How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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Hey everyone! I decided I would become a regular poster...
Huh? No one's here?, nevermind!
New week
What have you been playing can come later, Vader what up with Spike exclusive news?
Edit: the student has surpassed the master, I am so proud of you Leo
Edit 2: Might as well start now. What have you guys been playing?
Played a little bit of Prince of Persia, too, which is technically the 4th of the 3D Princes...
With all of these Fores, I shoulda been playing golf...
^^Dammit now I will have to change my post Leo!
I have been playing Brawl and Zack and Wiki. Zaku is awesome, their are some annoyig thing, but overall it rocks my socks. I actually let my sister play it, she quit gaming after the SNES. Well actually after Super Mario Kart, and she solved the Crystal key puzzle with a little help. Not surprisingly because the puzzles in Zack and Wiki are pretty cool. Everyone likes puzzles, see people playing Sudoku and stuff. This game might sold a lot better if it had proper advertising.
I finally have my Ridley trophy in Brawl. Took me quite a while, first time I made him a trophy and he fell down, the second time I was ready but he still fell down. Third time I planned until he did a certain attack, so he would not fall down. And it worked, but then I saw two stickers and tried to pick them up. But to my horror the screen turned black and the level was over, the trophy standing there mere inches away, not collected. The fourth time I collected it imediately, I would not take any chances.
Yeah, but now you will have to hear me babling about some Ridley trophy, no one cares about!
I've been playing The Orange Box, and that other game too. The Orange Box is really cool. I'm now in Ravenholm (love that name. I wish I named my AC town that), and it's a blast killing those head crab zombies with the gravity gun and sawblades.
So there's trophies in Brawl? A Ridley trophy sounds awesome.
There were trophies in Melee too! The Ridley trophy you have to make yourself, by attacking him until he has little health left. Then you will have to wait until a trophy stand lands, and then you throw it at him, transforming Ridley into a trophy.
I only played an hour or so of Melee with my sister, and didn't like it; too much of a button-masher. I only played a little bit of the single player mode too which was even worse with those weird sidescrolling levels. I never saw any trophies.
yes, same as i read all that goes on here. a lot of the time i mean to reply then do not get round to it etc. i agree with pretty much all you said in that post. in my training most people sparring use full power because they are so afraid they might be made to tap out. i now basically try to practice whatever techniques i know (not many yet) whilst sparring instead of just using strength. on the one hand i like how i have been made to spar full contact from the outset (oftentimes with guys bigger than me and always with guys who have been training longer) because cause as a result i'm not afraid of fighting. on the other hand sparring so much means that I pick up too many injuries (because a lot of the guys I spar with are idiots) all of which seem to linger for a good 2-3 weeks which means that i'm hardly ever fully fit to fight even if i keep going to training
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I've been playing Gears of War 2 online, lots and lots of it this weekend. Played alot of great matches. I so wish it had the saved film feature that Halo 3 had as it would have been really awesome for this game. Oh well hopefully they'll be able to put it in for Gears 3.
Also played some Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. I beat the game but still need to keep playing to 100% it. Building vehicles is alot of fun and you can pretty much build whatever you can think of which can lead to some freaky designs. Had some online matches which were fun.
Speaking of Zack & Wiki I really need to get back to playing it. I believe I'm pretty close to finishing it. It's a pretty enjoyable game with some interesting puzzles and I love the look of the game but oh how I really want to just move around freely at times as opposed to the point and click mechanism.
i so wanted to like smash bros i really did but i think i just didn't get it. still i bought brawl, hopefully i'll get to play with someone who can show me why it's fun.
though a guy i know told me that my wii may be unable to play brawl as there was some issue with launch wiis not bein able to play the game (something i never heard), and i got the wii on launch day
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
One of the site's forefathers.
I heard about that. I vaguely remember it having to do with Brawl being the first dual layered disk on Wii, and that you may to send your Wii back to Nintendo to be fixed if it didn't play.
Ugh, I see your problem, the worst kind of sparring is with idiots! Hmmm, my problem with sparring at my school is that we are all good friends, so you kinda pull your punches. I always start slow and slowly build up, because some people are different than other people. My motto is full speed, but not full power.
It is actually more difficult to capatize on kicks and punches when you do not fully commit. Of course after some time the plan is too spar harder and harder. But only if you guys are evenly matched, otherwise it results in a onesided beatdown.
After I graduate (university) I will start doing Jisenjutsu, this is the fighting part of Ninpo. You have Goshinjutsu, which is self defense. You know walking around minding my own business, then somebody punches me out of nowhere. Jisenjutsu is a full fight, so you attack him and he attacks you. Jisenjutsu we have a lot of sparring we start with a few techniques, spar until mastered and get new techniques and spar again. The point is that you have to spar with those techniques. Should be fun!
Ground fighting is easy as long as you tap on time and your sparring partner is not trying to break your bones.
Button-mashing will get you nowhere in Brawl.
Does not matter if you like it our not, the sound test is worth the price of admission alone
There are 300+ songs in the game!
Well, that's all I saw in Melee, a bunch of characters hopping around like idiots smacking me with random attacks until I fell off the screen. Yippie!
Punk, where the fuck were you yesterday? We wanted you on teh podcast!
Err, you'll have heard my whatcha been playing on the latest VG Press Podcast - WHICH IS OUT NOW!
At the moment, I'm waiting for the Spike VGA's to start so I can get some Uncharted 2, Mafia 2, God of War 3 and Brutal Legend footage.
Ghostbusters Wii Footage (link above)
The game looks very nice. The stylized graphics seem to work well for the game. It will also have co-op. It'll will be fun playing through it with my sister who is a big Ghostbusters fan. I can see myself renting or buying both the Wii and the 360 versions next year.