How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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travo (8m)
God forbid a hacker with Linux and extensive knowledge of cracking somehow gets within 10 feet of your walls. FYI, WPA is not 100% secure, no security measure is foolproof. If someone really wants to hack your system and has the time and resources, they'll do it.
Unless you're doing online banking or shopping, saying WEP isn't enough is overkill. Or unless you live in a 50-story apartment where the majority of occupants are computer experts, and for some odd reason there is no unsecured network available to readily use.
That being said, any secured network will deter 99.9999999% of people.
I would consider myself a relatively computer-wise and geeky person, and I can't even get my wireless card to work in Linux, let alone try and put it into monitor mode and crack into WEP-secured networks (I've read up on it and tried numerous programs, nothing works in Windows (or with my wireless card.)
People have this weird delusion that they are special enough for some reason that hackers would want to specifically seek them out and target them.
The VG Press is not the freaking Wii Vader, stop porting stuff over. We want exclusive Vader content. Let me rephrase we want exclusive AAA Vader content (so not the shovelware you call Sonic)!
P.S. no morph ball, no Metroid
Wait, Gamespot has reviewers ?!
Did you guys read the Overlord 2 hands-on by Eurogamer?
Check out this awesome writing
"One of the key changes to the strategy-adventure gameplay is that the choices aren't simply about good or evil. After all, you're a cackling Overlord with a giant sword, fearsome armour and a horned helmet; the concept of good doesn't enter the equation."
We need to write the following article
The VG Press: Why do IGN articles suck, and what can we do to fix them?
That shall be a topic on the forums.
100x100 times more awesome Christmas Song!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIt depends on what you mean when you say 100%. If it's encryption, naturally brute-force is theoretically possible, aside from encryption not protecting against physical tampering with your unit.
However, with WPA or WPA2 standards, IPSec and a re-keying period of 10 minutes, to my knowledge on a practical basis you're basically down to only zero-day vulnerabilities.
Though if your neighbour just wants to be a dick, he can DoS your Wi-Fi anytime he wants if you're running WPA.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYou may be right, but I'm still not going to make it any easier for someone to break onto my network just so that I can play a video game, even if the chances of it are extremely unlikely. It might be overkill, but my router allows for WPA2. And I'm going to use it.
Well he is sounding a little like a GS review. See above.
Hell yes! I really should pick up a copy of it. I was literally addicted to the demo, but for me I don't think any adventure game will be better than Zack and---Grim Fandango!
One of the site's forefathers.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWoot! Still alive and kicking, and better than ever!
Okay the Gamespot GoTY award are invalid. Brawl was not nominated for the "Best Original Music"
It just felt right. The feel of the weapons, the pacing of matches. It had some personality, a quirky atmosphere and some semblance of an identity - which most shooters struggle to even achieve nowadays.
As well as that, there was a metric fucktonne of stuff to do in place of the online stuff. I'll gladly admit that the single-player is a little disappointing, but the challenges and arcade modes make up for that. There's also loads of multiplayer modes that were all fun.
I guess it's also probably me being close minded. I haven't touched Halo MP in a while (something about that game just didn't work for me), and I haven't really touched CoD multiplayer since CoD2 (I've played a little of CoD4 MP).
Damn Snake should have done this years ago.
Such beauty, yet such destruction!
One of the site's forefathers.
Pac-Man Championship Edition remade for the NES (Homebrew)
This is pretty awesome! We need this on WiiWare/VC now!
Weirdness of the Day - We are the Champions: Legend of Zelda style