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VG Press Game of the Decade Tournament Sweet 16 and beyond.
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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 21:23:34

My personal choice would be SMG. I really wanted to stay out of the voting, but I was forced to break the tie. Guys I am disappoint.

Another favourites would be Zero Missions, screw you guys for not voting for it, Majora, the best NPC's and sidequests ever and Perfect Dark, all other FPS are lame by comparison.

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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 00:42:13
ASK_Story said:

DQ games have always been great. But the grinding does require a lot of patience.

It does wear down on you after the 50th hour. And I think more than half of that is dedicated to just grinding, which can get tiring. But it's still rewarding.

I love DQVIII, probably my favorite JRPG of the decade...but I couldn't choose it as my favorite because there were still some negative personal opinions I have for it, and the long drawn-out grinding is a big part of that.

You know I really didn't feel like there was a lot of grinding to be done in DQVIII. Much less in fact than previous games in the series. Sure there was some and it was noticeable at the start of the game, but by mid game there's so much else going on.  Between hunting monsters for your team, searching items and recipes for the alchemy pot, and just exploring all the space around you looking for hidden treasures there's a lot to do. If you're doing that while grinding, it really doesn't feel like grinding.

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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 10:31:07
gamingeek said:
bugsonglass said:

my personal choice is probably Twilight Princess.  Zelda is my favourite template for a game, and Twilight Princess does it to near perfection.

That came out of left field. I never knew you felt this strongly about that game.

Personal choice, not sure, I like Phoenix Wright a lot.

It would probably be Galaxy or Twilight Princes, maybe Majora.

I think it's because back when I was playing it, or soon after playing it we were all happily (or not so happily) back at gamespot so the posts of someone like me which weren't as prominent as yours or vader's were kind of lost amidst the general toss.  Even though I stayed well out of the whole Gertsmann 8.8 debacle (because I took my sweet time finishing the game and didn't want to speak before doing so) I remember getting into my fair share of arguments with idiots like carnageheart and grammaton cleric who were happy to diss and poke fun at the game without having played it.  That pissed me off more than anything (and still does), pretending to make serious arguments against or even for a game without personal experience (or without saying that what you say is not based on experience and even going as far as to lie about it).

About the game itself, it's just the epitome of everything I love about video games.  It really took me on an amazing journey.  I loved the world, the story, the dungeons, the puzzles, the bosses.  It had it all and it had lots of everything.  The criticisms like "it was all done before in Ocarina" doesn't make any sense to me.  You can't invent a new genre with every game for it to be amazing.  Also piss poor arguments like "it doesn't have an orchestral soundtrack or HD graphics"...  well it would be great if it did but midi and SD is fine for me and it's the game itself that counts.

It was the game I brought home with me on Wii launch day and for the month or six weeks I played it, I was just completely enthralled and absorbed by it.  While there have been other games I loved and was absorbed by almost as much, I think if I had to just choose one, this would be it


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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 10:34:53
Iga_Bobovic said:

My personal choice would be SMG. I really wanted to stay out of the voting, but I was forced to break the tie. Guys I am disappoint.

Another favourites would be Zero Missions, screw you guys for not voting for it, Majora, the best NPC's and sidequests ever and Perfect Dark, all other FPS are lame by comparison.

i didn't want to vote either.  especially when there were so many games i hadn't played.  i only voted in the last two rounds when I had played all four of those games


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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 20:49:00

Awesome, nice to read Bugs.

I feel that the game kicks into new stuff after the water temple and its got so much content, about 50 hrs if you do everything.

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Wed, 27 Oct 2010 04:16:56
bugsonglass said:

I think it's because back when I was playing it, or soon after playing it we were all happily (or not so happily) back at gamespot so the posts of someone like me which weren't as prominent as yours or vader's were kind of lost amidst the general toss.  Even though I stayed well out of the whole Gertsmann 8.8 debacle (because I took my sweet time finishing the game and didn't want to speak before doing so) I remember getting into my fair share of arguments with idiots like carnageheart and grammaton cleric who were happy to diss and poke fun at the game without having played it.  That pissed me off more than anything (and still does), pretending to make serious arguments against or even for a game without personal experience (or without saying that what you say is not based on experience and even going as far as to lie about it).

About the game itself, it's just the epitome of everything I love about video games.  It really took me on an amazing journey.  I loved the world, the story, the dungeons, the puzzles, the bosses.  It had it all and it had lots of everything.  The criticisms like "it was all done before in Ocarina" doesn't make any sense to me.  You can't invent a new genre with every game for it to be amazing.  Also piss poor arguments like "it doesn't have an orchestral soundtrack or HD graphics"...  well it would be great if it did but midi and SD is fine for me and it's the game itself that counts.

It was the game I brought home with me on Wii launch day and for the month or six weeks I played it, I was just completely enthralled and absorbed by it.  While there have been other games I loved and was absorbed by almost as much, I think if I had to just choose one, this would be it

Agreed about everything. Amazing game, one of the very best I have ever played. Top 5 game for me.

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Wed, 27 Oct 2010 20:00:54
ASK_Story said:

Does that include first person shooters?

Since the last 5 years, yeah, I've moved over to console.

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