the X-Wing games, I dont play in first person view
Plus last gen we had Star Wars Starfighter, the Jedi Starfighter game, so its not like there were no flight combat games on the other consoles. And yes ONE Star Wars game 3 years into this generation is a seriously SW deprived generation.
It is so pointless to put Rogue Squadron on the Wii, there is nothing else they could do with that game that they did not do on the GC. Its going to look and play exactly the same, they covered all the movies, they covered most of the planets. They did the outside the ship stuff which was horrible, so they need to stick with ship combat. New tech gives them a reason to revisit those classic scenes again. I know it is not going to happen which is sad, still my point stands that from a gamers perspective this game is totally pointless on the Wii.
I would say yes it has. The only major horror franchise outside of RE is SH and that has been on a giant spiral downward since SH3. Fatal Frame, Clock Tower, Siren, etc were never major sellers, they were kind of niche. RE realized that their style of play was becoming more and more niche and so they changed it, thus RE lives on and is bigger than ever. New horror games like RE4 will survive, Dead Space did very well and I bet it will become the new SH in terms of being that other major horror franchise. The old horror games that don't change will have an audience but never a big one.
But the Wii does give them a chance to create something totally different, I think SH is heading in that direction. The problem is whether or not the audience is there for that type of game on the WIi.
Gamespot ranked it higher. And thus far they're the only ones who've done a real version by version comparison, albiet through the forums. And if you actually look at the Metacritic scores only 3 sources have reviewed the Wii version vs. 19 - 35 reviews on the HD versions, so its not really a fair call yet.
I would rate it Wii version at 5 just because of the horrid art style.
I did see that after posting, still generally it gets harder to keep a high score as more reviews come in, so lets see how it goes. Both IGN (i think by 0.1, still higher
) and GI gave the HD versions higher scores. GS did not.
You like Sonic though. I'm afraid we can't accept your judgement on anything.
gamingeek said:
what about the siren game? i'm thinking of getting that for ps3, only about 15 quid
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Scarily indicitive of the medias attitude towards covering wii games. Sometimes you cant even find reviews of multiplatform games. Other times it's irregular and random as to when they show up.
On the other consoles the problem is cost versus audience. They can't afford to put out massively expensive games that fail. Especially given the smaller devs and publishers that make some of these games.
Blah blah blah same old graphics whore view.
Sorry, will type out a proper response tommorrow, can't be jacked now.
But I don't agree with the view that all games should be on the more powerful systems and that means that they will inherently be better.
You're making assumptions about the design as well. I will elaborate tommorrow.
Yeah, I can always appreciate the technical achievement and go wow like everyone else but tI also think simply recreating reality is boring. Sci fi/fantasy stuff mitigates this a bit since it is trying to creating different worlds but it needs to have a really good artistic vision to make something that isn't derivative. Like how giger really made that alien movie stand out.
I own Siren Blood Curse, but have been too much of a pussy to advance beyond the second chapter. It's all kinds of amazing to me because I never played the first one. It's a current gen adapted remake. It's definitely recommendable, although DLing and installing separately each chapter can be a chore.
We've got three SW games so far. Force Unleashed, the Wii/DS Clone Wars game, and we're getting another one of those this year. Plus, there's all the rumours about Battlefront 3, which should be the answer to your wanting of space battles in current gen tech.
But man, I'd love another one. If only so I can hope for 3/4's of the game not focusing on fucking defending everything.
in europe, we get the whole thing as a normal boxed bluray game. wouldn't have been able to get it otherwise as sony doesn't have the psn store set up for this country
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
great typo! Well done GS.