GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Rockstar announces the FABULOUS new GTA4 expansion...
New website teasing Kojima Pro's other game.
Code named "MASK", probably Lords of Shadow
Uncharted 2 Beta
IGN is getting ready to give away a fortune in Beta Keys.
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maybe save yourself for the disc edition which will be released at the same time as the new DLC including both episodes.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That sounds like the best bet.
Hey! Wow! I'm STILL not interested! Imagine that!
I come with Infamous impressions
Loving this game so far, played for about 3 hours. I didn't want to stop at all, never felt any fatigue from playing for so long. The comic book cutscenes sell the concept that this is a new superhero comic you never read before. The game starts off with one hell of a scripted sequence of the city falling apart and you learning that you have powers. It's like any origin story, Cole slowly learns that he has more and more powers, it's not as well done as say the Spider-Man movie or anything but it works.
The demo is a perfect indication of what the game is like, if you had fun playing that you will have fun playing the full game. I don't have as many moves as the demo yet but I enjoy unlocking them and building them up as I go. The biggest difference between the full game and the demo is that the city does feel alive in the game. People will react to you depending on whether you are good or bad. As you travel you will spot TV stations showing a message from some guy that hijacked the signal, he is telling everyone you are the terrorist. If you clear up an area of reapers the citizens will put up posters of you to show their appreciation. It's cool stuff.
The actual good and bad thing is VERY straight forward, you get a choice that specifically states do a good deed or a bad one, so there is no middle ground, no nuance, you are either good or bad. So far the main missions have been really well done, some even have some cool platforming segments. There are side missions all around, some are general, some are good/bad specific. I do see mission types repeating so it may be something like Assassin's Creed where certain side missions appear over and over, but so far they have been fun. The good/bad specific ones are original side missions. There is a ton of stuff to collect all over the game world so exploring is rewarded and you will want to do it cause its a blast to climb and jump around the city.
One of the most interesting situations I have encountered is when the Reapers take out the power in a particular sector, now the game becomes more like a strategic shooter. Electricty points are scarce, so you need to not get hit and be precise with your shots, use cover, all that good stuff. To turn the power on you need to go down into the sewers, I can see this becoming something that gets repeated too often. I have been in the sewers twice and it looked exactly the same both times, I think i read a review that says the sewers are very basic. Other than that the game world is very detailed, I am often impressed when I am climbing the side of a huge billboard that looks like its right out of times square.
Is Gay Tony Niko's old Serbian friend who meets up with towards the end of the game? Tony Prince isn't ringing any bells.
So Sega reveals their E3 lineup of a bunch of games they DONT MAKE.
The only actual Sega game is Mario and Sonic, meh.
They are a great publisher but I want to see the Sega I love.
That Gladiator game looks and sounds like shit. I pit fighting game, really? Who wants to play that.
Guys tonight Famitsu supposedly has the new Metal Gear game, get ready for megatons.
Any guesses as to what the Metal Gear announcement could be about?
I think that publisher is gone. Even Sonic doesn't seem to be much of a seller anymore and that was really the last of the old Sega franchises that they seemed to give a crap about. Real shame too. 6 months ago I was predicted a new Alex Kidd game since they brought him back in Sega Tennis, but since that tanked I guess they decided there wasn't much interest. Pity.
A clock.
It's about a hidden chapter of Snake's life where he cut off the mullet.
For another countdown? DAMMIT!
I find myself hunting the sphere shards more than playing the story missions! I think I have leveled up three times so far... and it's not "collect four shards" each time to do it! Each time you level up you need to collect more and more! I too love exploring the city!
I've also found maybe a dozen or more of those satellite signals too. I like uncovering the story that way, and again, love the exploration aspect of it all!
If it's an RPG in the vein of Custom Robo, it could be good. Not gonna happen, though.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBIG BOSS!!!!!! RAIDEN!!!!!
No info on what game it will be but they look awesome!
MORE Metal Gear Solid? Pleaes tell me Kojima is working on SOMETHING else.
One of the site's forefathers.