Ravenprose said:Out of curiosity, why haven't you finished any 3D Zelda game, Leo?
I get tired of them very, very quickly. I just don't find them as much fun. I also used to prefer Sci-Fi games over fantasy, so I preferred Metroid over Zelda games. Something happens in the translation from 2D to 3D for me. It's hard to put into words but when you are dealing with two dimensions, there's just less space to fill and the game is almost a no-nonsense kind of experience; there's less to explore so there's more "game" to play. When you go to 3D, there's so much more world to "fill" there seems to me to be less to do, more travel, more barren expanse... dunno. Hard to describe.
I guess I feel the opposite. I love getting lost in the Zelda world, exploring every nook and cranny, finding those well hidden secrets.
I do like the idea of the new one, if it is indeed a throw-back to the original. I loved the sense of exploration and discovery of the first game, but the more and more story that was added, the more it felt like you were pushed along rather than being given the freedom to discover things. It feels more like a slog to me then. One game, I feel like I am in control, the others I feel like I am being sent on a predetermined path.
Twilight Princess certainly was more barren than it should have been. Same with Wind Waker. Large areas to explore, but little to do in them. Hopefully, the new Zelda will fix that issue.
Updated with Bioshock Burial At Sea.....what an expansion pak and a great way to cap off a great franchise. These two episodes could have been a standalone game really. I liked Burial At Sea more than Infinite itself.
I beat the campaign in Super Mario 3D World yesterday and the campaign in Game Dev Story today.
Finally got around to finishing the original Legend of Zelda this morning. That game is still really good. That also makes this the third Zelda game I've beaten this year. Next will either be a Link to the Past or Wind Waker HD.
I need to play that again soon. Remember when Nintendo gave you an awesome map with the game? Times sure have changed.
travo said:I need to play that again soon. Remember when Nintendo gave you an awesome map with the game? Times sure have changed.
I got a map for Link to the Past. I didn't have one for Zelda or Zelda II.
I purchased all three of them off of Ebay. When I was younger we used to always rent Zelda and Zelda II.
Updated my log. I beat a second game Here's my blurb
About time I update this for you guys. Enjoy fighting for second place.
Games Beaten:
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Papers, Please
- Castle of Illusion HD
- Brothers
- Marvel Puzzle Quest
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations
- Battlefield 4
- Resogun
- NES Remix
- Star Wars Force Unleashed 2
- Choplifter HD
- Payday
- Infamous Festival of Blood
- Guacamelee
- Castlevania: Mirror of Fate
- Puppeteer
- Outlast
- Resident Evil 2
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- The Plan
- Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
- Assassin’s Creed 3
- MGS Ground Zeroes
- Dark Souls 2
- Infamous Second Son
- Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 1
- Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2
- TLOU Left Behind ***
- Super Mario Bros.
- Zelda: ALBW
- MGS3
- Killzone Mercenary
- Serious Sam 3
- Gears of War 3
- Deadlight
- Deadly Premonition
- NES Remix 2
- Zelda 2
- Dead Nation
- Wolfenstein New World Order
- Watch Dogs
- Electronic Super Joy
- Trine
- Eets Munchies
- Devy Gravity
- Mario Kart 8
- Shovel Knight
Says last year's runner up.
I'm aiming for last place this year, though, so you have a chance of winning.
Foolz said:Says last year's runner up.
I'm aiming for last place this year, though, so you have a chance of winning.
I didnt know I was competing against you last year. I would have won easily.
Dvader said:Foolz said:Says last year's runner up.
I'm aiming for last place this year, though, so you have a chance of winning.
I didnt know I was competing against you last year. I would have won easily.
I wish Vader would get a girlfriend so we could all watch his game completion evaporate while he chows so much vagina.
Out of curiosity, why haven't you finished any 3D Zelda game, Leo?