Leo that thread is the greatest thread of all time. Every monday was like christmas waiting to see what incredible classics come out. The first two years of the wii was so AMAZING. Its been close to shit ever since. So of the best moments of last gen was waiting for those classics, playing games I missed, seeing announcements of gems coming out. I miss those days when we had hope that the wii would end up as a database of every old game we ever wanted... sigh.
They did a pretty good job for half the lifespan of the Wii then it kind of abruptly just fell off. Weird!
Yeah, I miss those days too. I got to play all the games I've mentioned, but the fun part was seeing the rest of the world discover 'em too!
Overall I would say the Wii is a below average system that did not come close to living up to its potential. That said it did have a bunch of masterpieces so here are my Wii top games:
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Kind of sucks that the best game of an entire system came out on day one. TP can easily be called the best Zelda game ever, it is the best designed. Its in my top 5 greatest games ever.
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Wii is definitely my favorite console this gen. PS3/360 are great consoles too, but I've had more fun playing Wii games. Now that it's dead, I'm looking at all of the gems I may have missed. I think I'll start picking those games up before they disappear from local stores.
Ravenprose said:Wii is definitely my favorite console this gen. PS3/360 are great consoles too, but I've had more fun playing Wii games. Now that it's dead, I'm looking at all of the gems I may have missed. I think I'll start picking those games up before they disappear from local stores.
I found punchout for $10 at a random walmart somewhere. Look around and you can find Sin and Punishment and others cheap.
Leo's best VC games reminded me that I still have yet to really play Ogre Battle 64. I bought it, and it's sitting on my Wii's SD card, but I could never figure out what the hell I was doing. I kept dying in what had to have been the first battle and eventually called it quits. Never had a game made me feel so stupid.
Not necessarily my favourite 3, or the best 3, but 3 worth mentioning:
Super Mario Galaxy:
(Almost) perfect in design. The Wii may have lacked blockbusters in terms off quantity, but this is significantly better than any game on the PS3 or 360 fullstop. It looks better; it plays better; the design is better; the controls are better. And they aren't even perfect. (Maybe SMG2's are...)
Little King's Story:
Perfectly eptiomises the strength of the Wii's library. Original gameplay that was completely misunderstood by most; beautiful graphics that were often dismissed; and a full-length experience. There might be games in a similar vein on 360/PS3, but they don't last 50 hours, nor have the same level of design polish.
Zack and Wiki:
Did any game use the Wii-remote better? Maybe Red Steel 2, but pre-motion plus this was the shit. It took the Wii's unique control method and ran wild with it, using it in the same way as pretty much every other game on the system, and doing it better than most too. The puzzles weren't bad either, and it was one of the best looking games of the generation.
phantom_leo said:Phantom_Leo's Top Ten Wii Disappointments
- Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
I still want to try that one.
Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors is so bad. I tried to get into it, and as hardcore of a DQ fan as I am I could not force myself to finish it. If you find it for $6 or less maybe give it a shot as the monsters in the game really do look good, but other than that there are no redeeming qualities to the game.
Great posts Edgecrusher and Robio.
I love this system, in terms of home console it's probably my favourite ever because of sheer variety. Because it couldn't handle these HD epic games it avoided much of the dude bro machismo games that either got boring or annoying.
In terms of Nintendo consoles, if you go back and actually compare it objectively like for like it's easily the best and Nintendo's output has been better than ever for the Wii generation. Wii Zelda is better than Wind Waker, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 outshines Sunshine and if you check gamerankings are in the top 3 games of all time. Then you had Metroid, DKC, Xenoblade, two Endless Ocean games, the hilariously entertaining Disaster Day of Crisis. I loved Zack and Wiki, the No More Heroes games, Little Kings Story, Elebits, Boom Blox, Goldeneye, Rhythm Heaven and more. I even enjoyed pap like Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, even though it wasn't a good game it just had lots of variety, one heck of a bonus and light, easy unexpected gameplay. Lots of other stuff too. I guess I should have picked up MH3 and Last Story, other stuff too.
I was never a big fan but the one thing I loved about the Wii was playing Metroid Prime and RE4 with the Wiimote. It was like the one thing that felt better than other consoles, expecially metroid. Really added to the immersion and felt pretty satisfying.
HOTD, SMG1&2, NMH 1&2 and RE4Wii.
I played a tonne more, but that is all I will remember of the Wii (beyond it's relative early retirement compared to PS3 and 360).
I just acquired a new Wii after selling my previous one about 3.5 years ago, so I'm definitely not putting it away! The only bad part about my new one is that it, naturally, lacks backwards compatibility with anything Gamecube. I'm really hoping that by the time I get around to the Wii U, it'll have all my favorite GC games downloadable: Melee, the first two Metroid Primes, Wind Waker, etc. I was wanting to spend big and get the MP Trilogy for Wii, but after reading how the games were altered in said collection (not talking about the pointer control, btw), there's no way I'm getting it; I'll just keep my GC Prime 1 and 2 discs around and maybe get a new GC controller one of these days.
So, I finally get to return to Brawl (when it arrives), but this time I'll be using the Classic Controller Pro. I really am not fond of the DualShock-style stick placement, though, but hopefully I can adapt ok. I'll be using Brawl+, Brawl-, and/or Project M to modify the game to be more like Melee, as I have always disliked Brawl's changes. I'll finally be able to make Ganondorf a great character again!
I have Kirby's Epic Yarn coming, too. And I'm thinking of getting Metroid: Other M on Amazon, just because I like Metroid and it's under $10 (now, anyway). Am hoping to get Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and Prime 3 back from my friend whom I sold my previous Wii to. Already have RE4, Zack & Wiki (ok), and Metal Slug Anthology (meh), since I kept them when I sold off the system. And then there's Skyward Sword, which I made sure to get the best version of (golden Wii Remote Plus and the music CD).
And then comes the real problem: there are several more boxed games I want, but I'm not sure I should spend money on them all now, at their current prices; however, I'm worried that they'll leave store shelves before dropping in price, especially with the Wii U out now. DKC Returns, Kirby's Dream Collection, and Kirby's Return to Dreamland. I'm thinking that KDC should be the first buy, since it's special. DKCR might not even drop in price even more ($30 at Walmart). I also want Mario Kart Wii and Super Mario Galaxy 2, but they should stay on the shelves for a long time, so I'm not worried about being unable to obtain them any time soon.
Most of the third party stuff I can't really be bothered with at this point in time. They don't look that interesting, and since I primarily game on the PC, I'm really only interested in the Wii for Nintendo's own exclusives and the Virtual Console (which I'm sure I'll be tempted to splurge with). Speaking of Nintendo's own stuff, there is one thing I probably won't get: New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I really didn't enjoy the first game, on DS, much, as it was too easy, too small, and too annoying with its stupid and repetitious music. NSMB U is the only one of the four NSMB games that interests me in the slightest. What I want is something like Super Mario World, damn it!
I'm not putting my Wii away. Even though I've neglected it in recent months I still have a ton of games to play on the system. And I'm also not getting a U anytime soon, so Wii stays where it is
Angry_Beaver said:Most of the third party stuff I can't really be bothered with at this point in time. They don't look that interesting, and since I primarily game on the PC, I'm really only interested in the Wii for Nintendo's own exclusives and the Virtual Console (which I'm sure I'll be tempted to splurge with). Speaking of Nintendo's own stuff, there is one thing I probably won't get: New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I really didn't enjoy the first game, on DS, much, as it was too easy, too small, and too annoying with its stupid and repetitious music. NSMB U is the only one of the four NSMB games that interests me in the slightest. What I want is something like Super Mario World, damn it!
NSMB Wii is night and day better than the DS version so don't let that version cloud your expectations of the console version. If you can find it cheap you may want to consider picking it up. It's certainly not the best of the series, but it's not a bad Mario game. . . just get yourself some headphones and listen to something else. However if you really want another Super Mario World, NSMB Wii U is the answer to what you've been looking for. While it's not as good as World, it's very much modeled after it and overall Nintendo did an excellent job with it. From the lay out of the world, to the secret exits, to the level design this game was very clearly created by fans of SMBW and they did a good job of paying tribute to it.
Oh and for everyone who said "I'm not putting my Wii away" please try to remember that it was just the title of the thread and not meant to be taken literally. HOwever if you're in that mood, please go fuck your face.
robio said:Oh and for everyone who said "I'm not putting my Wii away" please try to remember that it was just the title of the thread and not meant to be taken literally. HOwever if you're in that mood, please go fuck your face.
Take it easy on the skittles
Phantom Leo's Top Ten Virtual Console Games
Phantom Leo's Top THIRTY Virtual Console Missed Opportunitites