How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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SupremeAC (5m)
I pee and poop while I game. Its gross at first, but then leaves you with an oddly comforting feeling. Not unlike a baby bird cradled in its nest.
Keep in mind most of these things don't get played for ages. Dvader plays a hell of a lot more than me and I don't know how he does it.
Fragile does look great. I hope its a solid game.
What's your opinion on the Wiimakes coming next year? I was actually going to be grabbing a new copy of Pikmin 1 because I traded it in ages ago, so I guess this could be good for me if the controls are good, they add widescreen, and sell it at a cheap price.
We're getting 13 inches of snow here in New England today. No work for me. Only gaming and booze.
Damn straight. Whoa on the updates, huuuuge list. What's our total record? 5661? I think we should contact the Guiness Book of records. We could get publicity
Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 Review
You're on top of the world... when you're winning
by Aaron Thomas
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWell I'm not a fan of repackaging games. But in this case they are making it abundantly clear that it's an old game and packaging and hopefully pricing it appropiately i.e everything Capcom should be, yet aren't doing. I look forward to trying the games I missed as there were some big ones. Because Wii and Cube aren't miles apart graphically it wont even feel retro. I love Wii Tennis, but it needs more content. I never played Mario Tennis on GC so if its good, sure why should I object to it? I never got Pikmin 2 and it was starting to look like I never would, so again this is a handy incentive to get off my backside. Hopefully Baten Kaitos, Giftpia get released. I heard a bad rumour that Jungle beat is going to use shake controls, in place of drums instead of just going the traditional control route and giving me my 3-D DK Country game
MP1 and 2 are confirmed for the label. TBH I would only ever consider them IF they put in MP3 controls, because I find it hard going back to those two prequels with cube control. It feels so mechanical. I hope that some FPS get put on the label with Wii controls, MOH Frontline and XIII I love but the aiming suxxors.
Oh yeah this goes for everyone who has my system code registered. The Wii Speak channel allows you to send one message to 8 people at a time so you should check out the stuff I have sent you guys. You can only record 10 second message though so you inevitably speak really fast.
The same Thomas that was fired from Gamestop?
The exploration gameplay looks great, the combat looks weak! But the more screens I see, the more I worry the game will never be released in Europe (who cares about the US, they do not even have Disaster)!
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president David Reeves says releasing quality hardware is key to growing the games market.
"... Another thing we have committed to for supporting market growth is putting out quality hardware - you don't grow the market by putting out shoddy machines," he said.
Hahaha, dude, your company were the kings of crap hardware before the PS3.
They've learned their lessons. Hope that craptendo sort out the cracked hinges and red and green dots too.
Awesome Christmas Song!
Pffft, the 100 times more awesome Christmas Song!
One of the site's forefathers.
Why does nobody seem to like Aaron Thomas? He was the best reviewer Gamespot ever had.
Why did he get fired?
Hard to create the same ethusiasm in my post when I already went nuts on another thread about the LBP MGS pack. So instead I will just copy/paste what I wrote at GS:
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My littlebigbrain exploded!
Do you guys see this, it CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! We can make Mega Man levels, METROID LEVELS!! Any game with a gun, it no longer has to be a platformer!!
And its not just a pack but a whole new storyline with levels and bosses and freaking trophies. This is the most amazing thing ever, I never thought updates would be game changing. LBP is the game of forever.
So yeah I am excited, best of all it comes tuesday.
Oh, no you don't! Those are copyrighted franshises. I will tell Capcom and Nintendo if you do!
Hate to bust your bubble here Vader, but remember all the moderation woes?
Because he's a fucking twat.
...Or because of the whole global economic crisis...
So Lamespot fires their best reviewer (
) to save a few bucks? Wait . . . yeah, that sounds about right.
Why Nintendo DS Sucks Online
It sucks online because the damn thing only supports WEP which means it won't work with my home wifi network security settings. I simply refuse to reduce my security down to WEP everytime I want to play Mario Kart or Tetris DS online. Also, Nintendo wifi connector is a bitch to get working correctly.
Oh, and Friend Codes also make it suck.