Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars interview
20-30 hours just to complete the main story, 70-80 total
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robio (8m)
New week.
So, what did you play this weekend?
I spent it playing Fable II and SSFIIHD. Nice matches online with Archangel. Online is mostly swift and painless, and getting this game brought out the SF love buried in me once again, which helped me decide to get SFIV. However, I'll have to order a Hori stick from Play Asia that it's gonna cost me a kidney and a testicle to get shipped down here. Shit. Fable II goes along nicely, I married again and have a son.
Bought this weekend Dead Space, Fallout 3 and FE:Radiant Dawn. I almost picked up Zack and Wiki, but it was sold out. Fuck. Even though my plan to get a PS3 failed, I can think of far worse games to buy, so all things considered, it was a productive weekend.
Spent an hour or so last night with Dead Space and I'm freaked out. Boo scares do nothing for me even though I'm a pussy, but the atmosphere in the Ishimura is dark, overwhelming, heavy. I hadn't feel like this since playing the first Silent Hill, and that's a good thing. Free camera is awesome, being a 3rd person game. Both Fallout and Fire Emblem are still shrinkwrapped. I finally ordered daughter's DS. Come december I'll go on a DS game buying rampage.
Been playing Galaxy and a little bit of Brawl. I am done with Galaxy for now, so I am going to focus on Brawl. I have enough money, so I am going to buy Zack and Wiki and maybe de Blob if I have enough money left! Should be fun!
Oh plus I am on the front page!
I played Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing, and some more Animal Crossing this weekend.
I also played some de Blob before I had to return it Saturday evening.
So this thursday the RE5 demo is out, I read somewhere that its now confirmed for PSN japan too, thank god. I will vanish from the internets that day, you will only find me online in RE5.
Is the RE5 demo coming out this week on 360 too?
Only in Japan, I believe.
Yeah, for the two or three guys over there with 360s.
read my blog damn you!
I also played a ton of Gears 2 online over the weekend also. Man do I ever love the game.
I didn't get around to playing Banjo Nuts & Bolts or The Orange Box yet but there'll be plenty of time for that. Perhaps I'll try some Banjo during the week.
I just finished Resistance 2's single player.
Took me 6hrs 49 minutes.
Garnett Lee is also a fucking moron for trying to think that this game's single player was like the second coming of jesus...
under 7 hours? Tell that was at least on the easiest difficulty?
It was.
I rented it, and I wanted to beat it.
I'm still playing Minnish Cap and Order of Ecclesia and loving both and taking my sweet time and being completist about them. i was also actually stuck in the 3rd zelda dungeon for the best part of a day before i discovered where the mole mitts were hidden. Looking at GG's soul bubbles thread and reading all those comments made me decide it will most probably be what i'll be playing next (after all i bought the thing months ago)
Paycheque came in and i ordered my last games for this year: Trauma Center - New Blood, Boom Blox and ... (get this) Little Big Planet and MGS4 (i'm making it one of my new year's resolutions to get a ps3).
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I played Brawl online with strangers today. I had little lag and was most of the time with 4 players and sometimes with 3 players. It was lots of fun, my favorite moment was when Samus grabbed the Smash ball, and before she could do the Final Smash I blasted her away with my charge beam, heheheh.
Check out the news people. GTA4 PC review, Miyamoto Edge interview, Kings Bounty and more!!!
DISASTER DAY OF CRISIS SCREENS from Tab on GAF. Doesn't look as sharp on my TV but on my TV it had much, much better colour. I was playing De Blob at the weekend, the final boss is rock. But you get on this spaceship and it takes off and the last section is like De Blob mario galaxy.
Crap, forgot I have to get Radiant Dawn.
Crap, forgot I have to play Brawl. I literally haven't played it at all.
You had Soul Bubbles all this time and haven't played it?! Damn. You could have told me about it earlier. Game is awesomesauce, everyone can get it for £12 or $20 these days.
So I just posted all the new Sonic black knight pics in the forum.
WTF Sega? This looks good.
WTF man?
that Legend of Sonic: Hedgehog Princess does look striking but once again i refuse to get my hopes up. secret rings was the last sonic mistake i made (hopefully)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Everyone says it's the last time, but the lure of naked hedgehog is too enticing to resist...