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VG Press Game of the Decade Tournament Sweet 16 and beyond.
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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 22:56:54
Ravenprose said:

^ No! We need to wait for more people to vote for Halo!

You are going to need to get people from the Planet Xbox forums to come back from that. Nyaa

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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 22:58:15
Dvader said:

You are going to need to get people from the Planet Xbox forums to come back from that. Nyaa

Wii do! Be back in a minute! Nyaa

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Wed, 20 Oct 2010 23:00:58
Ravenprose said:

Wii do! Be back in a minute! Nyaa

Nooooo! Nyaa

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 00:02:19
Phantom_Leo said:

Match 1: Halo Combat Evolved

Match 2: Metroid Prime

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 00:57:25
Dvader said:

There are still a few that need to vote but we have our two winners, the votes are so skewed that there is no changing it. So do you guys want to start the championship now?

I think we all know how it's going to go.  No way those other games are coming back -- it's SMG Vs RE4 -- two games I gave perfect 10's to.

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 01:35:06
phantom_leo said:

Two FPSs (ok  FPA for MP) Leo, who are you? Nyaa

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 01:59:31
Dvader said:

Two FPSs (ok  FPA for MP) Leo, who are you? Nyaa

Someone who's serious about being designated Hamster Jr.


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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:13:10

128 games were nominated, the very best games of the last decade. We matched them up, we voted and now we are down to the two best games of the decade. Only one will be named victorious!


Lets discuss the two finalists

Resident Evil 4 is one of the most beloved and respected action games to come out in recent years. A groundbreaking title that has changed the way 3rd person shooters are played. It is an action game that was perfectly made with about 15 hours of gameplay and never one moment repeating itself. It has set a standard that most action games are still measured by today. It received high review scores throughout and is near the top of every single greatest games of all times list.  The game is filled with so many memorable moments be it an intense set piece or one of the titles incredible boss fights which include some of the best this industry has ever seen. Resident Evil 4 is simply a masterpiece and definitely worthy of being the best game of the 2000s.


Super Mario Galaxy is one of the most universally loved games. Old, young, jaded, casual, hardcore, manly, girly, whoever you are if you played this game you probably loved it. The average review scores for Galaxy are second only to the legendary Zelda Ocarina of Time for the highest reviewed game EVER. It is a platformer with no limits, a game which oozed imagination and fun with every single level. Some say it's the greatest 3D platformer of all time, some will argue it is simply the greatest platformer of all time. Galaxy is a beautiful looking game with a soaring musical score that reminds all of us why we started gaming in the first place, to have fun.  Another excellent choice to be the best game of the 2000s.

May the best game win!

Edited: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:14:51
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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:15:49

I vote for Resident Evil 4. Its also my personal pick for best game of the decade.

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:20:32

Resident Evil 4 for me as well.  It re-purposed the third person shooter, inspired other games, notably Gears of War, revived a franchise that was in need of help without pissing off the fans, all while bringing in new followers.

It had perfect pitch and pace and suspense. Cameo characters that never wore out their welcome and fun boss battles.

It also did things on the Gamecube that all the haters thought were impossible.


If this was between SMG2 and RE4 it would be slightly closer, but I still have to go with RE4.

Edited: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 03:39:45

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:24:09

And my vote is:

Still one of the best games I've ever played. Definitely the most fun and exciting experiences I've ever had in all my years of gaming.

There was Gears of War, Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock, Fallout 3, Modern Warfare, Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime, Bayonetta, and I even played Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 for the PS3, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING blew me more away than Resident Evil 4, PERIOD!

Edited: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:25:15


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:37:21
Resident Evil 4 was an incredible achievement critically, commercially, and in influence.  It has affected the development of action games to date, and took a successful but hit-or-miss series from fading to industry-leading.  My first taste of the game was being surprisingly impressed.  Late-to-the-game in playing the game for an extended period, it stood on its own as an experience not comparable to anything else.

Super Mario Galaxy was the equivalent for the Mario series as I found Twilight Princess to be for Zelda, if not moreso -- the demonstrated justification of the value of the series in 3D.  Super Mario 64 was a leader in the industry technologically and in design, but I didn't agree that the actual gameplay was particularly outstanding.  Sunshine didn't push the concept.  Galaxy perfected it.  The soundtrack stands as one of the best ever seen.  Not loving this game means you're dead inside.

I played through Super Mario Galaxy and enjoyed it thoroughly.
I played through Resident Evil 4, then I went back to the menu and played through it again.  To date, it's the only game that I've done that.

My vote is for Resident Evil 4.


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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:47:40

Mario Galaxy

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 02:56:31
phantom_leo said:

Mario Galaxy

You are awfuly quiet, everyone else has written something about the games. You could even say which game would be your personal choice if you'd like.

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 03:41:37
phantom_leo said:

Mario Galaxy

Technically, there is no such game, and your vote is therefore INVALID.

comic store guy picture

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 04:14:55

Screw you guys! Sad


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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 05:11:13

Super Mario Galaxy. It's no easy feat to perfect an entire genre, to polish it to an impossible degree, and at the same time manage to blow away almost every preconceived notion about level design in platformers.

RE4 is a very competent game, well paced, still great looking, but it is also burdened by an archaic control scheme, a necessity when the series first made its appearance, due to hardware limitations, but that had long overstayed its welcome by the time RE4 came to be.

SMG has no such flaws. Even though I feel more comfortable with an action game with a heavy emphasis on shooting than with a 3D platformer, I can't help but concede that SMG, as far as its own genre goes, is very close to perfection in every possible way.

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 05:26:19

Super Mario Galaxy!

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 07:09:00
SteelAttack said:

Super Mario Galaxy. It's no easy feat to perfect an entire genre, to polish it to an impossible degree, and at the same time manage to blow away almost every preconceived notion about level design in platformers.

RE4 is a very competent game, well paced, still great looking, but it is also burdened by an archaic control scheme, a necessity when the series first made its appearance, due to hardware limitations, but that had long overstayed its welcome by the time RE4 came to be.

SMG has no such flaws. Even though I feel more comfortable with an action game with a heavy emphasis on shooting than with a 3D platformer, I can't help but concede that SMG, as far as its own genre goes, is very close to perfection in every possible way.

I don;t understand the "archaic" control scheme?  Do you mean how you can't run and shoot at the same time?

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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 08:39:17
aspro said:

I don;t understand the "archaic" control scheme?  Do you mean how you can't run and shoot at the same time?

Yes its that. The usual played out complaint about RE4. When you find me a game where you can run and shoot at the same time that is as good as RE4 let me know. It's not that the control scheme is better than others, its that RE4 was made specifically for that control scheme and it worked. Any tweaks and it would be a different game.

Edited: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 08:49:06
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