Metroid Other M 1up Interview
Takes place between Super and Fusion, will have Adam in it, action and exploration are in
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Archangel3371 (26s)
Mario should have the Varia suit. I mean he has fire, ice, might as well steal the rest of Samus' arsenal.
And Galaxy 2, Golden Sun DS, but the awesome part?! Sin and Pusnishment 2 and Crystal Bearers are playable. Need info.
One of the site's forefathers.
Uncharted 2 has the best trailer of the show, OMG!
(Besides Galaxy)
It figures I would have to be a few hundred miles away from any kind of wireless signal on the day E3 is starting to rev up!
Ugh. Where do I begin?
Mario(s)? Metroid? Golden Sun? Wuh?
Ummm... Why can't I find any big Sony news?
Cause you are on the wrong site.
(Look up)
Reggie interview is nice, says Galaxy 2 will be harder. Pikmin 3 will be shown closer to launch.
Miyamoto may show something tonight at the roundtable. It starts at 9, so in 40 minutes.
Isn't anyone gonna talk about the" Peace Walker" trailer? So cool.
I finally saw the Trico project " The Last Guardian."
I'm gonna have to get a ps3.
Wasn't on ANY site, really... There's just sooooooooo much to wade through.
...and, seriously, why can't I find ANY big SONY stories? Weren't there any surprises? (Other than how stupidly expensive the PSP Gofuck yourself is and how Sony is "looking into" how they'll get the existing UMDs on the Go?) Are they serious? Did they just give up on the Playstation brand entirely? Seriously?
I can't find any info on this but did Sony say they were gonna release a motion controller?
Very good conferences overall. I liked Microsoft's the best followed by Sony's then Nintendo's.
It was great to see a NSMB game announced for the Wii and Super Mario Galaxy 2 is awesome news. Looking forward to the Wii Motion Plus and Resort Sports will be a great pack-in. Definitely surprised by the Team Ninja Metroid game announcement. Should turn out fantastic.
I liked Sony's conference. Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 will be fantastic. I'm more a Forza fan but Gran Turismo 5 may get me interested again. The wand looks cool but I'm digging Natal more. Team Ico's game should be great even though I found Ico boring and blurry and I never did get around to playing Shadow. PSP Go will get a pass from me at that price. I'll just wait for PSP 2.
Um FFXIV (MMO) exclusive. Exclusive Rockstar North game called The Agent. Brand new LBP like game for Kart racing. GT5 will have WRC Rally and NASCAR on top of being GT, showed new trailer with damage on cars. Uncharted 2 is the most amazing thing EVER. GoW3 is amazing. Trico is called The Last Guardian, it is what we saw before. Resident Evil for PSP. And they showed their new motion control wands.
Already have a wii-remote...
...already was going to buy Uncharted and GoW...
...I'll give the Rockstar game a chance as long as it's not another thug simulator...
...i wasn't a huge ico or shadow of the colossus fan, so I don't care about hamster horse lion game...
...have no plans on purchasing a PSP... ever...
...nor have I ever, or would I ever, play FFXI or it's sequel...
...Sony's show had next to nothing new for me at all.
What a sincere disappointment!
I L-O-V-E inFamous. I will never get rid of SFIV. I'm addicted to Sacred at the moment and Bionic Commando is great for modern/nostalgia... Just when I thought PS3 was in an upswing, it swung back down and lost all momentum entirely!
"IGN: You have a bit more insight on the development of Galaxy 2. What's the direction for the game? Do they really want to blow it out or will it be more of the same?
Reggie: What Mr. Miyamoto has shared is that if the first Galaxy was maybe more inviting in terms of all the audiences, what Galaxy 2 is going to be is maybe a little more Nintendo fan / harder gamer focused. A little tougher. The use of Yoshi makes it a little more challenging. We showed some of the snippets of some of the activities -- it's a bit more challenging. It's going to be, if you will, for more of that passionate Mario fan who grew up getting challenged with Super Mario World. It's going to be much more in that area."
A harder Mario Galaxy? Awesome!
I'm going to read that right now.
I said to a friend yesterday "don't give up hope on SMG2, SMB2, and Zelda."
Just replace Zelda with Metroid: M and yeah.