Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars interview
20-30 hours just to complete the main story, 70-80 total
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travo (7m)
You'd have to wait for Punk to get here. All I've heard is that it's meant to be really fucking good, and the developers behind it are AWESOME.
Yeah, the DLC might take a while, but I was really expecting some kind of "Thank You" letter from Nintendo. Damn their lazy asses!
If you finish Galaxy with 121 stars you will get a thank you letter from Nintendo. So get off your lazy arse and start collecting 120 stars with Luigi!
NO TEH Spoilerz!!!
Most cards don't have an issue number, mine don't. it still works fine. i think it's something you get if you've loast your card and had to have it re-issued or something. It must be something else. check the billing address and all other details. it'll be annoying if it doesn't work. Blah have always been great about taking my cards (unlike stupid and i only had trouble when i was offlimit ... so it's worth asking your sister about that
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Iga i have a question of grave importance. I heard today from my closest buddy that Fedor is rumoured to apparently be running/helping with/somehow involved in training camps for nazi/nationalist/hatemongering/white-supremacist scum in russia. i'm assuming this isn't true until i hear that it is but ... my faith is shaken.
please tell me this ain't so for it goes against everything i stand for.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah I figured that much. My sister will check tomorrow what the problem is with the creditcard. Zack and Wiki will be my Sinterklaas present!
First of all The Witcher and Oblivion are as far away from each other as possible. Basically I find "The Witcher" to do with WCRPG's as what "Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne" did with TJRPG's. Basically it throws all the problems the other games do out the window while retaining the genre and expanding it.
I mean really everything that usually shyed me away from this genre they took out.
Don't like mindlessly wandering where to go and what to do? No problem the game lists your quests as well as tells you what you are suppose to do and even allows you track them through a very well designed map. I know it seems like it's "cheating" but it works very well. Compare it to the Metroid Prime series, yes on paper this sounds easy and a letdown but in game it is very conveinent and intuitive.
Conversations are just that CONVERSATIONS. I don't have to go through parapgraphs through paragraphs of a dozen line of choices (literally for some games) just to make progress or to waste my time missing an important piece of information so you won't be able to progress. Conversation are simple, quick, straight to the point, and interesting.
The quests are just phenomenonal both in design, pacing, and well the way its done. On your lists you have primary quests (the ones you HAVE to do in order to progress) and secondary quests (the quests you CAN do). Unless you volenteer through the "Witchers Work Posting Board" at every inn you hardly ever do shit like "oh gather ten milk bottles" or "slay thirty wolves". It's usually shit like "your close friend has turned into a werewolf and you have to cure him" or "you must choose to either save the trapped citizens in the crypt before the ghouls eat them alive or you can kill the elves that put them there in the first place". All of them aren't that interesting there are a fair share of dull ones, but my point is that there is always something interesting to do and more at that nearly all of them are told narratively like a story especially the primary quests which are as good as your average JRPG in terms of narrative.
The combat isn't great but it is defately better then the usual slow clickfest. It is still a click fest but it is more intersting because it isn't snail paced.
The levels are designed phenomenally. Anyway were I can go I can find it on the map and go there. You just can't get lost in this game. And most of all the level design isn't boring as there are hills to go up and over, small ponds to walk through, crooks and crannys to navigate your way into. Far better then just an eternity of planes.
Overall the game is great. It definately isn't the "GREATEST GAME EVER!" but I'd consider it a very well done game and recomend anyone to try it.
EDIT - HOLY SHIT at Dark Void screens! It seems that Capcom, Epic, Kojima Productions, and Crytek are the only devs out there truly harnassing next gen technology for graphical power. This is how big I originally intended the graphical step of this generation to be.
One of the site's forefathers.
Scooped up Banjo & Kazooie on XBLA and they did a pretty good job polishing up the graphics a little bit. It's really bringing back those found memories I had when I first played it.
Starting to play a little bit of Nuts & Bolts and man this game looks gorgeous. Some really funny bits of humour in there and it looks like it'll be another great Banjo experience playing this game. The environments look to be very large and the vehicles are a great addition to help explore them effectively. Should be pretty found messing around and building different designs as well plus taking those vehicles online and challenging other player's designs should be fun too.
Hopefully an XBLA Killer Instinct is in the works or even better a brand new full-fledged retail KI game would really make me very happy.
Another one by Capcom? I must admit this title totally came out from left field to me. The detail and lighting on those screens is amazing. It'll remain in my radar from now on.
Dark Void fascinates me more and more.
For some strange reason, I've been getting back into Beyond Good & Evil. That game is still fucking phenominal.
This is why developers should go back to making 2D visuals on alot of games.
One of the site's forefathers.
WTH? Those pics look crazy awesome!

That Zelda one looks fucking phenominal.
I should go post that picture of Sonic 2 in HD. That looked AWESOME.
Fedor is part of the machine-supremacist group, actually he is their leader. Their goal is to exterminate human scum from the face of the earth.
On a more serious note. Fedor is friends with Kevin Randleman (black guy), trains under Ernesto Hoost (black Dutch guy), managed by Vadim Finklestein (Jewish guy), trains Musasi (Dutch Armenian guy).
Their was a acticle that his club "Red Devil Sport Club" had links with some Russian fascist Russian group, but their was zero proof and the Red Devil made a big statement saying the Russian journalist made the story up.
But Bugsy you are a bit sensitive about this, correct? It just rumours, do not take them that seriously! And tell your friend that Fedor is not amused, and he is watching him!
Tell him he should live every day as it was his last!
yeah i know it's rumours, that's why i asked you because you know your stuff. thanks for clarifying that for me. i'll let my buddy know
it's not so much that i'm touchy just that it's one of the issues on which i show zero tolerance
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Hope you like it. It's a good game, just nowhere near Zelda quality for me. I'm with you on open worlds etc. I still think that developers make things big for scale and because visually it looks good, but it waters down the design to make it too unfocused sometimes. Especially in games which aim to be sandbox.
Thanks for that Punk, it sounds great. Autumn 2009 is a long way away though. With Far Cry 2 out the picture I'm left with Fable 2 and Fallout 3. Do you really like the Dark Void screens? I think the Batman ones are better. This looks technically great but leaves me entirely cold artistically. It could be any number of other futuristic type games. I did like the Crimson Skies Xbox game though so I hope this is good.
Holy shit those 2-D pics you posted look amazing.
Holy crap, 6.6 review from CVG for Prince of Persia:
"Prince of Persia is its own worst enemy. On one hand the team at Ubisoft Montreal has created an absolutely stunning game world and possibly the most useful AI character in years. On the other, it's streamlined the series' trademark platforming so much it might as well be on rails, left combat mainly pointless and made it actually impossible for you to die. Plus we want to punch the new American Prince in the face."
"Platforming, the heart and sole of Prince of Persia, feels dumb-ed down. For the first few sections of the Prince's adventure you'll sprint up walls and swing from vines, and you'll enjoy it.
The acrobatic spectacle is fast, fluid brilliantly animated. Unfortunately, you'll quickly figure out that it's almost as on-rails as a Time Crisis gun fight.
You can't go anywhere the game doesn't want you to go; the entire world is basically designed like a Tony Hawk's skate route through the level, with (admittedly gorgeous) stretches of jumps, chasms, walls vines and wall hoops to swing from. Where platforming's concerned you can't go off route, at all.
Once you've initiated a string of platforming moves, it all feels like a big, disguised QTE sequence. A wall means pressing A/X, a hoop means pressing circle/B and magic double-jumps means pressing triangle/Y. It looks great, but feels totally safe and disconnected, which is a shame."
EDGE mag, the Conduit preview:
"There are several more open areas, including one on the steps of a porticoed building by the side of a river, so both engine and hardware can actually take it. In all, the level design feels distinctly last-generation, with much valve turning and switch pressing to be done. Enemy AI, meanwhile, will generally manage to find cover and retreat from heavy fire, but otherwise shows little intelligence – a point the game perhaps tries to explain by referring to them as puppets. "
"More important, of course, is the control scheme, which is similar to Metroid Prime 3’s. Aiming and looking are mapped to the Wii Remote in pointer mode, and the Nunchuk moves forward, backward and strafes, while a throwing motion tosses grenades. Motion feels weighty and firing is precise with the default set-up, though another trip into the menu reveals that a comprehensive series of tweaks are possible.
But as close as the scheme can feel to a mouse and keyboard at its best, at its worst it’s more awkward than it needs to be. The main problem is that accessing such controls as the minus button (reload) and D-pad (to switch weapons or zoom in) tends to throw out your aim. The issue is with the Remote’s less- than-ergonomic button layout for anything other than A and B, and it’s one that makes you question Wii’s fundamental appropriateness for games that require controls as complex as those needed for a modern FPS. The Conduit, nevertheless, could well prove Wii’s best example so far, even if that’s rather faint praise."
Have no idea where that last complaint came from. I use the minus button to reload in COD WOW all the time and it works great, so does switching weapons using a d-pad in every other Wii FPS. I think a good point is that you can literaly map every control in this game, so for instance in COD or MOHH2 you can have reload set to nunchuk or wiimote shaking. MOHH2 has you shaking the actual wii remote to reload and you don't lose your aim, it steadies the screen automatically and you have no need to aim whilst reloading because you can't shoot anything anyway. Same for weapon switching, you can't shoot whilst changing weapons on any game so you have no need to aim about. This guy isn't very good with the aiming me-thinks.
On the contrary, my friend. I believe that lower HDD cost and increase in broadband penetration could turn this gargantuan disc into a weird novelty. Some of the comments at this respect in Edge's page are quite interesting.