Eurogamer's Virtual Console Roundup
Majora's Mask Mutherfucking 10/10 and some other games
Ubisoft: Rabbids Go Home for the hardcore
Influenced by Mario Galaxy/kart
Marvel vs Capcom 2 XBLA Achievements Leaked
Finally confirmed. Time to go for a ride.
Gamers Should Be Blamed
For The Pathetic Sales Of 'Chinatown Wars' And 'MadWorld'
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See the GTA DS is a GoTY contender thread Vader made at Gamespot. The reason is that the so called hardcore gamers look down on the DS, and the 2D GTA never sold as much as the 3D ones.
Updates done
Tales of Graces
DS actually has older users than other platforms. But I guess they play Brain training more. Otherwise I think some gamers look down on portable games or haven't been tracking the games reviews or previews and saw it as a bad spin off game. Maybe they dont realise just how good it is?
In the UK it placed 6th on the all format charts. We are obviously better informed
i saw that thread, i made a post about it. not a single valid reason. i'm going to be forced to use GG's imortal phrase (from the time of deBlob) "Why, why were you born assholes?"
good to see that it may be doing a little bit better in the UK at least. hopefully it will sell by the bucketloads in japan too.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Marvel vs Capcom 2 for PSN/XBLA confirmed. Finally.
As well as that, I've heard that Star Ocean: The Last Hope is coming to PS3.
Megaton? I think I may have that on Dreamcast or something. Awesome stuff.
A glimmer of hope.
There are big fights and little fights, bosses and grunts, twists and transformations, gimmicks and gadgets. And dull moments? Not a chance.
Misfortune may be the one thing Riddick can’t escape, but he’d surely admit it’s the thing that keeps him alive. So it goes for this, a terrific package that salvages (with due thanks to Atari) and rejuvenates one of gaming’s great protagonists. As an exercise in technical renovation it does, admittedly, slide back and forth between this generation and the last, at times akin to a movie, at others betraying its roots. A proper, more focused Riddick sequel is waiting to be made; and this, surely, is proof that it should be. [8]
Format: Wii
Release: April 24
Publisher: Rising Star
Developer: Town Factory/Cing
There’s an ambiguous aspect to kings that makes them more fascinating than politicians or peasants: it’s the combination of responsibility next to the possibilities for indulgence. Little King’s Story’s diminutive aesthetic and title are misleading (this is a Huge King’s Story) but lead to an equally fascinating trade-off, a game that begins gently before revealing its expansive scope, trenches of dark humour, and an irresistible joie de vivre.
You control a boy who’s the new king of Alpolko, a minor region in the centre of the world, and has the ability to control his peasants. At first only two follow him, though this number will increase greatly, and your main interaction is throwing them at things. Throw a soldier at an enemy and he’ll attack; throw a farmer at a hole and he’ll dig; throw a miner at a rock and he’ll hack it to pieces. It’s not quite this simple, because every type of character will attempt to perform any task you throw them into (with varying degrees of success) – and changing your army around can only be performed in your kingdom, so it’s rare to reach obstacles with the perfect team balance.
So while you need to be a considerable armchair general, you’ll also need to roll up your sleeves and get on with the job in hand. After its initial challenges, Little King Story begins to twist the screws sharply, and only a canny and considered approach to its enemies and environments prevents your troops dropping like flies. Though there is levelling, and the (very) odd item to equip for a boost, the peasants are a delicate bunch and enemies are mostly brutes, so careful husbanding becomes the order of the day, especially against the superbly realised enemy kings and other bosses. And losing your followers never loses its sting.
The tone never losRes coherence despite its range of registers, the overarching themes those of fairytales and discovery. This is complemented by the childish lunacy of the other kings (one challenges you because you’re the king of the kingdom of ‘Al-jerk-o’, another is an alcoholic who just wants everyone to get drunk) and the general daftness of your villagers. More poignant is an undercurrent of responsibility, stupidity and tyranny, as you take charge of your citizens’ fears (often literally hunting them down), sigh at their silly demands and prejudices, plan the next section of your conquest and dance with them when it works or hide in your castle if it fails. You couldn’t call Little King Story deep, but its replacement of a linear narrative with a single objective that’s accompanied by many discrete narratives besides is an achievement many games would do well to learn from.
Perhaps the game’s greatest achievement, however, is a constant focus on you, the player, delicately changing the world as your kingdom expands. Every moment feels like it’s been lavished with attention; Little King’s Story is as rich as it is long, and it’s a very lengthy game indeed. Its central mechanic is unique, its world unlike any other, and its completion a Herculean task. It’s a game of rare quality, and exactly what the Wii deserves. It’s a true original. [9]
That something extra is there. It's hard to describe, but it is real. You know it's real, because it immediately demands that you start playing Virtua Tennis 2009 differently to any other Wii game.
Every round that begins with a ritual: you have to calibrate the controller by pointing it at your player on the screen. Persons, teams, and nations have their pre-game hakas and so forth, but the benefit here is not psychosomatic. The MotionPlus must know precisely where it is before it can work its magic.
The most immediate effect is that it makes for a more challenging game of tennis. Yes, you can now subtly twist your hand during a stroke to put spin on the ball, and make it drop down right after it crosses the net. But you must also know what you’re doing — MotionPlus makes for a steeper learning curve. You have to follow through flawlessly to get those slices and lobs just right. The payoff is a level of court dominance that just wasn’t possible when the Wii Remote could only broadly detect movement.
Some extra info from Neogaf
Madworld - less than 70k
Chinatown - 89k
GH: Metallica - Number 11, on 360
Resistance: Retribution - less than 55k
Oh man that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 achievement leak is fantastic news, finally confirmation for the game. I so can't wait for this to come out.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope is a great game so PS3 owners will be in for a real treat getting this solid JRPG.
Mario Kart code Hobo. Nao.
So Madworld sells as much as GTA? They should put out a press release
I just saw that GTA is No 1 in the DS chart over here, so it is selling. I think in Europe it must be doing better. But like Aspro said, it released on the 19th, so quite late in the month.
I'm not sure when I'll get around to playing Mario Kart, too many other games I'm into right now plus I'm generally a procrastinator so I'm not sure when I'll be putting out the code. You guys will have to carry on without me for now.
I didn't listen to you guys originally when you were first psyched for Little King's Story.
Now, playing some Marvelous Interactive games (Rune Factory and Avalon Code) and having read the hands-on, it has become one of my most anticipated games this year!
June can't come soon enough!
Not even for time trials? Have you used the Mario kart channel yet? Registered other people?
I haven't come across a single bug yet in Chinatown wars.
The 3 reviews I've seen so far are really positive. I'm not even really that interested in the next Pikmin, I would rather get this. It's out soon, but I have so many other games to finish first.
Now that they've fixed the SD card, you should shift it on there and keep it there to access. It's pretty cool once you've registered a few people. If you have the Wii system code of someone already registered you can click a note to send them an invite, on the other end they just click once to confirm it.
The channel allows you to download or send ghosts, play against the best racers in the world, their time trial ghosts that is. It can tell when your friends are online even when you don't have the disc in the machine. It's got this ranking system where it's like a visual representation of a race and you can see at a glance how you fare against your friends on times. You can send a challenge to them on a particular track.
And weekly Nintendo has a competition which it downloads to you to test yourself, there was even a mario galaxy track/challenge.
Oh and of course the racing you've already tried, continental and worldwide.
i came across a couple, i just had to switch off and back on the DS. it was no big deal, especially for a game i got so much enjoyment out of. certainly no deal breaker.
one was quite funny, i stole this van and it was as though i jusmped in the passenger seat with the driver still in as it seemed to have a mind all of its own and it wouldn't let me drive it. it also wouldn't let me jump out. at first i thought it was some weird mission but 5 minutes later when it was still driving around and around pointlessly i realised i had to stop and restart the DS.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu