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Cave Story WiiWare blog update
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LOL, I remember posting Forza 2 screens on gamespot and getting 2 replies or something way back when.
That is something I don't miss, last gen in particular, people picking up the most minor of reasons why the same game was better on one platform over the other. I wouldn't mind a tiny sidebar or box that pointed out the few differences though.
Boom Blox is crazy there are over 300 challenges, maybe closer to 400, once you complete the main mode, you have to get a certain amount of gold and silver medals and challenge missions pop up which are tough, so tough I couldn't complete it but that cheat I linked you will open up all the content. Seriously though in multiplayer it is the perfect game in that anyone can pick it up, Jenga for Christsakes and yet it stil has depth and strategy. Try it out with the family, throwing balls at blocks for points is addictive. And you can even share 1 controller among 4. Such a waste not having the created levels downloadable from a mass site.
Does NG DS get any tougher than the demo? Doesn't your hand get cramped from all the scratching?
No the demo is a great representation of the whole game. I played on normal mode, the difficulty was basically static the entire way, well maybe it stayed the same for me cause I got this magic that restores you to full health, that came in handy many times.
But I remember that in the demo it allows you to increase the difficulty and I couldnt finish the hardest mode, so i assume the game is the same. Difficulty modes drastically change the difficulty but the actual game kind of stays constant.
I never had any issue with my hands, I was surprised at how smooth and easy to play it was.
Anyhow I beat the first world in world of goo. Really liking it, for a WiiWare game its really good. Perhaps reviews have been over gushing. If it was a full price retail release, it just wouldn't be getting the praise it is. Because it's a cheap, easily accesible downloadble game you review it based on those terms. It's an excellent title. I feel that it sometimes relies too much on the physics aspects and neglects proper level design because of it. When there is a set level it's pretty obvious what it is you should be doing, but not neccessarily easy to do it.
Its fun balancing your structures. I love the music and soft animated visuals. This game stands up to Lost Winds as the best WiiWare title out there. I hear it has jump in co-op, that could be really fun, shame it doesn't have an online mode.
I love the ninpo move where you drag around the fireball.
Why are you laughing at these?
I think Team ICO's game will come out this year - didn't they operate on a four/five year cycle?
i loved NGDS so much i played it again on the harder difficulty. it was very enjoyable and not too hard. i felt the same way about it as dvader. great little title with joyous and intuitive touch-screen controls which succeeded in all the developers set out to do. just sad it failed miserably in terms of sales.
i have boom blox but i don't think i'll get around to playing it for a good while. shame the user created content is not shared in a nice easy way. so can you just send/receive levels to/from friends ala elebits?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Updates done, some awesome news!
Techu 4, Cap vs Tats and Let's Tap Reviews! Actually Japan had a pretty good 2008 with Captain Rainbow, Dizasthuuh, Fatal Frame 4 and Cap vs Tats!
Well personally, when you have every console its nice knowing which version is going to give you the best bang for your buck, you know? I don't like buying an inferior version if I don't have to. Sometimes yeah the difference is small. Sometimes not.
I just find it very shady how systems never get compared suddenly anymore. Its like did Sony and MS make some kind of deal with the gaming press to not make each other look bad? When its very easy to find comparisons for last-gen systems, yet impossible for current-gen systems----something is odd there.
^^^Just keep buying the 360 versions if you only own consoles, buy the PC version if you have a high end PC.
Also does anyone know how I can upload a video on a website to show others? I'd prefer it not be to something like Youtube, but then again that would do.
One of the site's forefathers.
Hey punk, is it easy to get used to playing games on a KB/Mouse? That's the only thing I'm worried about as far as getting a gaming PC goes. I'm so used to playing on a controller.
WOW the end of EGM, probably the end of 1up. End of an era, EGM was one of the pioneers in this business. I heard on gaf from Luke Smith that the crew at 1up/EGM found out the news online, they were not even told. Seems some will be fired. Yikes.
Holy crap just read this post from Luke:
"I wouldn't call canning 30 people minimal. I'm so sorry, my friends."
EDIT: OMG almost everyone is fired, 1up is dead, crazy. list of everyone that got told today they are out of a job.
Andrew "Skip" Pfister
Matt Chandronait
Ryan O'Donnell
Jay Fresh
Cesar Quintero
Philip Kollar
Nick Suttner
Anthony Gallegos
Shane Bettenhausen
James "Milkman" Mielke
Confirmed to be Staying
Garnett Lee
Tina Sanchez
David Ellis
Matt Leone
Jeremy Parish
Sam Kennedy
Yeah that EGM/1up canning is some crazy shit indeed. Pretty sad news. I haven't purchased any gaming mag for the longest time simply due to me being able to get more info quicker online but it's still sad to see EGM go. They were my second favourite gaming mag right behind Gamefan.
What the fuck kind of logic does that make? They get rid of some of the more awesome writers and podcasters of 1UP, YET THEY FUCKING KEEP DAVID ELLIS? That piece of shit has nothing to contribute.
With the way cra is going the next TeamIco game will probably be on 360. I will personally make sure Sony goes bankrupt.
Adrian Frieg
Amy Mishra
Amy Moran
Andrea Garcia
Andrew Fitch
Andrew "Skip" Pfister
Anthony Gallegos
Cesar Quintero
Christina Rosa
CoyLou Steel
Derek Chinn
Doug Parsons
Eric Ellis
Giancarlo Varanini
Greg Ford
James "Milkman" Mielke
Jason Bertrand
Jason Wilson
Jervilyn Jaramillo
Justin Frechette
Leslie Gelfand
Marci Yamaguchi
Matt Chandronait
May Tong
Meredith Stowe
Michael Donahoe
Monique Convertito
Ndubuisi Madu
Nick Suttner
Norris Boothe
Philip Kollar
Rey Serrano
Robert Bowen
Rosemary Pinkham
Ryan O'Donnell
Ryan Scott
Shane Bettenhausen
Simon Cox
Tammy Ross
Tipler Ubbelohde
It's very easy as similar to consoles games on the PC are designed with PC controls in mind. I can guarantee you after a week you'll neer want to aim a gun with an analog stick ever again. Saying this all multiplat games support the option of a third party controller mainy which are superior to the ones SONY and Microsoft dish out (even if you want their controls you can buy them). Devil May Cry 4 worked like a charm for me (except for the rumble incompatiblity which is due to Capcom supporting a next gen rumble that only like 2 controllers (literally) have.
Anyway here's my Metal Gear Solid 4 review (Ijust beat the game).
One of the site's forefathers.
Good to hear, thanks.
I was watching vids on youtube of people playing Mass Effect and Fallout 3 on the PC, and I was amazed how fast they were flying around, and pulling off attacks 2 or 3 at a time that would be impossible on the Xbox pad, since you have to use a sub-menu to switch speels or whatever.
They were also playing them on high-end PC's like the one I want to build, and everything looked so fluid. Not just because the graphics looked great, but somehow it all just seemed to flow better.
LOL, man I can't believe either how many Xbox/X360 games are also on PC....some I never even knew about. I could literally get rid of my entire Xbox collection except for 3 or 4 games and get them on PC.
I guess some games you'll want to use a regular pad for regardless, like you said DMC4. What's the best PC pads out there? I saw one at Circuit City that was basically an Xbox pad for the PC.
BTW, sad news about EGM/1up.
I haven't really liked EGM much for a number of years now, but they were the fucking KINGS in the 90's to around 2001. Back when they had guys like Shoe, Davison, Smith, Riccardi, Sushi-X, etc. And they had actual previews, great previews, and nice, to the point reviews.
So does this mean the 1up podcast is no more? I've been listening to that weekly for fucking ages now. That makes Edge and Edge's penis sad.